Warrier's Collage on Thursday September 28, 2023
Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Thursday, September 28, 2023 Sanatan Dharma : Basics https://drive.google.com/file/d/1anmlUMd5Vwv1Mn47UUUrMunP1nSllmSr/view?usp=drivesdk Friends Last issue of Collage contained some link/s which was unacceptable @Face Book and therefore they didn't publish the post. As they didn't specify, I couldn't correct/edit. Mentioning for information. M G Warrier A Responses/Messages 1 C V Subbaraman I do not know about other languages. But I know that the oldest Tamizh language is far different from what Tamizh we speak or follow today. There is no comparison. Will any of us understand now if spoken or written in Sangam Tamizh or Valluvar Tamizh or Kambar Tamizh? Subbaraman 2 P V Mohanakrishnan Thiruvananthapuram Is reading "Completing Vyasa's Mahabharata (67 Upakathas for the Modern Reader)" https://amzn.eu/d/gjv7DFq Embedded within the primary narrative of the Mahabharata lie numerous sub-tales known as upakhyaana