
Showing posts from April, 2019

Hanuman's significant role : Appreciate it

 Graced by Divine Couple - Introduction matters! society/faith/graced-by- divine-couple/article26983875. ece Vaayuputhra Hanuman's role in Ramayanam is not adequately appreciated by many. Behind every success story there's a Hanuman. In this short piece the significant role destined to be played by Hanuman is briefly covered. Identify the Hanuman in your life and bless/thank him. M G Warrier

Leela Nambudiripad (Sumangala), the story teller

Subject: The storyteller - Oru "Mutthassikkatha" books/books-authors/the- storyteller/article5192947. ece/amp/ This is a 2013 article published in The Hindu. The article is closed for comments and no one had posted any comments. Making this observation in the context of some of us lamenting about readers not responding! Malayalam children's literature has been lucky to get enriched by contribution from the likes of Sumangala (Leela Nambudiripad) M G Warrier

Mobile App on way to track your unpaid dues!: Moneylife

Subject: Depositors can track unpaid dues via mobile app, website article/depositors-can-track- unpaid-dues-via-mobile-app- website/3088.html Copied below is what I said in my morning mail to Exrbites Group: "Posted online comments. Those who miss my mails can also visit   where select links like this and articles are posted. Recently I find there is a welcome spurt in pageviews at my Blog. Many Thanks to all guests." M G Warrier

The street charmers: Pleasant memories

Date: Sun, Apr 28, 2019, 6:27 AM Subject: Where are the street charmers gone? - Down memory lane.. opinion/open-page/where-are- the-street-charmers-gone/ article26967868.ece Shankar Gopalakrishnan takes you down memory lane to a world that existed till the third quarter of last century. Those who were born late, for once, envy us. Deepak Harischandran's picturisation gives a clue as to what all children are missing today. Just as ordered fast food is no substitute for the traditional food served on banana leaf or 'plate' created by pinning dry leaves, the stuff available on smart phone a click away cannot double up for the feast on the street we enjoyed during 1950's and 60's. Enjoy the day recalling your childhood memories... M G Warrier

Rescuer of Earth: Thridasaaddhyaksha

Subject: Rescuer of earth - Thridasaaddhyaksha presiding over 33 crore Deities! society/faith/rescuer-of- earth/article26957363.ece This short quote from a discourse takes us to the concept of 33 crore Gods. Of course, the Gods doing rounds these days may not find a place in the list of 33 crore Gods (No, I don't have the list and I don't think it is available with Google Aunty). M G Warrier

Tips for Life Management

Subject: ‘Stick it out and make good friends’ - Tips worth sharing concealed in the article https://www. blink/meet/stick-it-out-and- make-good-friends-says- gagandeep-kang/ article26952625.ece Please read and share. M G Warrier

Chrysostom Thirumeni turns 101: Younger By The Day

Younger than yesterday: Chrysostom Thirumeni, one of Kerala’s famous priests, turns 101 today (April 27, 2019) Leisure/ 4tZYDZAeaCGAqkM2iCUqyJ/ Younger-than-yesterday- Chrysostom-Thirumeni-one-of- Kerala.html This article was published last year when Chrisostom Thirumeni turned 100. After that he witnessed the second worst flood in Kerala in a century and is turning 101 today. A must read article for those who thought they are old! M G Warrier

Muthiah: Who wrote 1k words everyday

Man who wrote the biography of Madras- "I write a 1000 words everyday" http://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ apr/24/man-who-wrote-the- biography-of-madras-1968292. html Inviting Chennai friends to read this. One can get some space in the minds of others by doing many things.  Find out how Muthiah did that. M G Warrier

Pramana and Viparyaya: Why we think, what we think

Subject: It’s only a thought - Pramana and Viparyaya society/history-and-culture/ its-only-a-thought/ article26943593.ece Why she/he is angry? Open the link for clue. M G Warrier Comments received from Vathsala Jayaraman (Ex-RBI), Chennai: Quite interesting article in the Hindu.It is not the situation, but our perception towards the same matters a lot.A great feast.! On reading the article I am reminded of a quote from Rumi. “This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still treats each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight. The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as...

