Warrier's Collage 01032021: National Science Day Special
Welcome to Warrier's Daily COLLAGE Monday March 1, 2021 (Lessons from Bhagavad-Gita : Mukundananda) https://youtu.be/0waMXkAb_LQ (Link Selection: M G Warrier) Good Morning Theory of Evolution is to understand Self within.... We analyze Hinduism threadbare for and against . Freedom of expression, sharing and accepting views is Union ...which is Yoga. Union of one with another, seeking union with something.. That something is apart from you. Yourself is intimate to you. You are aware of The Self. Seek it and be with it.That will expand as Infinity. Then there will be no question of Yoga, etc. Whose is VIYOGA? Find it. Stoppage of mental activities...is applicable to all systems of yoga.. The methods differ. So long as there is effort made towards that goal, It is called Yoga. The effort is Yoga.The cessation can be brought about so many ways, 1 By questioning the mind itself.When the mind is sought, its activities ease automatically. This is the method of Jnana . The pure Mind...