
Showing posts from August, 2019

Remembering S Radhakrishnan : I Language of truth

Truth speaks in strange tongues article/truth-speaks-in- strange-tongues Let's remember S Radhakrishnan. His birthday on September 5 is observed as Teachers Day. M G Warrier

Give me the courage... inspirational-quotes/6503- grant-me-the-serenity-to- accept-the-things-i I know this is a repeat. But I'm taking the liberty to share this link with you again. There's a selfish interest. For the last few months, most of the days, early in the morning, I'm sharing a faith column link (The Hindu) or Mindspace link (The New Indian Express) or both with my brief comments. I'm aware, many of you are using those links. Similarly, during weekends, I pick up one or two articles from Speaking Tree (We get this 8 page TOI supplement on Sunday in Mumbai for ₹3/-). All are not trained to practice Yoga or Meditation (I'm not). Many of us have belief systems different from the mainstream. Only some of us have activities to keep us engaged 24x7. Some of us have health or other issues, which are, sometimes, frustrating. Most of us camouflage inconvenient personal issues while interacting with others. If one starts opening up, sometimes, the rev...

Jalan Panel Report: Analysis by Moneylife

Jalan Committee Report: An All-out for No Loss article/jalan-committee- report-an-all-out-for-no-loss/ 58033/98298.html Posted online comments M G Warrier

Mega Mergers

10 Banks Merged To Create Four Large Banks, PNB, Canara Bank, Union Bank and Indian Bank Posted online comments M G Wsrrier  10 Banks Merged To Create Four Large Banks, PNB, Canara Bank, Union Bank and Indian Bank; article/10-banks-merged-to- create-four-large-banks-pnb- canara-bank-union-bank-and- indian-bank-unions-call-for- protest-on-saturday/58063/ 98296.html Posted online comments M G Warrier

Sanskrit epaper: Sudharma

Subject: The only Sanskrit Newspaper "SUDHARMA" http://epaper. M G Warrier

Sanskrit Paper from Mysuru: "SUDHARMA"

Subject: Sanskrit paper from a Mysuru printing press- "Sudharma" http://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ aug/31/sanskrit-paper-from-a- mysuru-printing-press-2026896. html As the writer rightly says, many may not be aware about the existence of a 50 year old Sanskrit newspaper named after my wife Sudharma (named after, because my wife was 17 when the first issue of the paper which got its name from a "Sabha" in Devaloka came out.) Scientist Dr A Damodaran who married Dr Malathy daughter of EMS Namboothiripad has named his house situated in Mangalam Lane, Sasthamangalam "Sudharma". Author and journalist Dr Harish Damodaran who was with The Hindu till recently is Drs Damodarans' son. We had 4 Language Formula in school and I studied English, Hindi, Malayalam and Sanskrit during 1953-59. Transgressing into stories our Sanskrit teacher Adiyodi, who came in a Dhothi and a cream coat without tie, would forget what stanza of the Sansk...

RBI's Accounts III : A piece of recent history

Reserve Bank of India's income and reserves : The depletion started long back com/article/opinion/letters- reserve-bank-of-india-s- income-and-reserves- 111082900004_1.html This is what I said in 2013. In 2013, RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan depending on a report obtained from a director on RBI's board (Y H Malegam) which "certified" that RBI had adequate reserves for 3 years (GOK what he meant) started transfering entire surplus income to GOI.  M G Warrier

India's Decade of Reforms by M G Warrier

I have published 6 books in ten editions between 2014 and 2019. Some of them published as eBooks are available free for Amazon Prime members M G Warrier Some useful links copied below: M G Warrier Subject: M G Warrier's Author Page - Notion Press | India's largest book publisher author/m_g_warrier Subject: India's Decade of Reforms: Reserve Bank of India at Central Stage: 9781642491432: Banking Books @ Decade-Reforms-Reserve- Central/dp/1642491438 India's Decade of Reforms: Reserve Bank of India at Central Stage