Pedalling across the world, for a cause: Naresh Kumar

Chennai-based cyclist Naresh Kumar is pedalling against bonded labour - Creating social awareness and-style/travel/chennai- based-cyclist-naresh-kumar-is- pedalling-against-bonded- labour/article26931535.ece 35 year old Naresh Kumar is on a ride with a cause, across the world. Alone, on a bicycle! M G Warrier

Quote, Unquote: About celebrities

I'm not sure, whether the links below will open to the articles I want you to read. Just taking a chance. I've a reason for posting this here today. Of late, celebrities of 20th and current century are being misquoted in the social media, sometimes attributing statements to them, which were irrelevant for them during their lifetime. Karl Marx and E Sreedharan are the latest victims of the games trawlers play. M G Warrier View this email in your browser                                                                                                      "Tony Stark Made This in a Cave! With Scraps!"  To quote the  Brita...

Is copying a crime?: Some thoughts

Is copying a crime? I've never considered copying as a bad idea. At the risk of copyright issues, I have been liberal in using quotes in my writings, if I found someone else has presented what I wanted to say, in a better way. Recently, the editor at Kindle Direct Publishing ( before publishing my book "Assorted Letters of Dissent", politely pointed out to me that most of the content he could see on websites and lifting so much from websites for publishing a book was not advisable (he used more acceptable language). When I pointed out innocently that under each piece on the website the name "M G Warrier", he didn't respond, but the book was published within 24 hours. Moral of the story: Quoting/Copying from one's own writings also is an internationally accepted practice! M G Warrier

Sambar or Rasam? : Mouth-watering thoughts when others are busy!

What gets your vote in this tight contest?- Some mouth-watering thoughts when you are busy deciding on NOTA and NYAY! http://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ apr/25/what-gets-your-vote-in- this-tight-contest-1968632. html The other day we had lunch at Aryanivas, Thampanoor, Thiruvananthapuram. Despite having lots of money in all pockets, thanks to pension revision, we preferred to enjoy the non-AC ₹120 (including GST) lunch on the ground floor.  They serve unlimited lunch with a choice of rice (raw or boiled), pickles, avial, papad, thoran, masala-curry, pulissery, rasam, curd, payasam et al on plantain leaf. An elderly person (let's call him Swami) takes an occasional round ensuring that the clients get prompt and courteous service on the table. A missing cup of curd or delay in arrival of papad attracts his attention for PCA (Prompt Corrective Action). After finishing my lunch, I approached Swami. His body language was very receptive, though he ...

The Skye Gets Dark, Slowly: About Twilight Years!

*The Sky Gets Dark, Slowly* This goes well with my present reading list comprising Gita, Being and Nothingness, latest issue of Life Positive magazine among others. No harm in reading such pieces again and again. Though, when someone approaches with a real life problem, we can depend only on intuition which is the "NET" of all inputs. M G Warrier

The book on my table: Being and Nothingness by Sartre

The book on my table: "Being and Nothingness" By Sartre Sometimes I myself do not understand why I make some choices.  After reading and writing about Bhagavad-Gita for more than a day, I've picked up the bulky (660 plus pages in small print) book by Sartre to glance through again. May give me a shoulder pain! According to Arthur C Danto from Columbia University, "Being and Nothingness is a philosophical masterpiece, and a document of what life in the 20th century was about. It is rare for a work to present such exquisitely abstract thought made vivid through examples imagined by a great novelist." I had picked up this book sometime in 2004 but yet to read and understand. M G Warrier

Gita Saara: Summary of 18 chapters

Summary of 18 Chapters of Bhagavad Gita – The Art of Living – Medium artoflivingglobal/summary-of- 18-chapter-of-bhagavad-gita- 6e3a5d8c6298 Gita Saara This is in continuation of the previous post on Hits: After posting a blog @  about the unique chapterization of Bhagavad-Gita, thought it necessary to introduce Gita in a different way. M G Warrier

