
Showing posts from December, 2022

Vizhinjam Logjam : Media Response

Vizhinjam logjam This refers to the article "Vizhinjam will make a good port" (The Hindu Business Line, December 30). Ever since the last lap of protests against continuing the ongoing work at Vizhinjam became a politico-religious issue, central and state governments and the mainstream media started taking care to protect constituency interests. In the process, facts and history discussed in this article got submerged and there was more smoke than fire and precious time was wasted to arrive at a consensus that the work in progress should be allowed to continue in national interest. Picking up a lesson or two from countries like Japan, Singapore and UK, it is high time the political leadership across ideologies and irrespective of numbers in legislative houses came together and cooperated in developing infrastructure for economic development. Government, on their part should take the opposition and other stakeholders into confidence at every stage of implementation of larg...

Law as a profession : Article in the Without Reserve

Article in the current issue of Without Reserve Career Opportunities in the Legal Profession By Jayanti Ghose Education and Career Consultant Most people believe that lawyers work in law firms or are self-employed or work with a senior lawyer in private practice. Some might ask whether a lawyer is a criminal layer or a divorce lawyer or a civil lawyer. Beyond that people are not really aware that legal professionals can hold a variety of jobs in diverse workplaces and industries. There are many opportunities for lawyers and there are different kinds of lawyers. There are jobs for lawyers in the legal departments of all kinds of businesses and industries, both private and public, including insurance companies, banks, security companies, forensic services, investigation services, media companies, regulatory bodies and so on. The government is a major employer of lawyers as are the defence services. Why choose a career in law? People choose to pursue a career in law for...

Warrier's Collage on Wednesday December 28, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE Midweek Edition On Wednesday December 28, 2022 Shyamala Ramesh Babu : Retirement Motivational Speech Good Morning 🌄 This is the last issue of Collage this year (2022). Next issue of Collage is scheduled for Sunday January 1, 2023. Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses I Man of the week Shri Renjith son of Annamma Thomas, Ex-RBI cracked CAT four times with 100 percentile. This tutor has been appearing for IIM exam for 12 years - Source : RBI Retirees Group Thiruvananthapuram II Responses to E today 1) A Chandramouliswaran As far as I can recollect, Deputy Governors of the Bank are government appointees for a fixed tenure and are not paid p...

Warrier's Collage Christmas December 25, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE Weekly Edition On Sunday December 25, 2022 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 1) Jaisankar speaks 2) Tessy Thomas: Missile woman of India 3) Narayaneeyam Dasakam 8 Good Morning 🌄 Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday December 31, 2022. Ayurarogyasaukhyam 🙏 and Best Wishes (Next issue of Collage on Wednesday) Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses 1) S K Gupta "POLITICIANS" ARE BEST PAID, FULLY SUBSIDISED YET TOTALLY TAX FREE OCCUPATIONISTS Some more addition to Poem on Tax Tax his Sleep Tax his Breath Tax his Walk Tax his Talk Tax his Morning Tax his Mourning Tax his Night Tax his Plight Tax his Happiness Tax his Laziness Tax his Revival Tax his Survival ........ Thanks & Regards S.K.Gupta Panchkula Gupta also shared his letter to the editor published in RBI Newsletter :...

Warrier's Collage on Wednesday December 21, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE Midweek Edition On Wednesday December 21, 2022 Sir Riff Clichard (82) : Christmas Song Good Morning 🌄 Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses 1) C V Subbaraman Warrier's Collage on Sunday December 18, 2022 It was interesting to read about TAXATION and unsuccessful attempts to make tax laws simple. All laws are complicated; that is why there are lawyers who make them more complicated so that common men may remain beyond their understanding. If we scrap Income Tax as advocated by the irresprissible Subramaniam Swamy, there will be instant reduction in the pending cases in courts. Now-a-days, there is no sphere of life which is not impacted by a tax. Here is a Tax Poem. I think that this poem reflects the status all over the world, except in a few patches of land where the "no tax" bliss prevails. The Tax Poem Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table At which he's fed. Tax his tracto...

Warrier's Collage on Sunday December 18, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE Weekly Edition On Sunday December 18, 2022 1) Sanskrit effect on memory (Link Courtesy : S Thyagarajan) 2) Niagara of India Know More : Good Morning 🌄 Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday December 24, 2022. Ayurarogyasaukhyam 🙏 and Best Wishes (Next issue of Collage on Wednesday) Nice Day M G Warrier Thus spake Messi A 1) Franklin Misquith turned 80 on Friday, December 16, 2022: On Friday I shall turn 80. It adds up to four score, But I don't feel in any way sore, For to Him I say a prayer, And I'm ever under His watchful care, I have since lost all my hair, Some folk look at me with a stare, I cannot climb any stair, But I take care of landing in his lair, I am still non...

Tackling inflation : M G Warrier

Tackling inflation The Editor The Hindu Business Line Letters December 15, 2022 Tackling inflation* This refers to the report "Govt working to lower inflation further" (The Hindu Business Line, December 15). Viewed from the present urgency for RBI to get better results in inflation control, Nirmala Sitaraman's optimistic observations on GOI's efforts 'to lower inflation further' have come at the right time. RBI had hinted at the inflation figures remaining on the wrong side of the old target for some more time. The responsible statement coming from FM about fiscal policy support for inflation control will allow RBI to focus focus more on monetary policy measures rather than "doing homework" to explain reasons for not adhering to the target. Fortunately, RBI and GOI are on the same page, and the journey has been smooth, so far. The post-pandemic global scenario and the growth expectations within the country do not augur well for ...

Significance of celebrations

Warrier's Collage on Wednesday December 14, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE Midweek Edition On Wednesday December 14, 2022 (Next issue of Collage on Sunday December 18, 2022) 1) Open Heart Surgery : Dr Abdul Kalam Motivational Speech. Link Courtesy : Mariakutty Thiruvananthapuram 2) Bhagavad-Gita : An introduction 3) President's address (Link Courtesy : K Balasubramanian Coimbatore) Good Morning 🌅 Nice Day M G Warrier A 1) Sitendra Kumar Dear Shri Warrier, Our brain nourishment to the optimum capacity happens only after we receive the e copy of the Collage. This time there's a good emphasis on the central bank itself which is understandable. One is the review by Latha Venkatesh, the anchor of CNBC-TV18 of Dr Rangarajan's book, quite exhaustive, one would rather say. This channel was the favourite of Dr Raghuram Rajan as well who used to watch it every day. Ironically, the...