Crime and punishment
Crime and punishment : Overhaul the system M G Warrier The recent media debates about delayed delivery of justice made me sit back and think about various aspects of crime and punishment. My childhood experiences of getting punished for no fault from my side, only because I was shy in opening my mouth and arguing my case, and, being witness to others escaping punishment either because they could lie convincingly or run faster or in worse cases, had better addresses remain fresh in my memories. Once, when I was in Class VII, in a term examination, I received the highest marks in Mathematics. The question paper was tough and several students didn't get pass marks and second highest marks happened to be far below my 77 per cent. After distribution of answer papers, an unexpected drama unfolded. The teacher took back my answer paper and wondered how I alone got high marks. He wrote one tough problem from the question paper on the black board and asked me to solve it on the board. St...