Unique chapterization of Bhagavad-Gita: Encapsuled wisdom

Date: Wed, Apr 24, 2019, 5:47 PM Subject: Towards liberation - Karma Yoga as foundation for further pursuits society/faith/towards- liberation/article26925079.ece Exposing the perils of direct recruitment/appointment to higher levels! Jokes apart, Bhagavad-Gita's chapterization is unique. I remember to have heard that the first half (9 chapters) help one to ascend to the peak and the last 9 chapters takes the seeker back to his normal level after a view from the top. M G Warrier

Messages hidden in third editorials

Date: Mon, Apr 22, 2019, 7:39 PM Subject: Volodymyr Zelensky: When voters take comedians seriously - Third editorial magazines/panache/when-voters- take-comedians-seriously/ articleshow/68983775.cms Sometimes, most important and most relevant messages remain concealed in the third editorials in mainstream newspapers. M G Warrier

Making fun of funny things: Fun on screen

Date: Mon, Apr 22, 2019, 4:43 PM Subject: Has the touchy Indian learned to take a joke? - Real fun has ceased to exist https://www. blink/cover/has-the-touchy- indian-learned-to-take-a-joke/ article26886284.ece Not at all. I've become redundant in this funny world. Morning 7 30 a m I sit on a bench in the garden. Batches of 20 to 25 residents in different age groups assemble every 20 minutes, do some exercise, keep howling and shouting and loudly laughing under direction. They are all members of laughing club. At home, people are able to watch TV or stare on the mobile screen and laugh loudly. I'm the odd man out. People struggle to make me smile for a selfie or a photo. Keep smiling, if you don't want to follow me. M G Warrier

What's up with WhatsApp?

http://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ apr/22/fables-from-stables-of- whatsapp-groups-1967386.html Interesting M GWarrier

Power of Speech is the gift to mankind: Use it judiciously

Date: Mon, Apr 22, 2019, 6:15 AM Subject: Prayer as confession - Speech is a gift to mankind...Om Namah Sivaya society/faith/prayer-as- confession/article26904751.ece I'm aware that the time is not opportune to talk about the power of speach. Reason: Many of us are guided by the falsehood being spread by many using the power of speech which is a gift granted only to mankind. There's a tomorrow, and the day after is going to be different. But, what we really have is, today, this moment. What we do "NOW" will decide and define what will be released from the devine store next moment. So use each moment judiciously. M G Warrier

Does your opinion define you?

Subject: Does your opinion define you? - Puraanamityeva Na Saadhu Sarvam... education/does-your-opinion- define-you/article26088930.ece I don't impose my opinion on a second person. Still, I have no issues with someone who recognizes me as an opinion-maker (I'm one). Found this article close to reality which I have experienced. M G Warrier

About a new avenue to track old cinema

Subject: The gushing stream of old Hindi parallel cinema -  https://www. blink/watch/the-gushing- stream-of-old-hindi-parallel- cinema/article26877373.ece For music/cinema lovers M G Warrier

Capitalism, Socialism and India

Subject: Capitalists, socialists at the dinner table- Indian Model of Mixed Economy http://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ apr/20/capitalists-socialists- at-the-dinner-table-1966649. html Interesting interpretation of Capitalism and Socialism of Pre-Tech zamaana. Communism has been spared.  Jawaharlal Nehru envisaged a Mixed Economy for India. My friend E X Joseph who was the Secretary-General of All India Audit and Accounts Association during 1950's and 60's (I left AG's Office in 1968) had the the vision to tell us then, that our Mixed Economy is like the meat served to defence personnel by the British during World War II. Horse (Capitalism) and Chicken (Socialism) in 'equal' ratio, 1:1 (One horse for one chicken). Today's capitalism which is ruling the world is understood synonymous with corruption.  M G Warrier

Work is Worship: In Indan Banks

A message dedicated to all silent workers Kind Attention: Chairman, Indian Banks Association Dear Sir The link in the trailing mail will open to a short article published in The New Indian Express today. Please see the comments from Shri C V Subbaraman, Former Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Ahmedabad. I'm sure, IBA will share the message with banks in an appropriate manner. Best regards Yours sincerely M G Warrier AS this article appeared in a national newspaper, it would have been certainly picked up by Indian Banks Association. even then, I think it is worthwhile forwarding it to IBA with a commendation and hope that the bank which helped is an Indian bank and that too a PSU one. There is a message in this article: it can help an ordinary individual to come up in life, with a hope that will be fulfilled if the Bank Manager is practical. But borrower has to be "responsible". If he is there will be many more good Samaritan bankers Subbarama...