RBI's Accounts II

Re: Letters to BS: Govt must reciprocate by helping RBI to augment its reserves I gave this explanation to a response I received* this morning: "I have learnt to "negotiate" from the trade union leaders of 1960's. Ask for the imposible. Management will come back with possible options other than what is demanded. Then, go for the best. Here, I have been pestering Jalan and Rakesh Mohan to recommend enhancement of share capital to  $200  to 400 billion. As BRICS bank's capital was  $200  billion, they couldn't ask for rationale. They have protected reserves at present levels. I congratulated them. Warrier" *Response from CV Subbaraman, Mysuru: The need for augmenting the Capital of RBI which stands at a mere Rs.5 crore since inception, despite the stupendously rising balance sheet total, is understandable. But if the capital has to be raised in real terms, and not by "capitalising the reserves" - reserves of whatever nature - it h...

Bhagavatha Dharma II : Nava Yogi Upakhyana

Bhagavatha Dharma II: nava yogi upakhyana https://namadwaar.wordpress. com/tag/nava-yogi-upakhyana/ In the context of  Bhagavatha Dharma I (previous post here), I found this link interesting.  M G Warrier

Bhagavatha Dharma I

Kavi advises Nimi - Freedom from fear by following Bhagavatha Dharma society/faith/kavi-advises- nimi/article29291956.ece I'm reading this advice in these words and in this context for the first time. Looking forward for comments from those who may know more about this story. It's a great idea to treat life as a dream and see the universe as an expression of God. Shankaracharya has given this advice in different renderings. But here I find it more focused and as a means to get freedom from fear.  M G Warrier

Subhadra's marriage: Krishna's role

Subhadra’s marriage - Krishna's role society/faith/subhadras- marriage/article29263501.ece Arjuna married Subhadra. They had a son Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu also participated in Mahabharatha war. Mahabharatham could be the longest story ever told, with thousands of "Dramatis Personnae" Whosoever authored it has taken care to ensure consistency about geography, time, sequence of events and relationships. This is an intuitive statement, not verified.  M G Warrier

RBI's Accounts I : Context of RBI's ECF Panel com/article/opinion/letter-to- bs-present-level-of-rbi-s- share-capital-and-reserves-is- not-huge-119070201270_1.html From today, I will be posting my Media responses/articles written with focus on RBI/Financial Sector: Copied below is my article published in January 2019 issue of The Global ANALYST Warrier M G Warrier      Reserve Bank of India accepts the challenge M G Warrier “Having met with staunch criticisms for mass mismanagement of public money in the wake of the 2019 elections, the current government is valiantly trying to save its face. Invoking Section 7 is a saving grace for several reasons. It can earn the government a clean chit by validating its blaming of the RBI, and in so doing can build up political pressure on the central bank to dilute its regulatory policies in order to favour political clientele, and even stretch such pressure to siphon off the bank’s (internal) reserves over and above the surpluse...

RBI needs a strong balance sheet: Jalan Panel on ECF

M G Warrier 's response:                            August 27, 2019 RBI's new ECF This refers to the report “RBI to give ₹1.76 trn to govt" (Business Standard, August 27).  RBI with active support from former governor Bimal Jalan and Ex-Deputy Governor Rakesh Mohan graciously handled a tough situation created by the ignorance of prudent central banking practices on the part of a couple of individuals. The new Economic Capital Framework (ECF) recommended by Jalan Panel and accepted by RBI should convince and satisfy all stakeholders. At GOI's insistence, last couple of years, RBI has been making advance payment (during March) against amount transferable to Centre towards surplus income at the end of RBI's accounting year. With the change in accounting year of RBI to April-March, payment to GOI can be made after assessing the availability of surplus income, in the first place. This is a w...

