
Showing posts from June, 2022

Warrier's Collage on Friday July 1, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Friday July 1, 2022 🙏 1) Music before sleeping 2) Know More : 3) Gopinath Muthukad : Magician from God's Own Country Know More : (Links Selection : M G Warrier) Collage Editorial Good Morning Frankly, I was not aware that readers are this much supportive of Collage. Collage closes* the discussion on doubts about its own DNA for the time being. Thanks to readers who expressed their views without reserve on the subject. Hope you will enjoy today's content. *Suggested reading : Knowing when to stop By M G Warrier : During my trade union days, circa the 1960s, I had a friend, philosopher and guide V who was my senior colleague and President of the only Trade Un...

Warrier's Collage on Thursday June 30, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Thursday June 30, 2022 🙏 Chandrasekhara Ashtakam 1) Rare Animals (Link Selection : M G Warrier) 2) Nizam's Jewellery Museum (Government purchased for Rs 200 plus crore in 1995) Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier M 134 Today in Collage A Messages B Profile: Christian Marclay C Collage Books D Faith E Gods' Vehicles F Leisure : Jokes about editors* G Quotes on editing H Residuals *Take it easy A Messages /Responses 1) T N C Rangarajan I Fireworks My childhood memory of fireworks is the sparklers made by my grandfather. It was just a handful of rocksalt and charcoal packed in a cloth and tied to a string. The pack was lit and I held the string and swung it in circles as it sparkled. It was great fun. I wonder if anyone does it now. (For us in Malabar Vishu (Malayalam New Year-Middle of April) was the occasion for buying cracke...

Warrier's Collage on Wednesday June 29, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Wednesday June 29, 2022 🙏 1) Hong Kong Fireworks 2022 (Link Selection : M G Warrier) 2) Emirates Library of the future (Link Courtesy : T J Kurup ) Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier Oruneramenkilum... (Lyrics By Chovallur Krishnankutty : Friends wanted this link. Know More* : *Link Courtesy : P R R Nayar Thiruvananthapuram A Messages/Responses 1) V R Chittanandam Collage, Duryodhana and Arjun Madam, The story narrated by you makes interesting reading. But while accepting honour of Commander in Chief of Kaurava Army, Bheeshma makes it very clear that he would kill millions in the Pandava Army but he will not harm any of the Pandava brothers. When Drona succeeds Bheeshma, Duryodhan is relieved that Drona does not suffer any such partial treatment. Regards, Chittanandam (Thanks 🙏 Hope, the word Collage prece...

Warrier's Collage on Tuesday June 28, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Tuesday June 28, 2022 🙏 1) Jaishankar speaking : (About people's role in politics) 2) House for Birds in Kannur (Link Courtesy : M Vasudevan Pallikkunnu) Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier Sant Kabir Das Jayanti on June 27, 2022 The Life of Sant Kabir Das (Link Courtesy : S W Fadnawis) A Messages/Responses 1) S W Fadnawis I am deeply disturbed to know about the sad demise of Shri Batki. A very soft spoken gentleman who was an authority on legal matters and ever ready to guide. I had lot of interaction with him when I was working in Central Debt Division. I met him a few years back in one of the monthly meetings at CAB, Pune. May his soul rest in peace. 🙏🙏 2) Sitendra Kumar Collage contains loads and loads of information which not only can make a person an encyclopedia but a better human being as well. Just...

Warrier's Collage on Monday June 27, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Monday June 27, 2022 🙏 Parrots Sanctuary in Chennai (Link Courtesy : S Nallasivan) Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses 1) C A Jacob Bangalore One of the suggestions of collage readers was whether collage can be reduced in length. Editor promptly answered YES.Today's (June 26) collage is unusually long. A fitting response. No one will now dare to make suggestions. (Last week Collage had some holidays. So, Weekend edition became unmanageably bulky. Actually cutting Collage to size was one of the two suggestions Collage received recently. Second suggestion was that Collage should reconsider coming out in colours. Both will be kept in view for future compliance. Collage has no preferences of its own :-) Waiting for views of more readers (At least four). Thanks 🙏-Warrier) 2) S Nallasivan In the midst of a thoroughfare with heavy traffic the arrival of parrots* twice a day was ama...

Warrier's Collage on Sunday June 26, 2022 : Kiran Warrier's Sports Blog

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday June 26, 2022 🙏 Good Morning Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday, July 2, 2022. Best Wishes and Ayurarogyasaukhyam to all readers. Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/ Responses 1) Vishnu Kelkar Today's Guest of Honour : Parrot 🦜 Parrots are considered a symbol of love, longevity and good luck. Even in Chinese culture, parrots are considered a symbol of auspiciousness and divinity. The parrot is vahana of Kama, God of love. The following is a story of the Brave Parrot (Buddhist). The story begins with a little Parrot in the middle of a terrible storm. The little Parrot immediately alerted other animals yelling 'Fire, Fire' as loudly as possible, pointing them towards the river, while doing so, Parrot rose high in to the sky so it could reach the water. As Parrot looked down he saw that many animals couldn't escape the flames. Parrot went into the river, desperate to ...

Kiran's Blog : A fantastic World Cup is loading

Warrier's Collage on Saturday June 25, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Saturday June 25, 2022 🦜 🐦 🙏 World Parrot Day : May 31 Prayer 🙏 Know More : Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses 1) C V Subbaraman According to Skanda Purana, Vyasa had a son from Pinjala, daughter of Jabali Rishi; the child repeated everything he heard and so was named Suka. Another version is that an Apsara named Ghritachi flew in front of Vyasa in the form of a parrot and this parrot produced a son from Vyasa and hence the child was called Suka. Whatever be the reality, the fact remains that Suka grew into a great Rishi and was destined to narrate Bhagavatha to Parikshit. Vyasa is considered none other than Vishnu (Vyaasaaya Vishnu roopaaya....) and hence Suka having such an illustrious father is not a small fortune. Suka as such has a special position in Hindu Pantheon. Besides, Kili paa...