
Showing posts from April, 2020

May Day Rally 2020

Watch "May Day Rally 2020" on YouTube   Please listen to this short message from Singapore PM. I'm impressed by this presentation. Hope you will also like it. While listening, please close your eyes and rephrase each sentence to conform to the Indian context. It's possible. On the eve of May Day, he's able to assert that "We may not be able to protect every job, but, we will take care of every worker"  M G Warrier April 30, 2020

Ode to Solitude : Finding new meanings ?

Ode on Solitude by Alexander Pope | Peaceful poetry ? https://www.poetryfoundation. org/poems/46561/ode-on- solitude   We can go on searching the Internet. Inbox gets full with messages. From good food to millions of books to select from, everything available for the pressing of a button. Why bother others by sharing your, when they are good at finding what's good for them? Open the link to find out! When your own environment changes, you may find new meanings!😊 M G Warrier

Yoga Lessons Online

Now, you can take yoga lessons from Avril Q - Celebrity Yoga tech/health/now-yoga-lessons- from-avril-q/article31455226. ece   Hope this finds you well and the link opens M G Warrier

Economy Downturn and Challenges Before India

Economy Downturn and Challenges before India : Experts’ Views https://timesofindia. warriersviews/economy- downturn-and-challenges- before-india-experts-views- 15171/   Many of us, including those who are part of government, corporates, organisations responsible for dissemination of information, research scholars and teachers ( just an illustrative list), express our views based on our knowledge and information immediately available. I'm telling the obvious in a particular context. Sometimes we ignore the fact that when we express a view or endorse an opinion (like, by forwarding links or sharing messages), at least some who trust us (there are some who trust me!) form their own views based on such views/endorsement. If we keep this in the back of our minds, we can reduce a lot of irresponsible and harmful opinion-making via social media. Why I am telling this now? In the context of measures taken by government and RBI, there's avoidabl

Middle Class at Crossroads : M G Warrier

Divine Power of Family Deity

DIVINE POWER OF FAMILY DEITY blog/divine-power-of-family- deity   The brief story you will read, if you open the above link, may be a strange coincidence. That I chose the above subject line for today's morning message is, but deliberate.  Today, April 29, 2020 is important for several members in my family. This day, few years ago, our Family Deity (Manakkal Bhagavathi) was restored her lost glory through a "re-installation" (Puna: Prathishta).  Since then, every year, on April 29, many members of my family used to assemble in the compound where the family deity is there in her original space, and participate in the function including "Pujas" etc. It also became an occasion for annual family get-together. This year, my nephew who coordinates the working of the trust headed by my sister, due to the prevailing circumstances, has advised all family members to stay at respective homes and remember the family deity during

History repeats itself : Usha Thorat

Watch "History Repeats Itself - Manthan w Usha Thorat" on YouTube   First time in decades, I sat through a 75 minutes class. Very informative and excellent presentation by former RBI Deputy Governor Usha Thorat. Sprinkled with flashes from RBI's recent history which only those who know that institution will understand. I wish Delhi and Mint Road share this link with those who are currently involved in policy formulation. They will not get this much insight into the challenges met in the past by GOI and RBI together in one place comparable to this presentation elsewhere. This also serves as a "SWOT" analysis of Indian Economy in the context of the current challenges. M G Warrier

Shankaracharya Jayanthi 2020

Today (April 28, 2020) is Shankaracharya Jayanthi. The following link will take us to "Kanakadhara Stotram"  in sanskrit with meaning : M G Warrier lakshmi/kanakadhara_stotram. php  

Your Fears, Most are Unfounded : Speaking Tree

Shri  C V Subbaraman's response to the Speaking Tree article  "Your Fears Most are unfounded" shared in the morning today (April 27, 2020): "There  is a statement by Swami Ramdevji of Patanjali Yogpeeth: Jo darraa vah marraa. It is something similar to saying that a coward dies many a time before his death, but the valiant dies but once. Fear emerges from a known danger while anxiety is also a fear of the unknown. You fear a cobra because you feel that it might bite you. But when you fear of the unknown (like what will happen to one tomorrow suddenly) it is a fear called anxiety. Can human beings eliminate this feeling or emotion? Perhaps, not. Worrying is no solution to eliminate fear. Worrying is also one type of fear. Worrying is being state of anxiety about future problems - specific or general and anxiety is fear. When you worry about other things in order to eliminate from your mind one type of fear, you are only transferring your mind from one fear to anot