Sadhanapanchakam By Shankaracharya

Sadhana Panchakam of Sri Shankaracharya | panchakam-of-sri- shankaracharya Many stotras are attributed to Shankaracharya to make them "authentic". I think, the flow of language and simplicity in language of Acharya are unique and it is not very difficult to differentiate Acharya's creations from spurious ones. This one is from Shankaracharya M G Warrier

A 21st Century friendship problem

Letter from a Concerned Reader: Mr. Mathrubootham will manage your face with tumbler - Do you have a trusted friend? opinion/columns/mr- mathrubootham-will-manage- your-face-with-tumbler/ article29233395.ece Mathrubootham has raised a real serious 21st Century problem which only you can solve. By making more friends. This's how: Listen to other people's problems. You may not be able to solve the problem. But, if you allow him/her to share the problem, it's a good beginning. Don't interrupt and tell him/her that you know someone else with the same problem. Nowadays people accumulate problems in their minds, like people collected old stamps, match box pictures and curios that came with binaca paste in olden days. Where are all the friends? Mathrubootham is asking. Even I have only 6 or seven trusted friends. Five years back, I had 10 or 11. M G Warrier

Your Next Life: Deepak Chopra in Speaking Tree

Your Next Life article/your-next-life If you have nothing better to do, join me and start reading about next life. Having started the day with mistakes and insanity (see my previous blog post), I'm not sure where I'll land at the end of the day! Avoid following me. M G Warrier

The magic of mistakes: Dr George John

The magic of mistakes - One definition of insanity is "Doing the same thing again and again expecting different results" opinion/open-page/the-magic- of-mistakes/article29245877. ece The quote added in the caption is picked up at random from the article. The purpose is not to suggest that most of us, yours obediently included, occasionally, show symptoms of insanity. Learning from mistakes is not as easy as this doctor is telling us. Ask anyone who is active in the share market. Or, any political leader.  At 75, my problem is different. Online correction of mistakes, all types of mistakes, was not as easy as it is today, during the last century. That way, I envy GenNext! M G Warrier

Smartphone Vs TV : Size doesn't matter!

Streaming platforms fight it out for the OTT pie - Smart phone in competition with giant-sized TV screen https://www. blink/cover/streaming- platforms-fight-it-out-for- the-ott-pie/article29231230. ece Times are changing. So is the entertainment industry. Open the link to find out more M G Warrier

Protecting natural resources

M G Warrier's response:      August 23, 2019 Protecting natural resources* This refers to the report “Bountiful rains fill up reservoirs across the country” (August 23). When negative news and pessimism create a smokescreen and the environment becomes suffocating, a front page report about comfortable water levels in reservoirs across the country and signals about possible good news from farm sector in the coming months are comforting. One wishes, resources management across sectors and geographies get prioritized. Our country is blessed with adequate natural and financial resources, sufficient to ensure a decent lifestyle for the present population. This is the position after centuries of looting by external invaders and decades of mismanagement by ourselves. Let's wake up and manage our resources including water and other assets like real estate, gold and human resources professionally. M G Warrier, Mumbai *A slightly edited version of this lett...

Dr Viral Acharya

Viral Acharya packs up, leaving behind warnings for RBI, GOI... https://www. money-and-banking/viral- acharya-ends-his-rbi-journey- with-a-sense-of-unfinished- business/article28674146.ece This link will take you to a report (July 23, 2019) on Dr Viral Acharya's exit from RBI last month. This weekend Dr Acharya is returning to the New York University Stern School of Business. His research focus is on "Financial risk and its genesis in Govt-induced distortions" Wish all the best in all his future endeavors. M G Warrier

Remembering student days!

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by William Wordsworth | Remembering student days... https://www.poetryfoundation. org/poems/45521/i-wandered- lonely-as-a-cloud For no specific reason "Daffodils" flashed in my mind this morning. Thought I should share the poem and "forget it"! M G Warrier

Why people write?

