
Showing posts from May, 2019

Age of the Universe

Subject: Age of Universe according to Vedas age_of_universe.php This doesn't solve the mystery about the age of the universe. But give some figures which can help further research M G Warrier

Play of expressions: Kathakali

Play of expressions - Kathakali: A short episode from "Kirmeeravadham" entertainment/dance/ kalamandalam-shanmukhan-and- kalamandalam-radhakrishnan- did-a-fine-job-in-visualising- the-scenes-in-kirmeeravadham- kathakali/article27288294.ece Kerala preserves heritage art forms by creating occasions to present them before art-lovers. M G Warrier

First incarnation: Much beyond Darwin's Theory!

Subject: The first incarnation - Story of King Satyavrata society/faith/the-first- incarnation/article27356316. ece The essence of the assertion "Sambhavaami Yuge Yuge" explained. How the first incarnation restored "Dharma" during and after the deluge narrated briefly. Worth pondering over. M G Warrier

The new Modi Cabinet

Complete list of Narendra Modi cabinet india/story/full-list- narendra-modi-cabinet-with- names-detailed-portfolios- 1538512-2019-05-30 For information M G Warrier

Ten proverbs with elucidations

# 10 Foreign Proverbs with meanings! # Received from my friend Dr T V Gopalakrishnan who received this forward from K Govindan. Some of you have seen this already. There's no contra indications against multiple doses! M G Warrier # 10 Foreign Proverbs with meanings! # 1.Swedish proverb: "The pillow is the best adviser." Meaning: Sleep over a problem and see how you feel in the morning. 2. Kenyan proverb: "When elephants fight, it is the grass that gets hurt." Meaning: Fights of the powerful hurt only the little guys. 3. Ancient Roman proverb: "Hunger is the best sauce." Meaning: Everything tastes better when you are hungry. 4. Japanese proverb: "A frog in a well does not know the great sea." Meaning: There is more going on than you know, try and see the big picture. 5. Turkish proverb: "If the world flooded, it would not matter to the duck."  Meaning: Things...

Fake handles in Social Media misusing names/emblems

Do you follow Raghuram Rajan on Twitter? Beware, it is a fake account - Shared in public interest magazines/panache/do-you- follow-raghuram-rajan-on- twitter-beware-it-is-a-fake- account/articleshow/69577308. cms I had pointed out this when I received a forward carrying the link to RRR (Fan)'s social media comments (not leading to LinkedIn) Social media service providers had expressed helplessness when RBI had formally taken up misuse of the institution's name and emblem in such fake accounts when Dr Rajan was Governor M G Warrier

Contentment is the key: Remembering Rairu Nambiar

Contentment is the key - Understanding Mahabali and Vaamana society/faith/contentment-is- the-key/article27295520.ece Reading this piece Rairu Nambiar comes to mind. I met Nambiar when I was a school-going child and he was of my present age (75). I knew nothing about his "early life" or any of his relatives, if one existed. I used to meet him in the temple premises where he lived. For me, he was an affectionate, smiling, elderly person who showed respect to my father and talked lovingly to me. For many, he was an eccentric fellow who abused passers by. For the à´¶ാà´¨്à´¤ിà´•്à´•ാരൻ (temple pujari), "Rairu" was a faithful assistant who helped him in odd jobs like maintaining a vegetables garden in the temple premises, rearing milch cows, doing all sorts of errants, all under the "food for work" arrangement. Nambiar slept in the open building at the entrance of the temple which had roof, but had minimum walls and pillars just to s...

