Warrier's Collage on Sunday August 1, 2021
Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday August 1, 2021 A 360 degree view of Bhagirathi at DevPrayag. Swipe your finger or turn your phone around to check out a never seen before view of this iconic place. If on laptop, click with mouse and drag. https://kuula.co/share/collection/7YBD5?fs=1&vr=0&zoom=1&gyro=0&autorotate=-0.04&thumbs=-1&info=1&logo=1 Satsangam with V T Panchapagesan Chennai SUNDAY COLLAGE We discussed last Sunday Personality having five layers, in the form of five Koshas. Today let's see how a personality of a man makes him worth living in this modern world. There are three essential factors of personality which are to be discussed : 1 Service in any form 2 Sincerity in Action 3 Knowledge Social service gives extensive opportunities for self expression. It helps us to cultivate tact and teaches Tolerance. It stresses the futility of flattery and exposes the hollowness of Hypocrisy. Let us learn to serve others and we will learn ...