
Showing posts from October, 2017

Rajan to head Fed Reserve?: Barron's Magazine proposal Raghuram Rajan ideal candidate to head Fed Reserve: Barron's Magazine M G Warrier

Detachment, a word used casually! The Hindu/Faith Column Detachment: A misunderstood word in philosophy Detachment is not about looking on when a child is sinking before my eyes. That is pedestrian apathy. Detachment is not about use and throw either. We find, these days, use and throw approach in relationships also. Detachment is about, perhaps, renunciation of expectations! M G Warrier

India's position in ease of doing business improves Ease of doing business: India has come a long way M G Warrier

A must read book by Yunus Muhammad: The World of Three Zeros Read my brief review* of The World of Three Zeros By Yunus Muhammad M G Warrier First submission was rejected. Details below: review/9351952053/ RTPBF6PGCK7JG/ref=cm_cr_dp_mb_ rvw_1?ie=UTF8&cursor=1 The Correct Diagnosis   Muhammad Yunus has brought in one place several concerns affecting the poor and the deprived. Governments, through ages, world over have been, "For the Rich, By the Rich and Of the Rich". In this book, the author has proved this universal truth, using statistics produced by the RICH! As a corollary, one is tempted to add that laws are legislated to protect the interests of the rich. What other explanation one can find for the 2 percent CSR? A rational bench mark for CSR could be 50 percent or more of surplus income generated by goodworking corporates. That aside, diagnosis of facto...

Changes in PPF/NSC rules

http://m.thehindubusinessline. com/money-and-banking/ppf- closes-nsc-gets-encashed-if- holder-status-changes-to-nri/ article9930074.ece Changes in PPF/NSC rules M G Warrier

First world map: Description in Mahabharatha blog/first-ever-world-map-was- sketched-out-based-on-this- mahabharat-verse?utm_source= pushengage&utm_medium=push_ notification&utm_campaign= pushengage A rabbit and two peepal leaves: What do they represent? M G Warrier

Guests turned pets: The Hindu Open Page article Guests turned pets Not pests! M G Warrier

Write down... Later thoughts may remain...Not the words! A different take on poems and writing, making the written words visible and appreciating poems... M G Warrier

Krishna for Today: Keshav (The Hindu) Keshav deserves more attention and appreciation... M G Warrier

RBI welcomes GOI's PSBs recapitalization plan

RBI welcomes PSBs recapitalization plan* RBI welcomes bank recapitalization plan A well-capitalized banking, and in general, financial intermediation, system is a pre-requisite for stable economic growth. Economic history has shown us repeatedly that it is only healthy banks that lend to healthy firms and borrowers, creating a virtuous cycle of investment and job creation. The Government of India’s decisive package to restore the health of the Indian banking system is in the view of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), a monumental step forward in safeguarding the country’s economic future. For the first time in last decade, we now have a real chance that all the policy pieces of the jigsaw puzzle will be in place for a comprehensive and coherent, rather than piece-meal, strategy to address the banking sector challenges. It bodes us well that this step has been taken in a time of sound macroeconomic conditions for the economy on other fronts. The proposed recapitalisation package for...


WEEKEND LIGHTER: A rising aditya in the western horizon (October 28/29, 2017) Feel free to mail your views on this edition of WL to Section III Leisure: Guest Column: Gun Culture   I Cover Story Law and Justice This refers to the report “Why make a show of patriotism: SC judge” (The Hindu, October 24). As generally people are averse to commenting on court observations, Justice Chandrachud’s terse observations in the open court may not attract much public attention till another petition is filed in the Apex Court on the subject or Centre decides to consider another legislation to uphold the dignity of National Anthem. Allowing ‘law to take its course’, one is tempted to divert into a general issue which deserves public debate. This relates to legislation of laws and the role of courts in administration of justice. Viewed from a different angle, one feels that, of late, legislatures, from Parliament down to Gram Panchayats a...

