
Showing posts from March, 2018

Bringing up father: The Hindu Open Page article Interesting article M G Warrier Thiruvananthapuram

Monkey goes missing with infant in Odisha:: The Hindu report national/other-states/monkey- goes-missing-with-infant-in- odisha/article23402547.ece Life's stranger than fiction. Now read this real-life experience narrated by Vathsala Jayaraman in a group email: M G Warrier Thiruvananthapuram Today's (April 1, 2018) The Hindu carries a News item about an infant being carried away by a monkey in Cuttack district of Odissa. This rewinds my memories of a real incident that happened in 1969, which I have shared earlier with the group. It was 9th June 1969.I was in my native village. My first daughter was 22 days old.  She was sleeping in a bamboo cradle in the hall.My parents had gone to the temple. As I was busy in the kitchen I felt the haphazard swinging from the cradle.When I rushed to the hall, I saw  a big monkey sitting on the rim of the cradle and jumping & jumping over and over again giving a vertical bumping motion to the cradle.When I went near the c...

All in a busy day at the clinic: The Hindu Open Page opinion/open-page/all-in-a- busy-day-at-the-clinic/ article22919391.ece Interesting article M G Warrier Thiruvananthapuram

Breaking barriers: Frontline book review and-culture/literature/ breaking-barriers/ article10105925.ece Frontline book reviews go much beyond the review of books... After reading the review, you would find it tough to come back from the areas where the review has guided your thoughts into... M G Warrier  Thiruvananthapuram

The buck stops here: Jaimini Bhagwati in Business Standard

The buck stops here : Instead of wholesale privatization, consolidation of public sector banks is a better safeguard against PNB-like scams...

Significance of Good Friday and Easter: Speaking Tree Worth reading again M G Warrier Thiruvananthapuram

Buck stops here: An old BS article by Tamal Bandopadhyaya An old article, posted now for its current relevance M G Warrier Thiruvananthapuram

Management of BP, diabetes : A Kerala Model Management of BP, diabetes: A Kerala Model C Maya is daughter of N C Nair who was with RBI Thiruvananthapuram during 1960's and 70's M G Warrier Thiruvananthapuram M G Warrier

Consolidation of PSBs: Business Standard Consolidation of PSBs and infusing professionalism in management suggested M G Warrier

Infuse professionalism in fiscal management March 28, 2018 Infuse professionalism in financial management This refers to your timely editorial “A taste of markets” (The Hindu Business Line, March 28). Without saying in so many words, the editorial gives a glimpse of the imprudent fiscal management by GOI and the not so professional way of resources management by Finance Ministry guided by NITI (National Institution for Transforming India) Aayog which was supposed to be a functional replacement for the Planning Commission, which Prime Minister Modi had in 2014 identified as a building in disrepair needing reconstruction. Unfortunately, the three years didn’t see much contribution from NITI Aayog helping India to manage the country’s resources professionally, some open debates and research-type papers notwithstanding. The present predicament of GOI in managing fiscal deficit and the over-de...

The Hindu Interview: Romila Thaper The Hindu Interview: Romila Thaler "...And I think it is a very good thing that this questioning has come in. But the act of questioning should not become more important than what is being questioned." Romila Thaper

Three precious gifts: Faith Column, The Hindu

The charm of traveling solo: The Hindu Open Page M G Warrier Thiruvananthapuram

Chasing Inclusive Growth Reforms for Financial Inclusion: eBook published Notion Press Chennai has published my book "Chasing Inclusive Growth Reforms for Financial Inclusion" as eBook and the book is available at Notion Press and other online marketing outlets like Your encouragement and support solicited M G Warrier Thiruvananthapuram

Learning from GenNext M G Warrier

India's Decade of Reforms: Right book at the right time Telengana Today, March 25, 2018 Book Review: Right book at the right time: India's Decade of Reforms Reserve Bank of India at Central Stage By M G Warrier Excellently balanced review by Dr Yerram Raju Many Thanks, Dr Raju M G Warrier

Indraprasta: Myth and Reality Indraprasta: Myth and Reality M G Warrier

Dr N Gopalakrishnan: Indian Institute of Scientific Heritage, Kerala This is a website worth visiting more often M G Warrier

Possible rise in Small Savings interest rates next quarter Expecting small rise in Small Savings interest rates next quarter M G Warrier

Making hay while the sun shines... This is absurd. Ownership is not the real issue. Creating a level playing field for public sector and private sector organizations will make things easier M G Warrier

Atma gyana: Self realization Aim of life: Self realization M G Warrier

Fed Reserve rate hike: Livemint article Wait for blog post on March 26, 2018 from Thiruvananthapuram M G Warrier

Books by M G Warrier: Banking Reforms and Financial Inclusion Books by M G Warrier India's Decade of Reforms Reserve Bank of India at Central Stage Chasing Inclusive Growth Reforms for Financial Inclusion Share this link with your friends and colleagues M G Warrier

