Warrier's Collage on Wednesday September 20, 2023
Welcome To
September 20, 2023
Good Morning
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi
You may find the settings and content of this monologue losing consistency. I'm aware.
M G Warrier
TNC Rangarajan
a) Shared a video link
b) Dattatreya's 24 Gurus
His teachers were: the Earth, wind, sky, water, fire, the Moon, the Sun, some pigeons, a python, the ocean, a honeybee, a beekeeper, an elephant, a deer, a fish, a reformed prostitute, a small squirrel, a child, a hawk, a young housewife, an archer, a snake, a spider, and a wasp.
2 S Nallasivan
Welcome back to you after successful cataract surgery and dental implants.
The return of Warrier's Collage on Friday is very timely as PPR Sir who is the main source of our major daily mails has taken two days off to attend an auspicious occasion* in the family.
Saturday morning group mails looked dry until responces to the Collage started pouring in.
Recently we have not been receiving intersting interactive mails in the group as big contributors like Sitendra Kumar Sir, V N Kelkar ji , S C Gupta ji are gone conspicuously absent.
I am not much interested in reading mails on DA calculation and IT Slabs as they only add weights on my head like heaps of bricks.
There are good many responses on cataract surgery and dental implants and so I don't want to add anymore about my personal experiences except the fact that most of the people who go for cataract correction do it between 60 and 70 years and you have prolonged it near to eighty.
When you said that you will be eighty next year it brought to the heart a mild feeling of fear that how fast we are aging.
Sure the lockdown era has taken away almost our precious four years without making any notable achievements. Now we are suddenly feeling aged and weak in health.
Ofcourse there are a few who always feel agelessly young and energetic and blow their trumpet loud and clear all the way from.....
R Jayakumar
*The occasion is :
Congratulations and Best Wishes to PPR's granddaughter on the auspicious occasion 🙏-Warrier
S Nallasivan continues...
Dear Shri Warrier,
Dental treatment, these days are very expensive.
There is a reason to justify their demand.
Besides the undergraduate course BDS when they specialise, at least, half a dozen branches, to be more accurate 8 branches are offered to choose for
M D S.
I am told they take an additional Specialisation, believe me in Civil Engineering too.
Their job is not that simple as they have to do drilling, filling with Cement,
Root Canal job and Bridging too. An expensive vocation of decorating your 80 year old teeth with, Ivory, why even Gold Cap.
When I was in charge of Establishment Section, I envied the ingenuity, original brain work of friends, to cut the leg to fit their expensive Shoes.
They prepared their bills with such expertise that they always adhered to the C O rules and ran their Medical Claim account like a Current Account with no restrictions on the drwal.
One Officer submitted a Dental treatment Bill, yes, both for self and spouse that cost the Bank Rs. 1.75 lakhs two decades back, in 2003.
The Bank became smarter and issued a new instructions, that all those dental Bills claimant should open their mouth for scrutiny, confirmation of the Civil work undertaken before physically exhibiting before the BMO.
Even now I suspect some of the Officers Medical claim far exceed their Pension irrespective of Pension revised or not.
As far your Cataract Surgery, I am surprised you delayed it this long.
You do it for both the eyes with a gap of a month.
Certainly you will not be a loser monetarily.
A very patient friendly Surgery last less than an hour.
At eighty you will be blessed to see a clear colourful new world.
As for Post cataract surgery, I am rather surprised Shri Sitendrakumar has done the vanishing act post surgery.
With better and improved vision he possibly must take it with a sort of vengeance to see yet again immortal classic films and in a buying spree all "Best Seller" books.
As far my eyes are concerned I under went Cataract Surgeries in both more than a decade back and had no complaints until recently.
Here is a good news for the friend who used to always mock at and made fun of my reporting of vital physiological reading , text book standard
Now I have vision related issues, possibly involving prolonged Care and this I am sure make him a little more comfortable.
S Nallasivan
3 A Prasad
Blogs & Links
1 Rangarajan T.N.C.
Is there something like this for indian languages?
Language Curry: The platform specialises in teaching regional Indian languages. It offers Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Kannada, Sanskrit, Tamil, Marathi, Telugu, Malayalam, and Bengali courses. With its cultural recommendations and transliteration, it i...
Read more at: https://www.deccanherald.com/india/karnataka/bengaluru/5-apps-to-learn-new-languages-at-home-1104845.html
Bhasha Sangam App has been designed to facilitate online language learning. This app allows a user to learn as many languages as he or she wishes to, simultaneously. Under #EkBharatShreshthaBharat, Ministry of Education and MyGov India powered by Multibhashi brings out Indian Language Learning App that would enable the people of India to not only learn basic sentences of everyday conversation in various languages via an app, but also opendoors for them to explore the vast and rich culture of their own country, uninhibited by any language barriers.
