WEEKEND LIGHTER*: Postmortem (April 1 /2, 2017, No.13/2017) Feel free to mail your views on this edition of WL to mgwarrier@gmail.com *Weekend Lighter is posted every Saturday @mgwarrier.blogspot.in Section III:Prayers, wishes, goals… I Cover Story 'Post mortem* ' The word' Post Mortem' is a Latin word for "after death". In English, postmortem refers to an examination, investigation, or process that takes place after death. A postmortem examination of a body (often simply called a postmortem ) is often needed to determine the time and cause of death; the stiffening called rigor mortis is one postmortem change that doctors look at to determine when death occurred. Today we've come to use postmortem to refer to any examination or discussion that takes place after an event. It is our thoughts, words and actions that define our lives and it is our discrimination of these three that determines our character. Our experi...