Theatre: The Hindu Friday Review Theatre M G Warrier

Weekend Lighter: Privatizing Public Sector

Weekend Lighter: Privatizing Public Sector (March 24, 2018)* Rama Navami Special: Shiva Gita: (See Section III) *Next issue of WEL will be from Thiruvananthapuram Section I Cover Story Privatizing public sector This refers to the article “Why privatize banks?” (Business Line, March 8). Srinivas Dindi, in his short but thought-provoking piece has covered several aspects which do not justify further privatization of banking business in India at this juncture. Let us concede that in India, since Nehruvian days, when ‘public sector’ commanded much more respect than today also, there has been a sponsored lobby out to annihilate public sector undertakings by any means available. We have witnessed the fall of institutions like UTI.  Methods used included creating legal hurdles in parity in functional matters with the private sector, ensuring weaknesses in top management by interference in top-level appointments and HR issues using Government’s ownership rig...

Tips for Civil Services aspirants Those who are interested in getting tips on current affairs in the financial sector can pick up a copy of "India's Decade of Reforms Reserve Bank of India at Central Stage" from one of the online marketing outlets M G Warrier

Paintings by Keshav: Krishna everyday Paintings by Keshav M G Warrier

Global Digital Summit Kochi, March 22, 2018 Global Digital Summit, Kochi March 22, 2018 Curtain Raiser M G Warrier

MMA: See music weaving a fantastic fabric from oddities MMA...125 Years dedicated to music: Connecting Music, Pope, Hockey, Leprosy... M G Warrier

Fed Policy: A change in outlook? A change in policy stance at Fed Reserve M G Warrier

2G update: Transparency, coordination, time-bound completion of processes 2G Update Judicial processes and procedures too need revamping to ensure coordination among agencies involved and to complete action in a reasonable time M G Warrier

Regulatory powers of RBI

PPR review of M G Warrier's 2014 book!topic/retireeforumsyndicate/wvlBTs1bz-g Review of my book "Banking Reforms and Corruption Development Issues in the 21st Century India M G Warrier

Yogakshemam Vahaamyaham: Painting by Keshav Posted online comments M G Warrier

What's normal BP? Dr B M Hegde, as always, tells you something new M G Warrier

SCAMS and criticism: Where the buck stops Submitted version of this letter was posted here yesterday. M G Warrier

Public sector banks: Buck passing between RBI and Ministry of Finance

Public sector banks: Buck passing between RBI and Ministry of Finance : The main beneficiary of the RBI's contempt of the court's decision on RTI is PSBs, over which the RBI claims to have no control! Where the buck stops? This refers to the piece “PSBs: Buck passing between RBI and MoF” by Debashis Basu (Business Standard, Irrational Choice, March 19). I quote below the concluding portion of my article on corruption published in during September 2012: “I am convinced that unless the people, who do not directly participate in the affairs of legislatures, executive and the judiciary, those in the media and those who are part of these three wings, but are silent spectators to the goings on, due to various compulsions, do not come together to oppose corrupt practices across government and public and private sector organizations, the present situation will get perpetuated. This is not an ill that can be cured by another institution like Lokpal or by debates in parliam...

Bird-watching Refresh your memory about some birds M G Warrier

RBI Governor's March 14, 2018 speech: BS editorial Business Standard takes a balanced view M G Warrier

Dr Urjit Patel is right: Business Standard Dr Urjit Patel is right M G Warrier

The Global ANALYST article in ICAI list ICAI includes my article in January 18 TGA in the list of reference articles. M G Warrier

Love in the time of riots: Frontline book review Love in the time of riots This Frontline Book Review may make you buy the book M G Warrier

Care for healthcare and caregivers Care for healthcare and caregivers M G Warrier

A touch of 'Enlightenment' Interesting thoughts M G Warrier

When nations decline: Business Standard

When nations decline, rule-makers turn rule-breakers, threaten world order : T N Ninan asks which country is the greater threat to the world system: China or the US? Trump as a symbol This refers to “When nations decline” (Business Standard, Weekend ruminations, March 17). The short piece has covered several concerns of people across geographies which usually get swept under the carpet while editorials and columns are written in the mainstream media. Unpalatable truths are always reserved for special occasions and are told in bits and pieces.  Though briefly, Ninan has opened up and perhaps a debate may follow. It is not comfortable, being reminded about history, especially for those in power. But we are passing through a time when, forgetting history can be more harmful than any other time in world history. Today “Trump” doesn’t carry extra value than any other card in the pack. Thanks to the idea of strength developed post-World War II by those who thought that they had won the ...

