Warrier's Collage on Monday August 1, 2022
Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Monday August 1, 2022 1) Spider weaving web : Close up https://youtu.be/4J5kArP5gAE (Link Courtesy : Prem Anand Kannur) 2) Squirrel watch https://youtu.be/ysFGho_9Zh0 (Link Selection : Inspired by P R R Nayar Thiruvananthapuram) 3) From R Jayakumar's Aquarium (July 31, 2022) https://photos.app.goo.gl/dgUZnk1WrmegDmxN9 Good Morning 🌻 Nice Day M G Warrier Thought* of the Day Never be Too Proud. Never be Too Bossy. Remember that you live in a planet that has Gravity. What goes up must come down. Ultimately it is Humility that counts. *Shared by V Rangarajan A Messages/Responses 1) T N C Rangarajan Shared a link : Rangarajan's daughter* has published an essay by the Sanskrit Scholar Sri G S S Murthy in the journal Resonance that she edits : https://www.ias.ac.in/describe/article/reso/025/08/1095-1116 click and read the pdf at the link given in the article *T N C Vidya, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientifi...