It’s a different innings for Sachin | Business Line
It’s a different innings for Sachin | Business Line My VIEW: ‘Sachin’ Model This refers to Raghuvir Srinivasan’s piece “It’s a different innings for Sachin”(April 1) and BL interview with Sachin Tendulkar with focus on development of Puttamraju Kandrika in Andhra Pradesh as a model village under Sansad Gram Yojana. Let us congratulate Sachin and Joint Collector Rekha Rani whose leadership qualities and the urge to do something for India changed the lives of 400 people in the adopted village. Projects like community development project under which development of blocks of manageable size were under Block development Officers(BDOs) responsible for planning and ensuring linkages, Lead bank Scheme under which flow of credit to villages under the purview of each bank branch(under service area approach) were to be provided backward and forward linkages necessary to ‘absorb’ credit for productive purposes and Integrated Rural Development Programme have all contribut...