Warrier's Collage April 1, 2022
Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Friday, April 1, 2022 A book Is A Place... https://youtu.be/kk7-qEEZYxQ ( English Poem) V Rangarajan shared a thought : "The Art of Life is a constant readjustment to our surroundings." Good Morning Today's April 1 Enjoy some intoxicating magic * : https://youtu.be/Lw7Qq6XFZ0k "Link Courtesy : Shivram Shetty Mumbai Nice Day M G Warrier Sree Poornathrayeesa Temple https://youtu.be/w33V_RlAcZA (Link Selection : Inspired by P P Ramachandran Mumbai) A Select Responses 1) Saravana Varma Mumbai Congratulations on the occasion of your book release on 2nd April 2022. 2) Vivek Amin Nagpur Gudi Padva is mostly celebrated in Maharashtra and Maharashtrians settled elsewhere. The mango leaves, a orange colour flag, a copper pot (लोटा) kept upside down on a ling stick decorated with flowers at preferably top place of the house. One person sarcastically asked, "why you keep copper pot upside down on stick? Reply was prom...