Srinivasa Ramanujan : The OPEN

Srinivasa Ramanujan: The Indian Mathematician Who Knew Infinity - Open The Magazine columns/srinivasa-ramanujan- indian-mathematician-knew- infinity/ Posted online comments*.  The writer Dr G Sreekumar opted to retire while working as Regional Director, RBI, Jaipur in 2018 and has settled in Chennai pursuing teaching, 'learning' and writing. M G Warrier *" Perhaps, a series of accidents in his life made it possible for Ramanujan to pursue study of the subject he loved at least for around half of his allowed life-span of less than 33 years. The writer has used his excellent narrative skill which keeps reader curious till the last word of the essay. As a note at the end, he discloses his admiration of the talent of the talent of the mathematician since his school days. One wonders, why can't India start nurturing and exploiting talent in various fields consciously! Why should we wait to recognize or appreciate an Indian'

Simple learning tips for all ages

Three Simple Steps to Make Your Learning Stick https://timesofindia. three-simple-steps-to-make- your-learning-stick/three- simple-steps-to-make-your- learning-stick-2-13849/   Useful learning tips for all ages. Posted online comments. M G Warrier

Change as the only constant

State Of Constant Change Is Absolute & Immutable article/state-of-constant- change-is-absolute-immutable   On accepting change as the only constant phenomenon M G Warrier

Coping with transitions : M G Warrier

https://timesofindia. warriersviews/coping-with- transitions-13816/   This blog is additional to M G Warrier Bonus read: Received in a Group email: *30 New Proverbs to be included in Curriculum from Apr 2020* Covidian  Neo Wisdom... 1) Divided we live, United we die. 2) A sneeze, in time...infects nine. 3) All that sniffles has caught a cold 4) Homestay is the best policy. 5) One man's mask is another man's poison 6) When things get cough, the smart get going. 7) An unmasked guy is the Covid's workshop. 8) As you spray, so shall they reap. 9) Snot is weaker than sanitizer 10) Better to be poor and healthy than rich  and sick 11) Curiosity killed the doc. 12) Distancing is the best part of Valor. 13) Don't count your chickens before next March 14) Every crowd has a carrier lurking 15) Every cough has its spray. 16) A cough hits

Sudarshan Chakra : The ultimate in weapons

Sudarshan Chakra - What kind of weapon was Krishna's Sudarshan Chakra? allslides/the-divine-weapon- of-krishna-sudarshan-chakra   Sudarshan Chakra is the ultimate in weapons. Know more about it from this article. M G Warrier

Vidur Niti : Traits of a Wise Man

Vidur Niti: 11 Signs of a wise man allslides/vidur-niti-traits- of-a-wise-man   This is no puzzle. We have several wise men and women among us. Check your score using Vidur's scale yourself. Don't disclose the results. If you find "there's scope for improvement", change a thing or two. That too, don't tell anyone. M G Warrier

50 years of Auroville

50 Years of Auroville: The Fascinating Story of the 'City of Dawn' https://www.thebetterindia. com/132379/50-years-auroville- matri-mandir-pondicherry- history/ I visited Auroville sometime during 1970's, when I was in RBI Staff College, Chennai attending some programme. Don't remember much except the serenity of the vast premises. I had picked up some small pamphlet-like books by 'Mother'. Across the world, there are big and small "communities" like this which came into being at different times, pursuing different objectives. Examples: *The Sanyasins living in and around Himalayas and Kashi (Banarus) * Iskon Group * Matha Amruthanandamayi Math * Sree Ramakrishna Mission * Chinmaya Mission * Brahmakumaris * Sai Baba devotees (including Whitefield ) The list is illustrative. If we look at each of them, one common thing is, leadership qualities of certain thoughts or thought leaders attracting people who felt helpless. Man