Mapping herstories - "I think I can make a difference, so I write" https://frontline.thehindu. com/books/article29062219.ece Ever wondered, why people write? No, here the subject is not those who have to write as part of their duty/profession. Writers like Premchand or Kamala Das...Or R K Narayanan or Guru Datt... Believe me, for some of us, writing is a "cleaning process". Once written down, the heaviness in the chest gets reduced. I know one person who keeps a ruled note book handy and uses it as a trusted friend, to share secrets or worries. M G Warrier

Long and short of Monetary Policy

RBI: What’s floccinaucinihilipilification? Ask the Reserve Bank of India: Word play news/economy/policy/whats- floccinaucinihilipilification- ask-the-reserve-bank-of-india/ articleshow/70783561.cms Learn Mintglish. English language doesn't have many words with more than 26 letters. No, I don't know a second one and this I stumbled upon by chance. Actually I was Google-searching for a good picture of rat snake. This F-word looks longer!😊 M G Warrier

Panchajanya's "Demonic" DNA!

Endorsing values - Panchajanya's "Demonic" DNA! society/faith/endorsing- values/article29184321.ece Interesting episodes from Krishna's 'life'. Learning 64 arts in as many days. I thought such fast 'reading' was possible only in RBI. Not joking.  Once I have prepared a three page brief for my boss after reading a 1000 plus pages board papers in less than 100 minutes! The name of the boss and the institution which sent board papers 4 hours before the meeting will not be revealed. M G Warrier

Conquest of Happiness: Book Review

Subject: [Book Review] “The Conquest of Happiness” | PAMIR TIMES 04/25/book-review-the- conquest-of-happiness/ Good Morning all I have talked about this book by Bertrand Russel earlier. But this review by a student (2012) looks interesting to me. Shri Raman Menon who was Mathematics Tutor in Government Brennan College, Tellichery introduced this book to us when he came for a guest lecture then (1960) to Government College, Madappally. I picked up the book from University Library, Thiruvananthapuram during early 1960's and later read some more of Russel's books. I learned from the author that one's personal life need not be "perfect" in the eyes of the society, to help other fellow-beings to pursue happiness and perfection (in that order). He taught me, one can mess up everything in life and still live a wonderful long life! Nice Day M G Warrier

Association with the pious

Association with the pious - About the company one should keep society/faith/association- with-the-pious/ article29127587.ece If we aspire to do good,  Manasaa, Vachaa, Karmanaa (By thought, words and action) If we try to be nearer to the wise, Keeping some distance from those who do research in negativism... We will be benefited. M G Warrier

Born underweight

Subject: Tiny tots who fight to survive- Dedicated to all underweight friends http://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ aug/20/tiny-tots-who-fight-to- survive-2021424.html I've told my own underweight story several times. But whenever someone reminds me about body weight, I'll shamelessly repeat, risking the response: "Ok okay... You have told this earlier..." From what my mother used to tell anyone who gave health tips to improve my height and weight, I've reconstructed my childhood health story and memorized it. My RBI health story I've encashed by publishing an article. I was born on a Tuesday night. 0015 hrs, Wednesday, August 9, 1944 to be exact. Venue: A small outhouse maintained in the North-west corner adjacent to our ancestral home which existed till late 1950's. Being the male child born to my mother after three girls in succession at long intervals (my eldest sister was 20 years senior to me!), my mother's uncles ...

Krishna the strategist

Subject: Krishna the strategist - Satyabhama and Subhadra society/faith/krishna-the- strategist/article29100921.ece So much of planning goes into war and marriages. Everyone tries to justify her/his side. Essentially, rights and wrongs are decided on the considerations of "who did it?" M G Warrier

Rasagolla from UtKala!

Sweet from Odisha that Gods love- Rasagolla from "Utkala": Ignorant me! http://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ aug/19/sweet-from-odisha-that- gods-love-2020858.html I didn't know the role of rasagolla in God's love till I read this article. Frankly, though I am aware of the presence of "UtKala" in our National Anthem (Dravida Utkala...) referring to a geographical region, only today I could connect it to Odisha and "Great Art". Ignorant me! M G Warrier

Pleasant Moments: A family get-together in Bangalore

Pleasant Moments in Bangalore We are back after attending the 4th edition of the family get-together (GT) of my wife Sudha's side held in Pleasant Moments, Koramangala, Bangalore from August 16 to 18, 2019. Earlier GT's were held at two-year intervals, two in Mananthavady and one in Nashik. The family has 52 members aged 11months to 81 years and 30 attended this year. My wife Sudha is the youngest sister among 4 brothers and 3 sisters. Eldest sister settled in Nashik and her family (10 members including her son and family based in Dubai) couldn't attend this GT for various reasons. Those who attended the GT included 3 doctors, 5 teachers/Ex-teachers, one lawyer, one Investment Advisor, 7 company executives/managers/ accountant, 3 self-employed professionals, one retiree, one journalist, 6 students and 2 kids (< 3 years). Bangalore-based members coordinated all linkages in Bangalore with external support from my son based in Mumbai. The two-day event was mana...