Reshmy Warrier @ Zee5 Global : ET Report

Congrats Reshmy M G Warrier https://brandequity. news/the-people-report/zee5- global-picks-star-tv-s-reshmy- warrier-to-head-content/ 69553339

I write because I can't kill: Manoranjan Byapari

‘I write because I can’t kill’: an interview with Manoranjan Byapari - Two accidental encounters change a man's life society/i-write-because-i- cant-kill-an-interview-with- manoranjan-byapari/ article23926466.ece I stumbled upon this writer's name when I was reading Mathrubhumi Weekly (May 26, 2019). Located this link by Google search to share the extraordinary life of this ordinary human being. He started learning alphabet while in jail in his 20's. Winner of several awards for his books.  M G Warrier

Disneyland News : Galaxy's edge international/disneylands- galaxys-edge-set-to-open/ article27266444.ece

Smartphones and social behaviour

Subject: Not so smart in the age of smartphones- Two incidents from real life... http://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ may/28/not-so-smart-in-the- age-of-smartphones-1982689. html Age-related issues aggravate as smartphones intercept normal social behavior M G Warrier

Mint Street shopping: Budget ₹100 !

Subject: Mint street shopping in Chennai for under ₹100 - Here's something interesting, beyond politics and pulling each other! society/mint-street-shopping- in-chennai-for-under-100/ article27264053.ece M G Warrier

17th C D Deshmukh Memorial Lecture: April 25, 2019

Reserve Bank of India - Publications 17th C D Deshmukh Memorial Lecture, April 25, 2019 PublicationsView.aspx?id=18949 Posted for information Source: RBI M G Warrier

Post-Election Musings

Subject: What we the people want - Post-election musings opinion/open-page/what-we-the- people-want/article27248026. ece Certified healthy* *Contra indications: May contain uncomfortable observations. M G Warrier

Gold management in India getting a makeover

Gold management needs a makeover - No, " getting a makeover in 2019-20!" https://www. opinion/gold-management-needs- a-makeover/article20449587. ece1 This is old story. I've shared this link to my article published in April 2012 many times earlier. Still, for some of you, who may open the link for the first time today, the contents or at least the shining gold bars will be of interest. But, I'm sharing this link today in the context of the report I read in Business Standard today. The report spoke about: Gold Regulator, Revamped Gold Monetization Scheme, making gold refined in India acceptable globally, about 30,000 tonnes of domestic surface gold stock, setting up of domestic gold council and so on. By coincidence, in my contribution for June 2019 issue of The Global ANALYST, which will carry a cover story on the agenda for Modi 2.0, I have prioritized gold management. M G Warrier

A different view on Modi 2.0 : Columnist's dilemmas

As one who had to do it for The Global Analyst (June 2019 issue), I know the problems columnists face while putting together an article on Modi 2.0. Editorial policy, one's own views, public acceptability, the risk of repetition and so on. Still, the level of pessimism and venemous criticism break tolerance limits when the writer is politically motivated. Slowly, reality will be accepted by all.  M G Warrier https://www.deccanchronicle. com/opinion/columnists/240519/ modis-triumph-comes-with- plenty-of-caveats.html

Mangos: Size, shape or taste of the fruit gave each tree a name!

The many shades and many names of mangoes -  https://www. blink/explore/the-many-shades- and-many-names-of-mangoes/ article27233367.ece Brings back nostalgic memories of several large mango trees which decorated the vast compound around my ancestral house. Each tree had a distinct name which identified the taste or shape of mangos it gave. M G Warrier

Remembering sweet blunders: Share your memories

Subject: Sweet blunders of my youthful days- Share your blunders, unburden those... http://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ may/25/sweet-blunders-of-my- youthful-days-1981444.html You have shared your adventures, your boss's idiosyncrasies, Do's and Don'ts for Modi and Rahul et al Now, tell us about your blunders... M G Warrier

Getting the right teacher

Subject: Selfless acharyas - Guruvandanam society/faith/selfless- acharyas/article27240155.ece To find an Acharya today is the toughest task. Students in Mumbai run North, South and East (on the West is Sea, u c!) to learn different subjects  M G Warrier

Managing Emotional Democracy: How votes are banked?