Handling Anger Issues

 Subbaraman's observations on the Speaking Tree article* by Deepak Chopra  Anger Issues Anger is one of the more common and worse of the emotions of man. Perhaps also in other animals. Anger often arises from a sense of ego and if one can understand that the "other person" who provokes anger in me has also a cause to behave which provokes me, my anger should die a natural death. Unfortunately, such realization comes after the virus of  anger shows its virility on me. Out of the six negatives mentioned in our scriptures, Krodha takes second place, after Kaama, and is succeeded by Mada, Moha,  Maatsarya and Ahamkaara. Even great sages have been unable to contain their anger and scriptures and puraanaas are littered with numerous tales in which the great Rishis and Maharshis get angry and give curses. So to preach that one should overcome anger is good enough, but to put it in practice is far far difficult, as the Malayalam saying goes: Anyopadesham cheytheedaan Aark

Life after lockdown

Life after lockdown   We come across many thoughts on this topic expressed by wise men to fools, world leaders to the man on the street (literally). For some past perfect and future tense will define their present state of mind. This article (see link* at the end ) suggests a simple and realistic approach to the unfolding tomorrow. M G Warrier A friend's observations: The lessons for the future are: Do not roam about unnecessarily outside your residence. (This will also contribute to saving of the fuel in the form of petroleum products). Learn to wear masks even in normal times, as many Jain Munis do. Learn to greet your friends and foes and acquaintances in future with a NAMASTHE instead of extending your hands for shake hand a la western style. When you come back home, wash your face, hands and legs clean. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Practise it besides preaching it. Sneezing was considered a bad omen in some circles. But now pay some attention to this. If

Fortitude is Patient Courage

 Fortitude is Patient Courage blog/fortitude-is-patient- courage_31929 Fortitude, patience and courage. Three different English words. Must be having three different meanings. While in Sanskrit, one word can have several meanings, in the Queen's language each word need to have at least one meaning different from all other words. Still, this writer puts three words in an inseparable alliance and says : "Fortitude is Patient Courage" He's an Army General. He must be right. To find out what quote he was keeping on his table while in service, please open the link. M G Warrier A simple nice interpretation by a friend : All emotions arise from "chinta" and the control point arises from "Shraddhaa". Shraddhaa alone can make one persevere, concentrate and succeed. AS Gita teaches us: Shraddhaavaan labhathae Gnaanam.  Again, four kinds of people pray to me, says the Lord (Ch.7 - verse 16). Aar

Why rest of India cannot be Kerala ?

Why Kerala is different  The link will open to an article which analyses what makes Kerala different from other geographies in regard to development indicators. There are lessons to learn from the state's progress so far. If you have read The Hindu article, please open the next link to read the Livemint article on similar topic. M G Warrier Home/ShareArticle?OrgId= GRE7BOOK3.1&imageview=0   Why rest of India cannot be Kerala? opinion/columns/there-is-a- reason-the-rest-of-india- cannot-be-kerala/amp- 11587312089722.html

Manmohan Singh Committee on current issues

Sonia Gandhi Creates Congress's Consultative Group, Makes Manmohan Singh Chairman news/sonia-gandhi-creates- congresss-consultative-group- makes-manmohan-singh-chairman- 2214068   Po This is a welcome move*. Let's expect some creative positive outcome. M G Warrier *My response to a report in the Economic Times copied below: M G Warrier April 16, 2020 Opposition's position This refers to the report “Ask Govt Abou0t Disaster Management Plan, Sibal Urges Judiciary” (April 16). There can be no two views on the need for a comprehensive Disaster Management Plan in situations like this. But the route adopted by the former central minister to get one in place is deplorable, to use a mildest word to describe the celebrity lawyer's plea to judiciary for help. We are a democracy with all the limbs functioning efficiently. Using his clout, we expect Kapil Sibal to coordinate with major opposition parties, opposition-ru

