
Showing posts from March, 2022

Warrier's Collage April 1, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Friday, April 1, 2022 A book Is A Place... ( English Poem) V Rangarajan shared a thought : "The Art of Life is a constant readjustment to our surroundings." Good Morning Today's April 1 Enjoy some intoxicating magic * : "Link Courtesy : Shivram Shetty Mumbai Nice Day M G Warrier Sree Poornathrayeesa Temple (Link Selection : Inspired by P P Ramachandran Mumbai) A Select Responses 1) Saravana Varma Mumbai Congratulations on the occasion of your book release on 2nd April 2022. 2) Vivek Amin Nagpur Gudi Padva is mostly celebrated in Maharashtra and Maharashtrians settled elsewhere. The mango leaves, a orange colour flag, a copper pot (लोटा) kept upside down on a ling stick decorated with flowers at preferably top place of the house. One person sarcastically asked, "why you keep copper pot upside down on stick? Reply was prom...

Warrier's Collage March 31, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Thursday, March 31, 2022 Keli Kottu Katha Kali Good Morning Some readers asked about the content selection for Collage. Collage has no pre-decided Menu or pre-set pattern. Content is guided by what I think, talk or read on the previous one or two days. The message is shared with two or three groups in which I'm a member and with my contacts. There's no support team or 'back office' for Collage other than friends who share their thoughts or some interesting content they write or come across. Hope I've answered doubts raised by some of you. Nice Day M G Warrier A Select Responses 1) V R Chittanandam Chennai I wish the Book Release function all success. It gives great pleasure and a sense of satisfaction and achievement to an author when his writings see the light of the day. Regards, Chittanandam Chennai 2) K N Ganapathy Heartening news - About release of boo...

Warrier's Collage March 30, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Wednesday, March 30, 2022 Dr C Rangarajan on 2022 Budget Expectations ( So far, in 2 months, only 125 views and 7 likes for this) Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier A Select Responses 1) Heartiest congratulations on the occasion of your book release. Dr Prabha & A P Ramadurai Cheñnai 2) Congrats n best wishes for ur book release. Valsa Mathew Thiruvananthapuram 3) Best Wishes to you dear Warrier for a resounding success to the function for formally releasing your book on 2nd April. C A Jacob Bangalore B Current Affairs 1) RBI Opportunities : Recruitment of Officers Please share the link with interested contacts 2) Media Response March 29, 2022 Monetary Policy Dilemma This refers to the article "Central banks have to do a tight rope walk" (The Hindu Business Line, March 29). As brought out in the article, the current ...

Warrier's Collage March 29, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Tuesday, March 29, 2022 1) Edassery Anusmaranam (Link Courtesy : Edassery Madhavan, Ex-RBI, Thrissur. ) 2) Chenda Melam Dance (Link Courtesy : George Zachariah Mumbai) Good Morning Many readers have conveyed their Best Wishes for the formal release of my book "Restoring Trust in Governance" scheduled for April 2, 2022. Select messages have been included today. Thanks to all 🙏-Warrier Nice Day M G Warrier A Responses 1) P P Ramachandran Mumbai Delighted to learn of the release of your latest book "Restoring Trust in Governance", Hearty congratulations. PPR (Many Thanks 🙏-Warrier) 2) Sitendra Kumar Glad to know you are launching the book on April 2, 2022. The former Governor Dr Subbarao has expressed his best wishes. I purchased Restoring Trust in Governance on 27 Nov 2020. Liked the book and had sent my comments as well* Wish the book success on its for...

Warrier's Collage March 28, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Monday, March 28, 2022 1) How to publish a book? 2) Oscar Announcement Thought for the day* "In any relationship, All communication gaps are created.. Not by 'What is said' But by 'How it is said' Because what is said reaches the mind, & How it is said reaches the heart." *Shared by Dr T V Surendran Mananthavady Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier A Responses 1) Dr Duvvuri Subbarao Former Governor RBI My best wishes for the book launch event on 2 April. I see that it's got 5 star ratings on Amazon*. Best regards * Best Sellers Rank #27,853 in Books 2) V R Chittanandam Shri Babusenan's article A Birdwatcher m...

Warrier's Collage March 27, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday, March 27, 2022 1) African Wild Life Film 2) A Flower House in Wayanad (Link Courtesy : T J Kurup Thiruvananthapuram) 3) Sharada Thampi on stage (Sharada is daughter of my friend Dr P K Thampi Thiruvananthapuram) Good Morning Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday April 2, 2022. Best Wishes. Four days Collage holiday has made today's edition obese. Delete/skip what's repeat and proceed! My book "Restoring Trust in Governance"* is scheduled to be released in Thiruvananthapuram on April 2, 2022. The book was published in 2020, but formal release got delayed for reasons beyond my control. Nice Day M G Warrier * A 1) T N C Rangarajan Shared a link :

Earth Hour 2022

Earth Hour 2022 : EARTH HOUR DAY 2022: DATE Every year, on the last Saturday in March, Earth Hour is observed. The date for Earth Hour in 2022 is Saturday, March 26, 2022. At 8:30 p.m. local time, Earth Hour will begin and end at 9:30 p.m. local time. EARTH HOUR DAY 2022: THEME Earth Hour 2022 will be planned to achieve a specific goal. The topic for Earth Hour 2022 will be "Shape Our Future." This is a pivotal year for everyone and our world. It is up to us to #ShapeOurFuture by raising awareness about the serious issues impacting our world today.

Gold Management can boost economic growth

Gold management can boost economic growth Domestic gold stock, if exploited judiciously, has potential to put back Indian Economy on growth track. Government needs to think how it can convert the average Indian's craze for the yellow metal into an opportunity to reduce import of gold by mainstreaming domestic gold stock with individuals and institutions. Kautilya's Arthashastra highlights the importance of incentivising/beguiling citizens and institutions to part with their wealth for the larger purposes of strengthening the state. Going by the spirit of this advice, government should scout for possible avenues of investment of gold which will attract citizens and institutions to invest at least a part of their gold idling in vaults in gold-backed instruments including exchange traded funds. The attractions for the investor will include savings on providing security/insurance for gold stock, return on investment and the satisfaction of participation in the nation's econ...