Enlightenment: The Hindu Faith Column Enlightenment: The Hindu Faith Column M G Warrier

Debt Relief: Kerala Model, worth a trial Debt Relief: Kerala Model M G Warrier

M Sukumaran passes away M Sukumaran was my colleague in the AG's Office Thiruvananthapuram where I worked during 1964-68. May his soul rest in peace M G Warrier

LoU Ban, no need to panic: LiveMint LoU Ban by RBI: No need to panic M G Warrier

Former RBI Governor Dr Rajan's views on SWIFT-RELATED SCAM Dr Raghuram Rajan explains RBI's position on SWIFT-RELATED irregularities based on what was done during his tenure at Mint Road M G Warrier

Online review of "Chasing Inclusive Growth" at Online Book Review: Chasing Inclusive Growth Reforms for Financial Inclusion Please read a detailed online review of my book "Chasing Inclusive Growth Reforms for Financial Inclusion" at by Shri Sitendra Kumar. M G Warrier

GemScam: Blame game continues Blame game continues M G Warrier

Books for Competitive Exams, 2018: M G Warrier Warrier/e/B079ZC3JKX/ref=ntt_ dp_epwbk_0 Given above is the link for my Author's Page at Amazon. The books (a) India's Decade of Reforms Reserve Bank of India at Central Stage(in print and eBook version) and (b) Chasing Inclusive Growth Reforms for Financial Inclusion (eBook) will give useful inputs on current issues and challenges faced by Indian Economy. M G Warrier

Back to The Preamble Frontline review

The Life Principle I enjoyed reading this column M G Warrier

The best advice I ever had: Reader's Digest article A 1956 article by Vijayalakshmi Pandit M G Warrier

In praise of conformity: The Hindu Open Page In praise of conformity: Indu Menon A good article M G Warrier

Books by M G Warrier : Available at "India's Decade of Reforms Reserve Bank of India at Central Stage" (both print and eBook version) and "Chasing Inclusive Growth Reforms for Financial Inclusion" (eBook version of my book "Banking Reforms and Corruption Development Issues in 21st Century India") are now available for online purchase at A brief introduction to the books can be accessed at this link. Thanks for your support and encouragement. M G Warrier

Baala Mukunda Karaaravindena Padaaravindam Mukhaaravinde Vinivesayantam Vatasya Pathrasya Pure Shayaanam Baalam Mukundam Manasaasmarami M G Warrier

Women with sense of humor

PNB fraud :Livemint: Article by Usha Thorat

 : Opinion/ wPFneTtgGOwMT3QBKiUn7I/PNB- fraud-strong-action- communication-needed.html#. Understanding PNB fraud M G Warrier

RBI Pension Revision: Working staff wake up See my Blog post "No Man No Problem" M G Warrier

Where did Villa Maya get the tiles from? Where did Villa Maya get the tiles from? M G Warrier

You decide your priorities: Is reading waste of time? You decide your priorities M G Warrier

After diagnosis: Prescription After diagnosis: Prescription M G Warrier

Thiruvannamalai: Hill of Fire Thiruvannamalai: Hill of Fire M G Warrier

Final Diagnosis: What ails PSBs? M G Warrier

Who is against public sector bank reforms, anyway?

Who wants public sector bank reforms, anyway? : The massive bad loans reflect a breakdown of basic banking March 5, 2018 PSB reforms This refers to the interesting article by Debashis Basu “Who wants PSB reforms, anyway?” (BS, Irrational choice, March 5). Permit me to rephrase the question and answer it before commenting on the content of the article. Who is preventing a wholesale overhaul of PSBs to bring them on par with the best among the world-class commercial banks? They include the rich and the powerful who own and operate governments in India, mainstream media houses and private sector business who depend on laxity in the appraisal of loan proposals and recovery arrangements in PSBs. In the episodes which have triggered the present debate including this article also, you can decipher the soft corner the lobbies against PSBs have for those who have looted the banks and brought disgrace to the Indian Banking System. The pressure on the government to bring to book...

Banking through 4 decades: Inside Outside A good article on progress of public sector and private sector banking since 1970's by a practical banker M G Warrier

Chasing Inclusive Growth: Reforms for Financial Inclusion

eBook version of my first book " Chasing Inclusive Growth Reforms for Financial Inclusion" (Published in print edition in 2014 as "Banking Reforms and Corruption Development Issues in the 21st Century India" by Sampark Kolkatta) has been published by Notion Press Chennai. The book is available at for Rs 99 M G Warrier

India's Decade of Reforms: Reserve Bank of India at Central Stage

WL: India’s Decade of Reforms (March 3, 2018) Chasing Inclusive Growth : See Section III I Book release INDIA’S DECADE OF REFORMS RESERVE BANK OF INDIA AT CENTRAL STAGE M G WARRIER Publisher: Notion Press, Pages: 258, Price: Rs399 Kindle Edition: Rs200 Notion Press has published my second book “India’s Decade of Reforms: Reserve Bank of India at Central Stage on January 30, 2018. The book is available in print edition (Paperback) and in eBook version at all major online distributors worldwide, including,, Flipkart, Ideakart etc besides with the publisher Notion Press, Chennai. M G Warrier II Recent responses Privatizing public sector Apropos Akash Prakash’s thought-provoking piece “PNB and the public sector banks” (Business Standard, February 27), let us concede that in India, since Nehruvian days, when ‘public sector’ commanded some respect, there has been a sponsored lobby out to annihilate public sector...