(This Blog became active in September 2008. After 10 years, I look back with satisfaction. Many thanks for your continued support) Managing India’s Hidden Wealth M G Warrier As distorted priorities in development planning is a legacy Modi government inherited from the post-Nehruvian governments (at Centre and states). Kerala floods will remain a case study for posterity, to learn why all natural calamities are not ‘caused’ by nature alone, and, once a calamity happens, how best damages to life and property can be minimized depending on neighborhood support, technology, help available from any quarters and last but not least by providing a confident leadership which doesn’t add to distress. Incidentally, according to one estimate, dams in Kerala are capable of managing less than 20 percent of the water from annual rainfall. The problems of mid-August 2018 floods in Kerala were aggravated by several hostile factors, man-made and natural. We need ...