Identity proof accepted at airport Useful information M G Warrier

Elders, loneliness and society 03/social-interaction-seniors/ I found this article (please open the above link) interesting. Someone is talking about several social and family issues affecting elders' attitudes and approach to life. I was moved by the reference to caregiver who look after someone who needs 24x7 attention, losing opportunity for socializing and later finding himself/herself alone or lonely in society. I personally know some such cases. Last week, we visited Mrs Menon (name changed). Mr Menon was bed-ridden for long and passed away the previous week. The day we visited (Sunday), Mrs Menon's drawing room was crowded with visitor. Each individual was trying to excel on how Mrs Menon (80 plus and having her share of ailments) can find hobies for timepass, how she should take care of her own on and so forth. When there was a pause, Mrs Menon said: "My son and arrived from US on second day and after the funeral he left on fifth day because o...

A bold step in bank reform: T Ram Mohan opinion/lead/a-bold-step-in- bank-reform/article19926994. ece A bold step in bank reform: T Ram Mohan T Ram Mohan is a professor at IIM Ahmadabad M G Warrier

Capital infusion unavoidable: Usha Thorat Capital infusion not a solution, but unavoidable: Usha Thorat The present GOI initiative to ensure that PSBs are able to adhere to capital adequacy norms, hopefully, is part of a comprehensive revamp of Indian Banking System. In post-independent India, RBI and GOI have, by and large, tried to protect savers' interests and adequacy of credit flow to sectors considered more important to the country's economic growth. Present impasse has been created by political interference in the management of PSBs and a pedestrian approach by GOI to management and regulation of banking system during the two decades starting with LPG (Liberalisation-Privatisation-Globalisation) circa 1991. M G Warrier

Theory of happiness sold for ten crore Clue to Happiness auctioned!* Einstein's hand-written note on happiness fetched Rs10 crore in a Tokyo auction M G Warrier *Earlier post on this subject at this Blog was four days ago...

Free, fair and fake?: Changing phases of Media... Interesting information. Looking forward to the outcome of the debate being initiated by The Hindu. M G Warrier

Controlling the mind: The Hindu Faith Column The Hindu, October 25, 2027 Faith Controlling the mind:  Story of Jatabharatha M G Warrier

Banking on Matrimony For the submitted version of this letter, please open earlier post "Incentive or disincentive?" M G Warrier

The woods are lovely...: Robert Frost The woods are lovely... M G Warrier

Waiting for the Barbarians: Poem by C P Cawfi Read the Malayalam translation of this poem by Sacchidanandan published in Mathrubhumi Weekly (October 29, 2017). Found interesting. M G Warrier

Three questions: Speaking Tree M G Warrier

Incentive or disincentive?

First-time marriage only : State Bank of India has decided to offer a generous gift to its bachelor employees... Incentive or disincentive? It's not clear from the report whether all unmarried employees will get the allowance and leave or whether there is any 'minimum service' or 'age' restrictions for this benefit. It is also not clear whether it is a one time benefit or the allowance will be monthly and leave an annual affair! Of course, if the benefit will not continue post-marriage, it can become a disincentive for getting married. Banks are unpredictable when it comes to conditionalities in small print. Having passed the test at entry level, SBI employees will protect their self-interest. But those handling RTI in SBI should keep answers ready for these questions.  M G Warrier

Legislation of law and administration of justice: Doe a conflict exist? Law and justice This refers to the report “Why make a show of patriotism: SC judge” (The Hindu, October 24). As generally people are averse to commenting on court observations, Justice Chandrachud’s terse observations in the open court may not attract much public attention till another petition is filed in the Apex Court on the subject or Centre decides to consider another legislation to uphold the dignity of National Anthem. Allowing ‘law to take its course’, one is tempted to divert into a general issue which deserves public debate. This relates to legislation of laws and the role of courts in administration of justice. Viewed from a different angle, one feels that, of late, legislatures, from Parliament down to Gram Panchayats are not devoting enough time for deliberating on the various aspects of the laws they make or judicial or quasi-judicial decisions they take. This resul...

