
Showing posts from 2019

Pension as deferred wages

M Govinda Your comment is now approved      Good news! Your comment has been approved on  in  ‘Staffer who resigns can’t get pension’     From what's reported, one gets an impression that the concept of pension as deferred wages was not brought to their Lordship's notice. This is unfortunate. In the present scenario, even a person who works for a year should be entitled to proportionate retirement benefits including pension or equivalent monetary benefits accessible for post-retirement life.     Go to comment                 M Govinda's Profile  |  Unsubscribe  |  Manage settings  |  About   You received this email because you signed up for  Vuukle . World's fastest growing Enterprise-grade User Engagement and Commenting Platform!   © 2019 Vuukle inc.  

Best non-fiction books of 2010-19

 Best non-fiction books of the decade - books/best-non-fiction-books- of-the-decade/article30413098. ece   If the link opens enjoy reading M G Warrier

New Year Resolution, 2020: "Love All"

My New Year Resolution, 2020: "Love All" https://timesofindia. warriersviews/my-new-year- revolution-2020-9540/   Sharing my thoughts on receiving the New Year, 2020 arriving in a few hours from now (I'm writing this at 1040 hrs on December 31, 2019). The word "Revolution" which has intruded into the caption seems to be an autocorrect as I had no revolution in my mind while thinking about new year resolution! Happy New Year 2020 M G Warrier From here and there: Volunteering Dear friends, WIsh you all a happy,prosperous New year. Very often in the beginning of the of the year we take resolutions to serve the society etc etc but at the end of the year, we feel that we have not volunteered to do anything in particular and have wasted a precious year of our lives. Here is a forward intended for those who have such a guilty feeling. What is volunteering? When your serving is all willing, Then you are

Moments to remember 2019

Moments to remember of 2019: In Pictures - newsround/50718663   If the link opens, take a diversion from the routine. If you are able to connect and enjoy, share.  M G Warrier

New Year Promises

New Year Promises article/new-year-promises   Close your eyes. Listen to yourselves. Regularly. Few minutes, everyday. M G Warrier


Subject: Education, values & skills society/faith/education- values-skills/article30414679. ece   This piece can get controversial. But I got inspired by PC who said: Soldiers should worry only about protecting borders. Governance, we. Politicians will take care. In a way, the lawyer defends chaturvarnyam! Over to you M G Warrier

M G Warrier: Books

M G Warrier: Books  M G Warrier   

Reading Gita II: Renunciation of Action in Knowledge

Reading Bhagavad Gita II: Renunciation of action in knowledge https://timesofindia. warriersviews/reading- bhagavad-gita-ii-renunciation- of-action-in-knowledge-9515/   In the first part of this series on Bhagavad Gita, we discussed a few stanzas from Chapter 3 with focus on Karma Yoga. In Part II we go straight to the concluding stanzas of Chapter 4 with focus on renunciation and knowledge. M G Warrier

Face reality, move forward!

Searching for a glimmer of hope- Facing the reality, and moving forward! https://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ dec/27/searching-for-a- glimmer-of-hope-2081414.html   Ashok Warrier shares his perceptions about the way media is handling its clientele. We have no escape from negativism. Not because the world's attitude has changed. But because negativism has an expanding market among idlers. By idlers, I mean, those who don't have to work to earn their daily necessities and have no major health issues in the immediate family. This observation comes from the wound caused by a WhatsApp message I read immediately after reading this article. The professor who forwarded a video of a violent scene to me laments why the video has not yet become "viral"! M G Warrier

How to kick-start the economy?: C Rangarajan

Key steps to kick-starting the economy -  Dr C Rangarajan in The Hindu opinion/lead/key-steps-to- kick-starting-the-economy/ article30391156.ece   Interesting article M G Warrier

My friends in Reserve Bank of India: S D Lourdez

S D Lourdez Shri Savarimuthu Devasahayam Lourdez Pillai (S D Lourdez), then aged 53 plus was my batch-mate when I joined RBI, Thiruvananthapuram as Clerk Grade II (Temporary) in 1968. Lourdez was the first and only clerk who appeared on his first day in Thiruvananthapuram RBI dressed in full suit. A cream-coloured loose coat and a red tie. That was his second incarnation in RBI.  For personal reasons, Lourdez had to take early retirement while working as Sub-Accountant (first level in officer's grade) in Bank's Madras Office. Lourdez had a family to maintain, there was no pension scheme and the entire retirement benefits he received got exhausted in settling the "personal reasons" (read indebtedness) which reportedly had resulted in his forced ouster from Bank's service. Reserve Bank of India being a benevolent employer, sympathetically considered a request from Lourdez for reappointment in the lowest grade and accommodated him against a clerical vac