Urdhva mulam adhah sakham...

Subject: urdhva mulam adhah sakham asvattham prahur avyayam blog/urdhvamulam-adhahsakham- asvattham-prahur-avyayam While clicking a snap of a banyan tree in the RBI Officers Quarters premises (Kochi) as usual an unconnected thought came to my mind. Sharing a related link. M G Warrier

Kerala's vacant dream houses

ala’s vacant houses are high on nostalgia, not on returns money/personal-finance/kerala- s-vacant-houses-are-high-on- nostalgia-not-on-returns- 1555430125374.html Though this article is much longer than necessary to convey the message, there's a realistic assessment of so called "Malayalee approach" to owning houses and jewellery. Blame for miscalculation when it comes to asset-liability management is equally applicable to organizations and governments across the world too. M G Warrier

Karna's love for Draupati

Karna's love for Draupati Just found the story on the above subject interesting. This link, I'm not sure how it works. If it doesn't open to the above story, kindly delete and forget, and forgive! M G Warrier

Reinvent relevance of Sanskrit and India

Mini Krishnan on the ancient Suleiman Charitra - A pick from several articles by Mini Krishnan books/literary-review/mini- krishnan-on-the-ancient- suleiman-charitra/ article8629615.ece This morning's Mindspace article landed me in this link. A 2016 book review with a difference. A must read for those who love Sanskrit and India. And for those who keep hatred in mind based on misinformation. M G Warrier

Getting back on track with the help of earrings!

 Lost and found in beautiful Berlin- Telling a story out of "getting lost http://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ apr/17/lost-and-found-in- beautiful-berlin-1965364.html If getting lost is what is narrated in this short beautiful piece, it has happened to me several times since childhood.  One boss has, more than once, shouted at me unsuccessfully: "GET LOST!" I'm still here, not sure about the BOSS!! But the experience makes worth a diamond because of the roles played by the "navratna" jewellery and the Ms Musician who followed the wearer to place her back on the right track. M G Warrier 

Athithi Devo Bhava: Spreading positive messages

The guest as god, no less - Athithi Devo Bhava opinion/open-page/the-guest- as-god-no-less/ article26830512.ece The writer remembers several pleasant experiences in life and tells us in this piece. By cultivating the art of remembering good experiences in life, one can reduce the burden of negativity, which is in self-interest. Let's make effort. This article was written sometime during 2017 when the author was 84 years old. I'm sure, some of the readers will try to remember similar experiences and the multiplier effect on positive thinking will be much more than what the writer himself would have imagined while writing this article. When you share your thoughts, they get further shared. One can opt to spread positive thoughts or negative ones. Rate of return on investment is much higher for negative thoughts.  The life's business decision will decide one's balance sheet. Best Wishes M G Warrier

Rama and Lakshmana: Affection makes them inseparable

Rama, the ‘Maha Vrata’ - Inseparable Lakshmana society/faith/rama-the-maha- vrata/article26847333.ece Lakshmana gets consent to accompany Rama and Sita to the forest. M G Warrier

Mumbai Dreams Housing Complex goes for large Solar plant

Mumbai housing complex goes green, to cut power bill by 70% | Mumbai News - city/mumbai/hsg-complex-goes- green-to-cut-power-bill-by-70/ amp_articleshow/68880299.cms The electricity produced by using solar energy will be accepted by Maharashtra State Electricity Board, accounted while billing. According to estimates, the additional electricity produced will be adequate to cover the consumption of electricity for lifts, water pumps, premises lighting etc. M G Warrier

VISA to heaven comes with an expiry date!

Who is dear to Him? - Accumulate punyam society/faith/who-is-dear-to- him/article26836205.ece This is news to me. Even if I accumulate punyam sufficient to get a VISA for Swargam (Heaven), the VISA will come with a date of expiry depending on my accumulated punyam. Before that date I will be deported back on Earth. This explains the predicament of some of the rich and powerful Indians who are facing deportation in heavens on Earth back to India M G Warrier