A flower from the neighbor's garden cY2OU4UN5SSBjzaG3 While returning from morning walk today, I found this flower in my neighbor's garden M G Warrier

Theory of happy living: Einstein tips in notes! tech/science/einsteins-theory- of-happy-living-emerges-in- tokyo-note/article19901772.ece Einstein tips in notes: Theory of happy living M G Warrier

If You Forget Me: A Poem by Pablo Neruda if-you-forget-me/ If You Forget Me: A Poem by Pablo Neruda M G Warrier

Govardhan by Keshav Govardhan By Keshav (The Hindu) Almost every day, Keshav brings to you Krishna in different forms and colours. M G Warrier

All you wanted to know about haircuts: Open Page, The Hindu Posted online comments M G Warrier

"Bigotry", A Global Phenomenon?: Listen to Obama, Bush! "Bigotry", A Global Phenomenon? M G Warrier

"Developed" by 2022?: First improve Unhuman Development Indicators! Ninan has given an excellent analysis of the tasks ahead for realising Modi's dream of taking India to the "Developed Nations" category. Unhuman (read UN Human) development indicators too need attention... M G Warrier


WEEKEND LIGHTER: Disloyalty and betrayal (October 21/22, 2017) Feel free to mail your views on this edition of WL to Section IV Leisure: “Et, Tu, Brute?”   I Cover Story India: Growth and Development This refers to BS editorial “Quite an agenda” (Business Standard, October 12). While deceleration in economic growth or short-term problems in meeting pre-decided targets for inflation or fiscal deficit can be glossed over as temporary pain for long-term gain, ground level realities like hunger and unemployment need immediate attention. In Global Hunger Index, 2017, India has slipped 3 positions to 100th among 119 nations. Placed behind even North Korea, Bangladesh and Iraq; hunger situation in the country has been rated 'serious'. In such a situation, political or economic jargon or waiting for national level council to provide guidance, may not help. Action has to get initiated from ground level and for that a national co...

RBI's perception about inflation and base rates Industry/ IEORebKYYjgAnI2rRhMcTJ/RBI- should-be-ready-to-raise- rates-MPCs-Michael-Patra.html? utm_source=newsletter&utm_ medium=email&utm_campaign= newsletter Michael Patra's observations reflect RBI's perceptions about the path inflation may take and on management of base rates as also their impact at ground level. Other members cannot be as transparent in expressing views, as most of them are birds of passage. M G Warrier

REINVENTING INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS Reinventing Indian National Congress* Apropos Nistula Hebbar’s interview with Pranab Mukherjee (Wednesday Interview, October 18), one wishes the optimism expressed by the veteran statesman gets transmitted down the line in the Congress party which needs a total revamp for its own survival. Indian National Congress, by heredity and habits never thought of the role of a real ‘Opposition’ in parliamentary democracy. Britishers, when they left India, had handed over the responsibility to govern India to Congress leaders. Almost till Nehru was there, winning elections was never a major problem for Congress. This induced an air of over-confidence among party leaders and something close to arrogance down the line among party cadres. Converse was also true. Opposition parties in India never imagined that a time will come when the respo...