Economists and Analysts play safe

Letter to BS: Economists and analysts more often than not play safe com/article/opinion/letter-to- bs-economists-and-analysts- more-often-than-not-play-safe- 119122500717_1.html Submitted version: December 24, 2019 Playing with slowdown numbers This refers to the article "Addressing the Great Slowdown" (Business Standard, December 24). The eminent economists, quoting facts and figures, have argued forcefully against (a) manipulating budgetary figures to hide uncomfortable fiscal deficits, (b) provision of additional fiscal stimulus, (c) bringing down individual income tax rates, (d) raising GST rates and (e) blaming GST for the slowdown when root causes lie elsewhere. While the don'ts prescriptions look laudable, in the do's list, the authors seem to be extra cautious and relied only on conventional first-aid remedies like putting bad loans in isolation wards (two 'bad' banks are suggested) and providing incenti

Work life balance

Received via email from Thyagarajan: Work-life balance Once upon a time a very strong woodcutter landed a great job with a timber merchant. His boss gave him an axe & showed him where he'd work. The first day, the woodcutter brought down 18 trees. “Congratulations,” the boss said. “Keep it up!” Motivated by the boss’ words, the woodcutter tried harder the next day, but could only bring down 15 trees. The third day he tried even harder, but could only fell 10 trees. Day after day he was bringing down less & less trees. “I must be losing my strength”, the woodcutter thought. He went to the boss & apologised, saying that he couldn't understand what was going on. The boss asked, “When was the last time you sharpened your axe?” “Sharpen? I haven't had time to sharpen my axe. I've been so busy cutting down trees…” +++ Moral of the Story Just like the woodcutter, it's easy to get consumed by our work. Client deadlines, budgeting fore

I believe in Santa, because...

I believe in Santa because I believe in happiness and humanity https://timesofindia. theincorrigibleoptimist/i- believe-in-santa-because-i- believe-in-happiness-and- humanity-9492/   Merry Christmas Reading this, I remembered my own blogpost "Bye, C U in heaven!" @WarriersViews/Times of India M G Warrier

Excerpts from Pope's Christmas Message

                                   I received this  extract of a  message from Pope Francis on the  occasion of Christmas through my friend PP Ramachandran. How beautiful is this Universal message !.       M G Warrier   Christmas Message from Pope Francis . You can have flaws, be anxious, and even be angry, but do not forget that your life is the greatest enterprise in the world. Only you can stop it from going bust. Many appreciate you, admire you and love you. Remember that to be happy is not to have a sky without a storm, a road without accidents, work without fatigue, relationships without disappointments. To be happy is to find strength in forgiveness, hope in battles, security in the stage of fear, love in discord. It is not only to enjoy the smile, but also to reflect on the sadness. It is not only to celebrate the successes, but to learn lessons from the failures. It is not only to feel happy with the applause, but to be happy in anonymity. Being happy is not a fa

An immigrant's Christmas Eve

An Immigrant’s Christmas Eve 12/23/opinion/immigrant- christmas-eve.html  

New Exrbites Group

New Exrbites Group:  Message from M G Warrier group-discussion/topic/social- issues/social-media   Friends This is my first mail to this group after accepting Madan Gauria's invitation to join the gmail group. Links copied here are meant to just initiate interaction. A Poignant poinsettias, an Xmas memory - opinion/open-page/poignant- poinsettias-an-xmas-memory/ article30368029.ece   B Reading Gita I: Traits of a Karma Yogi https://timesofindia. warriersviews/reading-gita- traits-of-a-karma-yogi-9464/   Starting a series on spirituality. My blogspot @Times on December 22, 2019. C Best Wishes and Regards M G Warrier

Reading Gita I: Portrait of a Karma Yogi

Reading Gita: Traits of a Karma Yogi https://timesofindia. warriersviews/reading-gita- traits-of-a-karma-yogi-9464/   Hopefully, starting a series on spirituality M G Warrier