Warrier's Blog
Crossed all time page views count of 6 lakhs in September 2023, since inception more than a decade ago. During the month the blog imroved its average daily views to cross one thousand also.
Current Affairs
Cover Story : Vathsala Jayaraman
Fate and Destiny
Fate is an outcome that results from unseen and uncontrollable forces that determine the events.
While destiny involves a willful participation of one through Free Will in achieving an outcome directly related to oneself.
Although one may not be able to fully be in control of the event in one's life, destiny can still imply how one can take part in the events, even if it is to only to start to get the ball rolling inexorably forward on the predetermined course of one's life.
I am reminded of a quote
“The law of harvest is to reap more than you sow. Sow an act, and you reap a habit. Sow a habit and you reap a character. Sow a character and you reap a destiny”
But somehow the two terms are used interchangeably.
There comes another word 'fortune' which relates to specific events.
Not only in India, throughout the world there is talk about the force of destiny,
"Que Sera, Sera"( 'What will happen ,will happen') is a Spanish oft quoted saying.
Modern culture is set up to reinforce a kind of restless existence. It glorifies action for its own sake, so that resting feels like giving up. One hears of people who claim to thrive on stress, who exist on thrills and need barely four hours of sleep.
Watch a busy person.
He works until he is fully exhausted.Then he seeks distraction with TV or computer surfing.
Once he starts working, his focus in intense, rarely goes around. Takes life seriously without any humour. He overschedules, gets addicted to being busy., constantly texting, mailing and multitasking. Does he achieve anything noteworthy?
All these behaviours push the brain to the breaking point.They mistake stress for stimulation.Que sera sera is a wonder drug that keeps one in balance.
This trains you to deal with your anger and anxiety before they erupt.
Reaching the breaking point means you are entering a danger red zone.
Some so called workaholics and those branded 'responsible ambassadors' may phoo phoo the idea of 'que sera sera ' is a 'fit for nothing' quote.
But it is like a speed breaker warning you of the impediments ahead. creating an awareness of realities and impossibilities and above all keeps your balance always.
Perhaps it is the mantra of 'sthitha pragna'( equi poise) conveyed in Gita.
Vathsala Jayaraman
Book on my table
"Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman"* By Haruki Murakami
But one has to be lucky to get initiated to get started with certain areas. My initiation to Mathematics was by chance : Choice was between Maths and History.
Started reading philosophy by accident.
Tasting law and trying psychology were by necessity. In between lost a lot of literature (Drama, novels, poetry, stories etc) Felt sad skipping through the pages of a book by a famous Japanese author from Reshmy's collection. The book "Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman" By Haruki Murakami attracted my attention by the heavy Japanese name MURAKAMI in bold capitals on its cover.
Haruki Murakami was born in Kyoto in 1949. Started writing in 1973 and accepted fiction writing as a career from 1979. Since then alternated between short stories and novels. He has an unbelievable heap of literature published as books and many of them have been translated into as many as 50 world languages. The details of people and situations he gives in his stories and the style of presentation adopted will amaze you. Squeezing in short stories written earlier in later novels is an art unfamiliar to us. If you come across the author in a bookstore or library, try to know more.
*Know more :
Collage Sports
From the gallery : V Sundaresan
I join my good friend Venu* in congratulating Team India for lifting the Asia Cup 2023. It was one sided affair as Sri Lanka meekly surrendered which was something least expected. None of their batsmen could withstand the fiery spells of Bumrah and Mohammed Siraj initially and Hardik Pandya at the end. The one over of Siraj in which he took four wickets sealed the fate of the opposition.
I also appreciate the immense faith and confidence Guptaji had in the Indian team, which in turn repaid him in no small measure by annexing this cup.
Having won this cup for the eighth time, India will have to think of the ICC 50 over World Cup starting on October 5th in India, between ten nations. Before that they will be playing three ODIs against Australia from 22 to 27th September in India
Sundaresan V
* S Venugopal
Rohit Team India won the Asia Cup in a BIG way by crushing present Champion Sri Lanka. What started as ODI format of 50overs had ended in just over 20 overs! Batting first Sri Lanka was never comfortable and our Siraj rattled them by some dreamy spell and took 6 Wickets followed by Hardik 3wicket spell, Sri Lanka total was just 50 runs and India won by 10 Wickets in just 6 overs, to win the Cup! Kudos to Rohits Team and Wish them luck in the ODI World Cup at India soon!!