
Showing posts from March, 2019

Deciphering Congress' NYAY

Deciphering NYAY This refers to the commonsense approach to NYAY in Karan Thapar’s piece “Congress’ NYAY: Unanswered questions” (Business Standard, As I see it, April 1). As a “Minimum Income Guarantee Scheme” is an idea worth pursuing, the debate on NYAY may survive this election, irrespective of Congress’ fortunes. As part of his sales talk for promoting his new book “Third Pillar” Dr Raghuram Rajan was also seen justifying NYAY (Hindi word for justice), making the common man wondering whether he is still on theory and doesn’t want to go deep into the ground level realities of ‘poverty cultivation’ in India, even after his research for writing the “Third Pillar”. In India the system is apparently comfortable to retain a target ‘catchment area’ of people below poverty line poor and illiterate, to ensure availability of cheap labour (now rechristened as ‘outsourced work’) in different sectors. It is in this context that we are prepared to dole out a portion of taxpayers’ money to...

Theatre of grief: Poorna Swami in BLink

Theatre of grief - By Poorna Swami https://www. blink/watch/theatre-of-grief/ article26672763.ece Mourning, as a profession, a tradition and as a unifying factor in communities. Suffering and death of Christ to Rudaalis and Oppari. M G Warrier

Time Management

Subject: 10 tips to manage your time more proficiently https://www.businessmanager. in/current-topics-details.php? Id=63 Interesting article. I was fascinated by the concept of Time Management when the subject was introduced by a HR professional in one of the programmes I attended as part of my job sometime during last century. Posted online comments. M G Warrier

Rajan's stand on Minimum Income Guarantee and NYAY

Subject: Rajan’s stand on NYAY and MIG https://www. opinion/letters/rajans-stand/ article26685431.ece

A community in exile: Lama dilemma

Home is where the heart is - Sixty years in exile: The Lama dilemma https://www. blink/know/home-is-where-the- heart-is/article26672547.ece A community living in uncertainty M G Warrier

Lucifer: New Malayalam movie directed by Prithwiraj

Subject: Lucifer Movie Review: New Prithviraj film is for diehard Mohanlal fans - A Fan's tribute to Mohanlal movies/reviews/story/lucifer- movie-review-new-prithviraj- film-is-for-diehard-mohanlal- fans-1489097-2019-03-29 Yesterday we watched the Malayalam movie Lucifer in a packed theatre. The movie has everything to attract crowd. You guessed it right: fight, dance et al. Excellent marketing. In Mumbai theatres two shows daily. Youngsters come to Bhandup from Navi Mumbai as theatres in their are "House Full". They don't answer my question why so much rush for the movie. One of them shoots back: Why uncle has come for this movie? "I respect the efforts of aged people like Mohanlal and acting of Manju Warrier" The fellow gets confused and we all enter Audi 2 in Dreams Mall. M G Warrier

The faked world out there: Dr Tiny Nair

The faked world out there - Life Saving Article Therapy (LISAT) opinion/open-page/the-faked- world-out-there/ article26688552.ece Friends Read on only if you know me. If you don't know me and if you feel you should read this mail further, at least Google search for M G Warrier to get a feel of the risk factors involved in reading what I write. Dr Tiny Nair is senior cardiologist in Thiruvananthapuram. In this mail, I am applying a strategy for treating incurable ailments which he has written about in his book "Happy At Heart" published sometime back. I had attempted using a crude version of this during 1990's while in service about which I had written an article "Magic of Music and Mantras". Now, what you have to do and not do: Don'ts first. Avoid discussing the contents of the article you will be reading by opening the link in this forward in your groups for the next 24 hours. Your time starts now. Do's. ...

Discerning capacity

Subject: Discerning capacity - Glass bangles do not get value addition, just because they decorate the queen! society/faith/discerning- capacity/article26679905.ece I read this column with interest. M G Warrier

Virtue of forgiveness

Believing in the virtue of forgiveness- When the quarrel is on real issues, apply your mind! http://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ mar/30/believing-in-the- virtue-of-forgiveness-1957790. html The second part in the subject line is my addition for those who don't believe they are Gods. M G Warrier

Income as wage for work: Minimum Income Guarantee

 ‘Fiscal system must be prepared for Minimum Income Guarantee scheme’ - Business Line https://www. economy/fiscal-system-must-be- prepared-for-minimum-income- guarantee-scheme/ article26666952.ece My response: Income as wage for work  This refers to the report “Fiscal system must be prepared for Minimum Income Guarantee Scheme” (Business Line, March 29). Dr Raghuram Rajan’s effort to justify NYAY even after his research for writing the “Third Pillar” leaves an impression that he is still on theory and doesn’t want to go deep into the ground level realities of ‘poverty cultivation’ in India. In India the system is still comfortable to retain a target ‘catchment area’ of people below poverty line poor and illiterate, to ensure availability of cheap labour (now rechristened as ‘outsourced work’) in different sectors. It is in this context that we are prepared to dole out a portion of taxpayers’ money to keep a ‘reserve’ of illiterate and idle...

