
Showing posts from May, 2022

Crime and punishment

Crime and punishment : Overhaul the system M G Warrier The recent media debates about delayed delivery of justice made me sit back and think about various aspects of crime and punishment. My childhood experiences of getting punished for no fault from my side, only because I was shy in opening my mouth and arguing my case, and, being witness to others escaping punishment either because they could lie convincingly or run faster or in worse cases, had better addresses remain fresh in my memories. Once, when I was in Class VII, in a term examination, I received the highest marks in Mathematics. The question paper was tough and several students didn't get pass marks and second highest marks happened to be far below my 77 per cent. After distribution of answer papers, an unexpected drama unfolded. The teacher took back my answer paper and wondered how I alone got high marks. He wrote one tough problem from the question paper on the black board and asked me to solve it on the board. St...

Warrier's Collage May 29, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday May 29, 2022 (Description of THE UNIVERSAL FORM OF THE LORD OF LORDS SHANKARA. ) Good Morning Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday June 4, 2022. Thankamani & Dr T V Surendran (Mananthavady) and Sudha & M G Warrier who married at Lokanarkavu Temple, Vatakara on May 27, 1973 had their 49th Wedding Anniversary on May 27, 2022. Best Wishes and Ayurarogyasaukhyam to all 🙏 Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses 1) Jyothilakshmi Anil Kumar Mr V Babusenan's story about the Lizard was so moving!! Very touching element. 2) AAP : M G Warrier This is what we said about AAP a decade ago. Please see my online comments, copied below : M G WARRIER 9 years ago AAP, or for that matter, any political...

AAP : What we said a decade ago

AAP : M G Warrier This is what we said about AAP a decade ago. Please see my online comments, copied below : M G WARRIER 9 years ago AAP, or for that matter, any political party or social organisation in India, in the present situation, may not be in a position to insulate against the kind of infiltration or misuse of platform of the kind mentioned here. What could be tried is, transparent functioning, vigilant approach to feedbacks like this and online corrective measures. It may not be teething trouble and may last longer. But let us hope, as competition from new generation banks compelled old banks to provide better services, the vision and mission being announced by AAP will give opportunity for introspection and reform for major political parties which are trying ‘coalition’ tactics on a day-to-day basis.

Zero loss theory

In a Media Response S K Gupta says : "Congress must introspect* It was quite interesting to learn that Kapil Sibal, one of the key members of the ‘G-23’, thought it wise to resign from the Congress party. While such a worrisome development does not augur well for the already sagging image of the grand old party, there could be many more similarly placed highly aggrieved senior Congressmen who may be waiting for some worthy opportunities before jumping ship. The sudden migration of Sibal to the SP’s fold must ring some alarm bells for Sonia & Co. But will she carry out some honest introspection or forget Sibal as some bad dream, remains the moot question? SK Gupta New Delhi" Public memory may be short. But the grand old party lives on memories mostly these days. So, there's a "Zero Loss Theory" KS invented during 2G days. One man's loss is another woman's gain. Net loss is always zero. One party's loss is another party's gain. So for...

Warrier's Collage May 24, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Tuesday May 24, 2022 Career Opportunities in Law Biggest flowers in the world Good Morning 🙏 Next regular issue of Collage will be on June 1, 2022. Responses and Sunday Collage will be shared during May 25-31 by email. Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses V Babusenan I am happy to find that some of our esteemed readers have liked my millipede story. The responses from a couple of them are more interesting than my story. One reads like an Agatha Christie thriller wherein the villain is a lizard. Here is another small story where the lizard is a saviour (It is a story already known to many) Near a small river lived a small family comprising father, mother, a son and a daughter. There was a non-paying guest too who was a lizard. She was a close friend of the boy and the girl. She used to cheer them up, whenever the mother scolded them, with her 'glecko' and 'to...

Warrier's Collage May 23, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Monday May 23, 2022 1) Vishnu Sahasranamam (M S Subbulakshmi) 2) Music from Nature 3) Bird Song Opera* *Shared by K Balasubramanian, Coimbatore with this note : "The participation of 60 species of birds in this digital performance is impressive! At the end, at the height of the melody (Papageno-Papagena / the Magic Flute) the noise of the birds synchronized with Mozart's opera is spectacular! And to think that a job of this magnitude, published on YouTube in September 2020, which took months of an entire team and edited by the composer, producer and writer Volker Pannes ended in just 03 wonderful minutes. It is worth." Good Morning 🙏 Nice Day M G Warrier A V Babusenan's Column : About bad food Legend says that Vararuchi, the famous astronomer-cum-grammarian, who was one of the nine gems in Vikramaditya's court, visited Kera...

Warrier's Collage May 22, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday May 22, 2022 Maya : Sarvapriyananda (What's Maya? Good Morning 🙏 Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday May 28, 2022. Best Wishes and Ayurarogyasaukhyam to all. Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses 1) Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai The biographical notes of Shri Babusenan are quite interesting. He should receive Life time achievement Award for having written around a dozen books while many others would not have even read a few books. He has inter alia dealt with problems of perception in pension related issues. An open minded article of great value! 2) Jyothilakshmi Anil Your suggestion on expanding the Rubber meet to a more wider and crucial participation, is of great value. (Business Line didn't publish my response. Shared my views with Dhanam Magazine Kochi-M G Warr...

Warrier's Collage May 21, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Saturday May 21, 2022 Entertainment Good Morning 🙏 Nice Day M G Warrier A Kaliyamardhanam : Malayalam Poem by Sugathakumari (Sugathakumari : 1934-2020 : The ingenious acquaintances she forged amid her richly diverse poetry, commitment to nature and culture and the profound determination in her fight for gender justice, ecological sustainability, the rights of children and the destitute lot were all amazing. Her devotion to poems was as important as her resolution to stay firm on myriad issues of environment, justice and rights.) B V Babusenan's Column Post-Retirement Life Again the itch for being auto biographical has caught hold of me. I now feel convinced that this tendency to bore obliging readers increases with advancing age. I...

Warrier's Collage May 20, 2022 : Relax

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Friday May 20, 2022 1) Relax (Music...) 2) Bougainvillas 3) Papanashini, Thirunelli Waynad ( Prize-winning Painting by Paediatrician Dr Kishore. Shared by T V Surendran Mananthavady. See E1) Good Morning 🙏 Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses 1) T N C Rangarajan Employee mistake reminded me of a story. A worker at a site digging an oil well dropped his spanner into the narrow well and blocked further operations. So the company spent a million retrieving the spanner and the boss handed it over to him and said: Here is your spanner. You're fired! The worker said In that case I don't need it and threw it into the well!! 2) S W Fadnawis Pune All the writings on the subjects of retirement and death make an interesting reading. Coming from eminent personalities, it gives deep insight into the subject. While on the subject ...

Warrier's Collage May 19, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Thursday May 19, 2022 Underwater plants (Know more : Good Morning 🙏 Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses 1) Dr D Subbarao Former Governor RBI Thank you for directing me to your reflections on old age, retirement living and preparing for departure. I can associate with much of what you say because these thoughts come to my mind too, indeed more frequently than I ever thought possible. As you say, it's practical and pragmatic to think about these issues and indeed plan for them without being unduly sentimental. We owe it to our children to make the adjustment to our going away easy for them. You mentioned several options for coping with single living in old age. One option you missed out is reverse mortgage**. Late Dr KCC who was DG when I was in the RBI was the moving force in instituting this scheme in Indian banks. It's somehow not ca...