HAPPY DIWALI: Canada joins DIWALI celebration with a stamp! HAPPY DIWALI M G Warrier

Urjit Patel argues the case for EMEs RBI Governor Urjit Patel argues a case for Emerging-Market Economies. M G Warrier

RTI Plea about central ministers' Aadhaar: Interesting times! Posted online comments. M G Warrier

A students' initiative to provide palliative care: A Kerala Model A students' initiative in palliative care: A Kerala Model M G Warrier

Vulture in the frame: Identify the vulture I had referred to this photograph in my Blog Post dated April 1, 2017, "RBI Pension Revision: No Man, No Problem" M G Warrier

Review Indian Pension System: Letters, Business Standard This letter was published in Business Standard during the 4th week of July 2017. M G Warrier

"If 'I' go, I can go!": The Hindu Faith Column "If "I" go, I can go!" What's this about? Please open the link above to find out. M G Warrier

External assessment favours Modi External assessment doesn't let down Modi M G Warrier

Learning from history: The Hindu Interesting article M G Warrier

Thaler must be smiling Post-Nobel acceptance of Thaler's commonsense I'm impressed by the enthusiasm media is showing in publishing articles about Richard Thaler after October 10, 2017. Thaler would have closed his mouth which was open with awe and must be smiling now. Another "Nudge" M G Warrier

Geeta Mahatmya: Painting by Keshav If the link opens, the content and picturisation help us understand The Hindu Faith column quoted in my previous Blog post on seed and tree. M G Warrier

Weekend diversion: Which came first? The tree, or the seed? Weekend diversion: Which came first? The tree, or the seed? Worth pondering over. But time is precious. Let me surrender: "Really, I don't know!" Having freed myself, I'm enjoying the ripe fruits falling from the tree, including "Speaking Tree" If you think, I'm fast approaching the "dead end", by taking this diversion, PLEASE OPEN the link! M G Warrier

Quite an agenda: Business Standard Editorial

Quite an agenda : EAC-PM should be realistic about the growth deceleration... Growth and development This refers to your editorial “Quite an agenda” (Business Standard, October 12). While deceleration in economic growth or short-term problems in meeting pre-decided targets for inflation or fiscal deficit can be glossed over as temporary pain for long-term gain, ground level realities like hunger and unemployment need immediate attention. In Global Hunger Index, 2017, India has slipped 3 positions to 100th among 119 nations. Placed behind even North Korea, Bangladesh and Iraq; hunger situation in the country has been rated 'serious'. In such a situation, political or economic jargon or waiting for national level council to provide guidance, may not help.  Action has to get initiated from ground level and for that a national consensus and cooperation of state governments become imperative. Here, the cooperative federalism becomes more relevant. GOI has to come out of ...

Global Hunger Index: India slips 3 positions to 100th among 119 nations

Global Hunger Index: India slips 3 positions to 100th among 119 nations : Placed behind even North Korea, Bangladesh and Iraq; hunger situation in the country rated 'serious'... Excerpts: " India has a ‘serious’ hunger problem at hand, with the country slipping three notches to 100 among 119 countries on the  Global Hunger Index  (GHI), 2017. This is worse than the likes of North Korea, Bangladesh, and Iraq, and better only than Pakistan and Afghanistan among Asian countries. Over three-year duration, the country has seen a slide of 45 positions from 55 in 2014. However, the rankings are not strictly comparable, as the current formula was introduced in 2015. The earlier formula was used to calculate GHI scores from 2006 to 2014. The primary difference is that the new formula standardises indicator values, and the ‘child underweight’ parameter has been replaced by ‘child stunting’ and ‘child wasting’. The index shows that more than a fifth of Indian children...


WEEKEND LIGHTER: Saving Economics from Economists  (October 14/15, 2017) Feel free to mail your views on this edition of WL to Section III  Spirituality :Worldly Ego( Ahamkara) I Cover Story Thaler’s contribution: Saving Economics from Economists* This refers to your editorial “A Nobel ‘nudge’’’(Business Standard, October 10). Nobel prize to Richard Thaler is, in a way, an effort to bring back the focus of economic research to its relevance to the masses. The recent times had brought economics and economists to disrepute because of a temporary diversion to jargon and an undeclared competition among economists on who will speak last on inflation, GDP and economic growth. The ultimate objective of economic research which is bringing maximum benefit to maximum people with available resources was somehow forgotten. The book “Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth and Happiness” which Thaler co-authored with...