Poet switches on the thought process

Subject: POEM: IN SALUTATION TO THE ETERNAL PEACE BY SAROJINI NAIDU poem/in-salutation-to-the- eternal-peace/ Poems make readers think beyond their apparent messages. M G Warrier

Narendra Modi on promoting Sanskrit: A speech of 2012 Sanskrit language is yet to get the attention it deserves M G Warrier

Revisiting Gandhian philosophy: EPW book review

Gandhi in the Company of Western Philosophers | Economic and Political Weekly Review 2019/31/book-reviews/gandhi- company-western-philosophers. html Perhaps, this EPW review of the book on Gandhian philosophy looks interesting and traversing through unchartered territories. Have a look. I didn't understand much. M G Warrier

Introducing "Art Therapy"!

Subject: Art, the brain and the mind - Introducing "Art Therapy" opinion/open-page/art-the- brain-and-the-mind/ article28422932.ece We all know art has curative capabilities. But, think of doctors in UK prescribing music, painting or dance to help patients get cured fast. Like referring to diatecian or physiotherapist your doctor directing his patient to a professional artist! M G Warrier

Option to remain happy is ours

Without luxuries in the good, old days- We have an option to remain happy and peaceful... http://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ aug/13/without-luxuries-in- the-good-old-days-2018077.html Interesting. We have a choice. To retain happy memories with nostalgia or to remain unhappy for ever, counting what we missed and comparing.... M G Warrier

Friendly crocodile?

Subject: The night the crocodile surfaced - Childhood memories of a friendly encounter with a crocodile opinion/open-page/the-night- the-crocodile-surfaced/ article28977850.ece Mostly, palaces, ponds and larger waterbeds, temples, peepal trees and the environment that existed till the third quarter of last century have become part of history. Nostalgic memories like this bring back the wonderful time we spent in that "pre-industrial" society. M G Warrier

Demophobia: Fear of public speaking

Subject: Conquering my fear of speaking- How to get over demophobia http://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ aug/12/conquering-my-fear-of- speaking-2017672.html Some are good at talking. Many are good orators. Some are born actors. Yet others are good teachers. Some are thinkers. Many can write well.  Good teachers are efficient mentors. In their hands, students are like clay in the hands of professional artists who give different shapes to the same quantity of clay.  M G Warrier With reference to Shri CV Subbaraman's response*: Thanks a lot for sharing**  By a coincidence, I too got over demophobia while I was in Nagpur. As I was in charge of CAS and, off and on, officiated as RD, sitting in the back benches or avoiding dais with local VIPs was not possible. By that time I was in my late 50's. Earlier, going to Bank's training establishments as guest faculty etc was a punishment for me. We enjoyed our stay for about 2 years ...

Weather's no more the right subject!

Fear of aging

Subject: 'Fear of Aging? How to Get Over It' by Dr. Ruppenthal: 8 Ways to Embrace Aging - Beliefnet wellness/health/2006/05/fear- of-aging-how-to-get-over-it. aspx Interesting thoughts. Looking back, I think, I've been aware of some of the tips given here since a decade or so. Have shared some thoughts here also. M G Warrier

Iron ion battery: IIT Madras registers initial success

Subject: IIT Madras registers initial success with iron ion battery - IT's happening in Chennai, watch progress tech/science/iit-madras- registers-initial-success- with-iron-ion-battery/ article28976853.ece This could be a major breakthrough, viewed in the context of world's interest in EVs. M G Warrier M 134