Four-day bank strike from February 25 - The Hindu My VIEW: My response to the report on the subject in The Hindu Business Line, February 4, 2015 February 4, 2015 Bank wage talks This refers to the report “Crucial bank wage talks fail; all-India strike from Feb 25”. Ok, let us read the further threat that ‘the 4-day shutdown will be followed by indefinite strike from March 16’ also together. This means, if the bank unions implement the first part of the threat, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley will be presenting Budget 2015-16 on the 4 th day of the bank strike. Common sense view is that this is sufficient reason to assume that the bank strike scheduled from February 25 is quite unlikely to materialise. Then, why IBA did not take the ‘final’ round of negotiations seriously and the unions’ stand toughened, suddenly? The answer is, this is the game political leadership, bureaucracy(represented here by IBA) and trade unions are playing successfully to fool the public. The...