Warrier's Collage on Sunday July 30, 2023
Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday July 30, 2023 A V T Panchapagesan's thoughts I am not an astrologer. However based on the way I am living And as a nonagenarian, Rule of Life Decides and will pave way for the future. Goethe, German poet and Philosopher expressed His recipe for contentment in these nine lines : 1. Health enough to make work a Pleasure, 2.Wealth enough to support one's needs, 3.Strength enough to battle with difficulties And overcome them, 4.Grace enough to confess sins and forsake them, 5.Patience enough to toil until some good is accomplished, 6.Charity, enough to see some good in others, 7.Love, enough to move to be useful and helpful to others, 8.Faith enough to make real, the things of God, 9.Hope, enough to remove all anxious fears concerning the future. P S : Choice is ours, choosing the best available with these nine recipes. Be Well, V T Panchapagesan B Cover Story : Vathsala Jayaraman Mind Blowing Facts about Sanskrit ----...