Rotary special children

Rotary Special Children – Rotary Institute For Children In Need Of Special Care http://rotaryspecialchildren. com/#  

Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and The Global Analyst

Subject: ICAI - The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India html?post_id=16145   The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India continues to include articles from The Global Analyst among reference articles in Periodic lists circulated by them. M G Warrier

Nobel Ceremony: Get a feel of what Abhijit is asking for

 Five Days With Abhijit & Esther in Stockholm - Open The Magazine features/five-days-abhijit- esther-stockholm/   Dr G Srikumar attended Nobel Ceremony last week. A detailed story in the OPEN Please share with friends. We need just 100 Abhijits with the attitude of this Abhijit (Impatient and wanting results here and now, as Srikumar describes) and "change is possible" in 10 years. M G Warrier

Introducing Rairu Nambiar

Subject: Happiness and contentment are within* https://timesofindia. warriersviews/happiness-and- contentment-are-within-9409/ You may know one similar character. There are several "Rairu Nambiars" who don't get noticed. Today, some regional channels take interest in reporting such stories. M G Warrier * On December 16, 2019 this article ranks at No 3 position among the "most read"

An urgent Trunk Call

Why poetry won’t save our forests - An urgent Trunk Call! https://www. blink/explore/why-poetry-wont- save-our-forests/ article30287429.ece   If you don't find this interesting, read later. M G Warrier

Listen to this "Wordsmith": Alexander McCall Smith

‘RK Narayan’s books were a big influence on me’: Alexander McCall Smith - Listen to this "Wordsmith" https://www. blink/meet/rk-narayans-books- were-a-big-influence-on-me- alexander-mccall-smith/ article30286794.ece   An interesting conversation with someone who took up writing seriously. Read at least last twenty lines. M G Warrier

Mobile as bodyguard?

Subject: Your Mobile is your Bodyguard:  https://timesofindia. saftysecurity/your-mobile-is- your-bodyguard-9364/   Some of you may have come across a video now in circulation in the social media where help arrives on time responding to a mobile/App alert. This article is a loud thinking about the immense possibilities of technology.  Sharing for information only. I don't have more details and I have no plan to use such an App.  I'm not comfortable with remembering passwords and PIN numbers. If anyone gets passwords or PIN from me, better verify the accuracy from another source before using it, else I will get a mobile alert for using wrong password/PIN. M G Warrier


The not-so bright idea of selling the family silver - About disinvestment opinion/lead/the-not-so- bright-idea-of-selling-the- family-silver/article30279719. ece   Posted online comments M G Warrier

Life Positive

Banyan Tree | Life Positive   Life Positive is a monthly magazine I used to buy every month from Bhaskaran Nair's shop in Pulimood, Thiruvananthapuram. Other magazines I picked up included Century, Mainstream (both published from Delhi), Bhavan's Journal and Caravan. M G Warrier

IFFK 2019: A cross retrievd from water by a woman

 IFFK 2019 | This Macedonian film resonates Sabarimala women entry - A woman retrieves a cross, gets into trouble! cities/Thiruvananthapuram/ something-similar-to- sabarimala/article30260789.ece   A woman retrieving a cross thrown into water is interpreted as encroachment into men's rights. A controversy ensues. M G Warrier

Kottakkal Aryavaidyasala: P S Warrier's 150th Birth Anniversary

Vice President of India | Government of India | Government of India https://vicepresidentofindia. address-shri-m-venkaiah-naidu- honourable-vice-president- 150th-birth-anniversary   Vice President's speech delivered at Kottakkal Aryavaidyasala in September 2019 on the occasion of the celebrations to mark the 150th Birth Anniversary of Vaidyaratnam P S Warrier. M G Warrier

Stolen from Canteen

Some possessions are hard to part with- A touching nostalgic story https://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ dec/11/some-possessions-are- hard-to-part-with-2074468.html   Two things came to my mind. One, somewhere in my Thiruvananthapuram house (we are in Mumbai now), there's a leather money purse gifted to my father by someone during 1950's or 1960's. On the purse it's written in ink: 4/25. May be Rs4.25 and the person who bought it might have purchased it after "Naya Paisa" became popular. Two, when we were in Chennai RBI during 1960's for a training, while taking coffee from RBI Canteen, I noticed that the steel davara and 'glass' in which coffee was served, the words "RBI canteen'l ninnu thirudiyathu' (stolen from RBI Canteen) were engraved. M G Warrier