Food for Thought, 19042020

 Food for thought 190420 opinion/open-page/science- shines-through-the-pandemic/ article31375904.ece   This article gives us multiple choices to formulate our own views on the current situation. When I send the same message to different addressees, normally (I'm supposed to be normal!) my own views are not tailor-made keeping the recipient in mind. Sometimes the arrows get stuck at wrong destinations. M G Warrier Bonus reading*: Living  in India for Rs. 32 / day. Late last year, two young men decided to live a month of their lives on the income of an average poor Indian. One of them, Tushar, the son of a police officer in Haryana, studied at the University of Pennsylvania and worked for three years as an investment banker in the US and Singapore. The other, Matt, migrated as a teenager to the States with his parents, and studied in MIT. Both decided at different points to return to India, joined the UID Project in Bengaluru, came

Damage control by opposition

Good Morning Feeling happy to find that though my response "Opposition's position" (About Kapil Sibal's approaching judiciary for a direction to GOI to formulate Disaster Management Plan) was not published by Economic Times, the main opposition party has acted quickly to control damage to its reputation. Nice Day M G Warrier Sonia Gandhi Creates Congress's Consultative Group, Makes Manmohan Singh Chairman news/sonia-gandhi-creates- congresss-consultative-group- makes-manmohan-singh-chairman- 2214068  

Krishna for Today: Pavanapuradheesha (2016) #watercolour #Krishnafort...

Krishna for Today: Pavanapuradheesha (2016) #watercolour #Krishnafort... Never tired of visiting this site M G Warrier

Seventeen undesirable habits

According to Lord Yama (Yamraj), these 17 habits lead to early death! allslides/according-to-yamraj- these-17-habits-lead-to-early- death  

View from my window : Believe in stars

Only in the darkness can one see the stars- Adversity has its own comfort zone... https://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2020/ apr/16/only-in-the-darkness- can-one-see-the-stars-2130680. html   How are you? The English greetings when you meet first doesn't mean much. We had a colleague who used to repeated the same domestic problems (they were real, like corona - I've decided to use this word after a self-imposed restriction not to use it imposed on myself on March 17, 2020) when he met anyone who would listen to him. So, my lunch-partner (doesn't mean anything, we used to go for lunch together) TRS Iyer used to foreclose his opening up, by asking him : "Halo, Mr X...How are you, otherwise?" X gets the signal and will skip Agenda item one! Remembered this, finding seven mails in my inbox at 5 45 a m seven mails with subject line "CORONA". Three are from one individual. I decide to open such mails last, as I find even grievances ag

Hereafter : Preparing a check list

Hereafter https://timesofindia. will-why-i-love-law/smoke- till-you-drop-dead-or- everyone-else-around-you-does- this-might-change-and-there- is-more-to-it-12093/   Yes. There's a hereafter. Think of what all the world should leave behind! Thoughts, habits, things included. Create a checklist. Remember, after the proverbial forty days, When you go out... The world outside also was under quarantine for the last forty days. Quarantine from : Overexploitation From man-made pollution And what not.  Protect the environment from getting infected. M G Warrier

Journey and destination

Journey and destination* At this juncture the journey of one and all in the globe is  towards 'corona free life'. We are always advised to live in the present  moment, enjoy life without worrying about the future. "What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows." A poem  studied in the college. Many are of the opinion that journey is more  important than destination. I consider that both journey and destination are  equally important. We don't simply start on a  journey.We have a destination in mind. All the  plannings etc, for the journey are based on the  destination. Journey towards unknown  destination is normally referred to as life without  focus. If it is wedding preparation, all our preparations,  shopping etc, comparable to journeys are with  reference to marriage only , If

Opposition's position in a democratic system

            Opposition's position My response to a report in today's Economic Times copied below: M G Warrier April 16, 2020 Opposition's position This refers to the report “Ask Govt About Disaster Management Plan, Sibal Urges Judiciary” (Economic Times, April 16). There can be no two views on the need for a comprehensive Disaster Management Plan in situations like this. But the route adopted by the former central minister to get one in place is deplorable, to use a mildest word to describe the celebrity lawyer's plea to judiciary for help. We are a democracy with all the limbs functioning efficiently. Using his clout, we expect Kapil Sibal to coordinate with major opposition parties, opposition-ruled state governments and several former ministers and Dr Manmohan Singh from his own party to quickly put together a draft Disaster Management Plan factoring in all necessary linkages including resources mobilization and place it before the nation.  The j