If the links open, please read a book review published in the Hindu Frontline (Print edition, November 25, 2016) and if curious, the book also. I found some thoughts relevant or at least demystifying the behavior of the Indian electorate. M G Warrier Link to Frontline book review of the book "Against Democracy" : https://frontline.thehindu. com/books/demystifying- democracy/article9319387.ece Link to the book "Against Democracy": books/about/Against_Democracy. html?id=ND_BDgAAQBAJ&printsec= frontcover&source=kp_read_ button&redir_esc=y

Modi's victory: The Guardian story Fairly detailed analysis M G Warrier

The Diamond Sutra, 868 A D: World's oldest known printed book

Subject: The world’s oldest-known printed book - The Diamond Sutra, 868 A D children/the-worlds-oldest- known-printed-book/ article27089571.ece The book is preseved in British Library. M G Warrier

Saint Ambarish: Speaking Tree

Date: Thu, May 23, 2019, 10:00 AM Subject: Saint Ambrish blog/saint-ambrish This story is very relevant even today. M G Warrier

Visit to a waterfall CV Sukumaran's interesting article in Mindspace (The New Indian Express) M G Warrier

Bhakthi Yoga: Who's The Lord?

Subject: Process of bhakti yoga - Understanding the real Lord society/faith/process-of- bhakti-yoga/article27199397. ece The problem arises when "Bhakthi" gets misdirected towards "Dummies" who pose to be "Lord" whereas the real Lord is within you. Just as power of "We The People" gets hijacked in elections! M G Warrier

Regulatory Cadre in Reserve Bank of India

Date: Wed, May 22, 2019, 7:15 PM Subject: Your comment on RBI to create regulatory cadre to monitor banks      Good news! Your comment has been approved on  in  RBI to create regulatory cadre to monitor banks     These are all  " First-Aid "  type  " cut and paste "  solutions. I have all along been suggesting an  " Indian Financial Sector Service "  comparable to civil services (IAS, IPS and IFS) with inter-mobility across banks, financial ins tit utions and statutory  bod ies like RBI and NABARD. M G Warrier, Mumbai     Go to comment                 M Govinda's Profile  |  Unsubscribe  |  About   You received this email because you signed up for  Vuukle . World's fastest growing Enterprise-grade User Engagement and Commenting Platform! ...

Ephemeral Joy : Secret of happiness

---------- Forwarded message -- Subject: Ephemeral joy - Ownership makes one unhappy society/faith/ephemeral-joy/ article27182396.ece I agree with the beggar in this piece. He, being a beggar, might not have explained the point he was making with clarity. Take my case: I never owned a house till 1977, when I was 33. 1977 to 1986 I stayed in my own house. 1944 to 1977 and 1986 to 2019, I would have stayed in about 200 places. I couldn't assess the difference in level of satisfaction between my stay in my own house and other places. M G Warrier

Kudumbasree: Yet another success story from God's Own Country!

Subject: Kudumbashree: How a Kerala government initiative to empower women and eradicate poverty, attained success - india/kudumbashree-how-a- kerala-government-initiative- to-empower-women-and- eradicate-poverty-attained- success-6667961.html Another success story from God's Own Country: A 43 lakh strong Women's Force! M G Warrier

Markets between Exit Poll Outcome and Election Results

Subject: Fwd: Modi and Mr Market: My Verdict on Where the Markets Are Headed Now Some of you may find something interesting in the excerpts copied below from a forward received today M G Warrier Not able to view this mailer properly? See here:  Desktop  |  iOS  |  Android     Modi and Mr Market: My Verdict on Where the Markets Are Headed Now Mon, 20 May 2019 On Saturday, a day before the last phase of polling in the  2019 Lok Sabha elections , something very bizarre happened in my family. One of our relatives suffered a minor hairline fracture after tripping over a raised platform in the entrance of their own apartment. My family was quick to call and enquire about the severity of the injury. Fortunately, it was not too bad. Nevertheless, my mom insisted we visit them. Recommended Link   The 7 Most Promising Stocks to Buy as Modi Rises to Power Again       The exit polls are out. And it ...