
Showing posts from February, 2022

Warrier's Collage March 1, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Tuesday, March 1, 2022 1) Fire and Ice* : Robert Frost (Link Courtesy : Edassery Madhavan Thrissur) *Lyrics : 2) Shivathandavam Good Morning Today is Mahashivratri While sharing yesterday's Collage via WhatsApp I attached the photo of Vilwa tree received from Vishnu Kelkar. I was happy to see the attachment appearing at the top and "Collage" following. Within an hour I received 20 WhatsApp messages about the photo, as only the photo got transmitted to my contacts. Result of my poor level of technology awareness. I never knew my morning messages had this much readership. I used "share application" now and resent the full message to many of my readers. I enjoy learning by committing blunders, which I am used to 🙏-Warrier Nice Day M G Warrier M A Message...

Warrier's Collage February 28, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Monday, February 28, 2022 Good Morning February 28 is observed as National Science Day. See a link at H for more details. Nice Day M G Warrier A Responses 1) Jyothilakshmi Anil Kumar I don't know how well to express ...but I am overwhelmed with joy reading these sweet and kind responses on my statements from you and Surendran Uncle. It feels extremely good. Prayers and wishes for good health and wellness to both of you and both Aunties. Thank you for making my day. 2) R Jayakumar I Collage on Sunday It took about 45 minutes to go through today's (Sunday February 27, 2022) weekly Collage without opening any of the links provided. The increase in the number of readership of your Blog posts is not surprising. Your writings are very precise and to the point, no word or sentence is used without context or to beat around the bush. That is why there are many admirers for your autobiography (now in instalments) even before it is publ...

Warrier's Collage Sunday February 27, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday, February 27, 2022 (Weekend Edition) 1) Dolphin Dance (Link Selection : Collage) 2) Sreenand in Star Singer (Link Courtesy : A P Ramadurai) 3) What Am I? : Self-Knowledge (Sarvapriyanda) 4) Tourism : Keravan Kerala 5) Indore Food Street Good Morning Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday March 5, 2022. Ayurarogyasaukhyam to all readers. Best Wishes 🙏 My blog started more than a decade ago has crossed 4.56 lakhs views, present daily average views being 300 plus. In addition, Warriersviews @ Times of India Readers Blog, started during the pandemic, has 100 plus short pieces targeting readers looking for variety in light reading. Like :

Curry Leaves : Benefits

This morning (February 26, 2022) collected some fresh curry leaves from the small tree in my compound. Thought of sharing the benefits : Good Morning & Nice Day M G Warrier

A Tiger Worship Story

If the link below opens, please read an interesting Tiger Story : M G Warrier

Why Jackfruit is gaining popularity?

Fruits from South India : Jackfruit Excerpts : "Jackfruit is a unique tropical fruit that has increased in popularity in recent years. It has a distinctive sweet flavor and can be used to make a wide variety of dishes. It’s also very nutritious and may have several health benefits." M G Warrier

Warrier's Collage February 23, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Wednesday, February 23, 2022 (Midweek Edition) 1) Why is Natararaja Statue here? (Link Courtesy : A P Ramadurai) 2) Last Journey of a Mother Tigress (Link Courtesy : Shaji Kurup Ex-NABARD) Good Morning Vihaan queried, why next day's message is reaching on the previous night. Gave him convincing reasons. This will, hopefully, get regularised soon. Nice Day M G Warrier A Responses 1) Jyothilakshmi Anil Kumar Ref : My Story So Far Chapter 3* Your story is getting more interesting Uncle. Sorry for the delay in responding, I was indisposed for last two days. Staying with a bunch of inmates for quite some time must have been a "Big Boss" type of experience for you for sure. I believe, destiny already plans the best and the most suitable life for us. You were meant to be a good banker, than a defence personnel. The 'Bank's gain, but Defences' loss. Destiny...

Media Response : Taxing the poor

Media Response February 21, 2022 Taxing the poor This refers to the article "Some taxing issues in India's fiscal policy" (The Hindu Business Line, February 21). The observation "It is a myth that the poor don't pay taxes as they pay a significant amount through indirect taxes" is very true. Historically, whatever be the nature and form of government, world over, decisions on taxation policy has been the prerogative of the rich and the mighty. By now wealth adequate for few generations of the entire world population to live comfortably for at least two generations has been accumulated and is idling unmapped and unaccounted. High time we had a serious look at profit-making and taxation policies. Mainstreaming unaccounted domestic resources, taxing agricultural income, shifting focus of taxation from income to expenditure and investment/savings are ideas whose time has come. As regards transparency in resources mobilisation and reducing living expens...

Warrier's Collage Sunday February 20, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday, February 20, 2022 (Weekend Edition) 1) Yoga of Meditation (Link Selection : Collage) 2) Narasimha...: Kathakali 3) Know more 4) Sandal wood art (Link Courtesy : A P Ramadurai) Good Morning Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday February 26, 2022. Ayurarogyasaukhyam to all readers. 🙏 Nice Day M G Warrier A Responses 1) C V Subbaraman Apropos Vathsala Jayaraman's write up on principles, the best principle is to either have no set principles or to have "adaptability" as a principle which is the dignified term to have no principles. We are all, in a way, adopting the trait of "adaptability". Perhaps this is a positive quality as mentioned in our Self Appraisal form? Subbaraman 2) Vishnu Kelkar Ref : B3-(a) Well said. Negati...

Pay Disparities

February 18, 2022 Pay disparities This refers to the article "Time to end exorbitant executive pay" by N Madhavan (The Hindu Business Line, Matters of fact, February 18). The analysis is focused and relevant across the sectors irrespective of technicalities of "ownership". Let's be aware that whether through equity contribution, taxes, by investment in different savings instruments including insurance and retirement funds or bank deposits, public share in resources tapped by private and public sector companies and organisations is substantially high in India. Let's recall during the post-independence and pre-constitution days when President's salary was fixed at Rs10,000 per month, the ratio of minimum and maximum remuneration in India was roughly 1 : 10. Executive salaries in private sector too didn't go to much higher levels than the President's salary. The issue is more deep rooted than the glaring aberrations quoted. It's high time ...