Warrier's Collage March 1, 2022
Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Tuesday, March 1, 2022 1) Fire and Ice* : Robert Frost https://youtu.be/MV4H41R7Wpk (Link Courtesy : Edassery Madhavan Thrissur) *Lyrics : https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44263/fire-and-ice 2) Shivathandavam https://youtu.be/hMBKmQEPNzI Good Morning Today is Mahashivratri While sharing yesterday's Collage via WhatsApp I attached the photo of Vilwa tree received from Vishnu Kelkar. I was happy to see the attachment appearing at the top and "Collage" following. Within an hour I received 20 WhatsApp messages about the photo, as only the photo got transmitted to my contacts. Result of my poor level of technology awareness. I never knew my morning messages had this much readership. I used "share application" now and resent the full message to many of my readers. I enjoy learning by committing blunders, which I am used to 🙏-Warrier https://images.app.goo.gl/AzMUAxL3dJRGzdB4A Nice Day M G Warrier M A Message...