Politicizing social issues

Politicizing social issues https://timesofindia. warriersviews/politicizing- social-issues-9369/   This is also about women empowerment in Kerala M G Warrier

Finland's independence struggle

Finland - The struggle for independence place/Finland/The-struggle- for-independence   Into history M G Warrier

India: Higher growth is possible

Structural policies needed for 7-plus % growth, says Rathin Roy - Higher growth is possible opinion/interview/structural- policies-needed-for-7-plus- growth/article30152893.ece   This interview discusses some dimensions of economic activity not generally highlighted. If the link opens glance through M G Warrier

DeMo is no game

Subject: The Hindu Business Line- Letters to the Editor dated December 10, 2019 - DeMo is no game https://www. opinion/letters/letters-to- the-editor/article30257841.ece   Submitted version of my letter published in the print edition of The Hindu Business Line dated  December 10, 2019 copied below: M G Warrier DeMo is no game This refers to the article "Time for DeMo 2.0?" (December 9). It is surprising that social media trollers' gossips are finding their way into the columns of Business Line. This observation is in the context of a bureaucrat who has scores to settle against finance ministry and RBI has been quoted as if his is the last word on currency management. The November 8, 2016 decision to deny legal tender status for two high denomination currency notes had transparent objectives which were stated by GOI while announcing the intention.  As regards Rs2000 denomination notes, recently it has been made publi

Soul cleanse : Making the room clutter-free

Happy News: Readers like you have helped this blog cross 222222 pageviews (cumulative, since inception) just now! Soul cleanse - The art of deciding what you really need! https://www. blink/hang/soul-cleanse/ article30188770.ece Varmaji told me that when his daughter brings home two new bedsheets, she gifts two old ones to her maid. Can we identify things we will never use and gift them to someone who may need it "NOW" M G Warrier

Mookambika Temple

Mookambika Temple, Mookambika Temple Karnataka, Mookambika Temple in India temples/mookambika-temple.html   Every temple has a story to tell. Mookambika Temple has an interesting one. M G Warrier

2020 New Year Resolutions

2020 New Year Resolutions https://timesofindia. warriersviews/2020-new-year- resolutions-9331/   Inviting inputs for drafting an appropriate New Year Resolution 2020. M G Warrier

Proving oneself is alive

Proving oneself is alive https://timesofindia. warriersviews/proving-oneself- is-alive-9274/   This year, we had some interesting interaction on digital Life Certificate which prompted me post this article @Times. By now, I have mastered the art of proving that I am alive and I have helped some others in doing this. M G Warrier

Regular Sadhana for transformation

Do Regular Practice For Great Transformation article/do-regular-practice- for-great-transformation   I found the article interesting. So sharing M G Warrier

Being into a profession of one's liking

How my parents have made me a journalist- Not "My Story" https://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ dec/07/how-my-parents-have- made-me-a-journalist-2072674. html   There's nothing better than getting into a profession one loves. Then, one makes a living by doing effortlessly what one likes to do. M G Warrier

Origin of languages

Five Theories on the Origins of Language where-does-language-come-from- 1691015   I'm trying to understand the role of language (spoken/written words) in communication.  Thought this link could be a beginning. M G Warrier

Power of Music

Power of Music S.R.BADRINARAYANAN's mail:          MATHRU DEVO BHAVA -- PITHRU DEVO BHAVA - -ACHARYA DEVO BHAVA-ADHITHI DEVO BHAVA ASATHO MAA  SATHGAMAYA   -THAMASOMAA  JYOTHIR GAMAYA - MRUTHYUR MAA AMRUTHAM GAMAYA '  A good teacher is one from whose teaching  a student may feel as though he had known  the subject early', says  a Kashmiri explanation  of a good teacher;  I find a good teacher in Warrier Ji from reading  as to how Tansen had unbroken ear drums  despite high decibel sound thro his lucid and real example! -பத்à®°ி  Govinda Warrier: SitendraJi Yesterday I was traveling and today this is the first mail I'm opening. I'm going to go on a tangent and write something light. I never expected such a simple question from you SitendraJi. My answer is another question: We were all sitting in an open space at 12 noon. A school boy brought a lens and a piece of cotton, allowed