Warrier's COLLAGE July 1, 2021
Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE ON Thursday July 1, 2021 Old English/Anglo Saxon Period : A brief presentation https://youtu.be/VD8hr2SVmWI A competition entry : https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=4243492755707954&id=100001418158751&sfnsn=wiwspmo (Poem By Ramesh Warrier Thiruvananthapuram) Good Morning Collage in Classroom July 2, 2021 : Human Body IV Nice Day M G Warrier Bhagavad-Gita Dhyana Shlokas https://youtu.be/1JAUNvB-__E A Responses 1) K N Ganapathy I heard discourse of Sri Namboodiripad (only half - rest I will hear later). It is excellent. I know the meaning of Gita, all the chapters. But the beauty of Gita is that you find something new everytime you hear some discosurse. For instance, for the word "Samskaram" I got a better explanation from this discourse. Though your face looks familiar I could not have seen you in Central Office building as I got transfer back to Madras sometime in 1986. Anyway hope I can meet you somet...