
Showing posts from June, 2021

Warrier's COLLAGE July 1, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE ON Thursday July 1, 2021 Old English/Anglo Saxon Period : A brief presentation A competition entry : (Poem By Ramesh Warrier Thiruvananthapuram) Good Morning Collage in Classroom July 2, 2021 : Human Body IV Nice Day M G Warrier Bhagavad-Gita Dhyana Shlokas A Responses 1) K N Ganapathy I heard discourse of Sri Namboodiripad (only half - rest I will hear later). It is excellent. I know the meaning of Gita, all the chapters. But the beauty of Gita is that you find something new everytime you hear some discosurse. For instance, for the word "Samskaram" I got a better explanation from this discourse. Though your face looks familiar I could not have seen you in Central Office building as I got transfer back to Madras sometime in 1986. Anyway hope I can meet you somet...

Warrier's COLLAGE June 30, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE ON Wednesday June 30, 2021 Satsangam : A talk on Bhagavad-Gita Ch 2* in Malayalam (By P V Viswanathan Nambuthiri) (*Brief narration in English) Good Morning Collage in Classroom July 1, 2021 : English Language Nice Day M G Warrier A The Other Side of Life* : Anie Siva Kerala Cop's Inspiring Journey From Lemonade Cart to SI of Varkala (*Forward received from P R R Nayar Thiruvanantapuram) "I had zero knowledge on most of the jobs I had taken up in my life. I was clueless of drinking a lemonade, let alone preparing one on my own. My lack of expertise earned me the wrath of a customer. So I made it a point to tell all my struggles to this society. Never expecting that to get projected in this proportion," Anie says. Quoting her broken marriage at 18 years of age, Anie would ...

Warrier's COLLAGE June 29, 2021 : Collage in Classroom

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE ON Tuesday June 29, 2021 Dhyana Shloka : Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier Satsangam Direct Knowledge : Sarvapriyananda A Select Response "Collage in Classroom" : R Jayakumar Mumbai The children are the most affected by the long stay of the Corona Virus with us. Most of them are beginning to forget the concept of classrooms and teachers. I have a first hand experience of how the On-line Classes is damaging the children. Recently I was with my three granddaughters for ten days at Pune. The youngest is in fourth standard and her class begins at 8.30 am. Uniform means only wearing the school's red colour coat and the rest any clothe even without shoes or socks. Each one take their own laptops and sit in one corner of the room where WiFi works. The teacher's voice says pick up this book, open this page, read this line and so on and if confused no face of the teacher in...

Warrier's COLLAGE June 28, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE ON Monday June 28, 2021 1) Monday Music : Bhim Sen Joshi* 2) *PanditJi : Profile Good Morning "Collage in Classroom" started few days ago, will continue through July 2021, maybe with occasional breaks. If comfortable, do share with students of all ages among your contacts. Nice Day M G Warrier Thought of the Day : "The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking." Albert Einstein A 1) K Ramasubramanian Mumbai "Today's (June 27) Collage is interesting. The piece on NRI returned is revealing to bring about social inequities besides economic elevation. This may be a small one, but Ganges starts only in trickles. Thank you Collage (As regards new beginning : "Collage in Classroom" started few days ago, will continue through Ju...

Warrier's COLLAGE June 27, 2021 : Sunday Special

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE Sunday LIGHT June 27, 2021 Sunday Music : Sankara...Nadasareerapara... (Movie : Sankarabharanam, Telugu) Good Morning Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday July 3, 2021. Best Wishes for their continued health and happiness during the years ahead. Prayers 🙏-Warrier Nice Day M G Warrier A Select Response Vathsala Jayaraman My experience with a neuropatient for 33 years also supports what Smt Prabha has written. More than the doctor's advice our past experience and commonsense matter a lot. Adhering to instructions is good. But being too much obsessive about restrictions can render the treatment useless. B Story with a Lesson : V T Panchapagesan Chennai THIS TOUCHED MY HEART...... There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, 'If I co...

Warrier's COLLAGE June 26, 2021 : Medical Science

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE Saturday June 26, 2021 1) Science of Balance (Ayurveda and the Science of Balance) 2) Ayurveda : Basics "He whose doshas are in balance, appetite is good, all tissues of the body and all natural urges are functioning properly, and whose mind, body and spirit are cheerful or full of bliss, he is a healthy person." Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier Satsangam with Panchapagesan I came across this article and thought I will share with you all... MA N T R A S One of the forms of prayers is Mantra. It is defined as–"Mananen trayte iti" that which protects us by constant pondering. Mantras need not necessarily have a meaning. Mantras are so designed that they create certain vibrations in our body whether we are listening to them or whether we are reciting them ourselves. Since they are effective with the vibrations, they canno...