Step by step progress: The Hindu Faith Column

Step by step progress Ramachariar says, as reported, that it might be difficult for "some" to concentrate on the qualities of the Lord. I say it is difficult "for a large number" to do this. While rendering Gita, Bhagwan had to goad Arjuna into an action without despair of any kind. He had a mission and this could be achieved only through Arjuna, the "nimithha", the super warrior among the Pandava Army. And the Lord knew well that Arjuna would certainly follow His advice, for Arjuna is then the  closest follower of Krishna. But in the modern world when we all do not have a war to wage as Arjuna had to do, although every activity of ours is virtually a mini war in achieving our goals. So what should we do to concentrate on the Lord? The more appropriate method is to follow the Lord's own advice to another devotee of His, Uddhava. The Uddhavopadesham in Bhaagavatham is excellently made, also by the same Lord. This Uddhava Disciple is different from ...

Whom should I thank?

Whom should I thank? https://paattinteparibhasha. com/2018/04/11/nanni-aarodu/ Some serious discussion is on in a group in which I'm a member, about "Thanksgiving" Remembered this poem. M G Warrier

Pride destroyed: Kaliyamardanam

Pride destroyed - à´•ാà´³ിയമർദ്ദനം(Kaliyamardanam) society/faith/pride-destroyed/ article26656469.ece There's a beautiful Malayalam poem "Kaliyamardanam" by Sugathakumari. M G Warrier

Krishna, You don't know me!

Subject: Sugatha Kumary Poems (Translations from Malayalam) – Ministhy S Nair https://ministhysnair. krishna-you-know-me-not- poetry-translation-from- malayalam/ I was searching for English translation of Sugathakumari's poem "Kaliyamardanam". Couldn't get. Got other two. Sharing M G Warrier

Introduction to learning: Brahma Vidya

Subject: Tradition of Brahma Vidya - A preliminary introduction to learning society/faith/tradition-of- brahma-vidya/article26626246. ece Brahma Vidya is considered to be the ultimate in "Vidya" (Knowledge). Here we will find a deviation from the Acharya's exhortation that a Guru can make a Shishya "learned", by removing ignorance. Though this can be interpreted as a suggestion that once the ignorance about all knowledge available is removed, one becomes a gyani, the concept that, one has to learn from a competent Guru is introduced here. As I understand it, there is no escape from learning and one cannot "meditate" and become a wise person. I may be wrong, or rather, I would love to be proved wrong. M G Warrier

Finding my name in print : Start writing, first!

Subject: The joy of finding one’s name in print- A beginner's guide to start writing articles! http://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ mar/23/the-joy-of-finding- ones-name-in-print-1954706. ht ml Really. Finding one's name printed, for the first time in a newspaper or magazine, takes one to a high, which is much higher than the "high", the alcaolics and smokers* will ever experience! Those days (1959) SSLC results were published in newspapers. First time I saw something in print about me was my number (without a star* which would have indicated first class) when I passed SSLC. Then I got published a translation of a story in our pre-university class Hindi text in a childrens' column (Balapankthi) in the Mathrubhumi Weekly. I received a two word mail ("Article received") from the Editor, Business Manager (HR Magazine) the other day. The thrill continues... M G Warrier *Statutory warning: ...  ...  injurious to healt...

Avatara Rahasyam: Secret of incarnations

Secret of incarnation - Avatara Rahasyam society/faith/secret-of- incarnation/article26636142. ece After sharing this link in my group, I received some really interesting narrations*. The fish I get is billions of times larger than the bait I could offer! Just by forwarding a link from the website early in the morning, if I can get this much "lessons" on mythology and science, I consider myself extremely lucky. The food for thought these mails have provided by sharing excerpts from earlier mails really is a treasure. This has brought together many things we would have heard in bits and pieces at different occasions. M G Warrier *Some mails on the subject exchanged in a group:      Confusion about Avataras The ten avataras of Vishnu are as given below. 1. Matsya 2. Kurma 3. Varaha 4. Narasimha 5. Vamana 6. Parasurama 7. Rama 8. Krishna 9. Buddha...