
Showing posts from November, 2019

Making right impressions: Cave art to digital times

Making the right impression with ancient seals - From cave to grafics https://www. blink/explore/making-the- right-impression-with-ancient- seals/article30107306.ece   Please read this article. With each sentence, your thoughts will wander over to different planes and time zones in history. Connecting seal to printing... Here in this residential complex, there's one Vijay who collects garbages from flats and dumps in the Municipal vehicle when it comes. Prior to taking up this job, Vijay was working in a printing press. Digital printing displaced presses needing manual arrangement of alphabets into templates, in which job Vijay had expertise. M G Warrier

Congratulations, Team Kerala Bank!

Kerala Bank comes into being - Congratulations, Team Kerala Bank! national/kerala/kerala-bank- comes-into-being/ article30117546.ece   Posted online comments M G Warrier

Life's experiences and story-telling

All life converts to one long memory- Stocktaking, what's in store?* https://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ nov/29/all-life-converts-to- one-long-memory-2068594.html Yesterday, Balaji gave me some clues which I can use to recall life's experiences. I specially liked the word "seed" used by him. He was also referring to the evolution of certain chapters in (I think Volumes 3 and 4) of RBI's history, when Balachander was leading the team.  Mention of an event or an experience by those who lived through them or had reliable information about, became the "seed" for further research which can end up in visit to a library or meeting others who knew more about the event. I could quickly relate it to my own way of sharing experiences, as also what writers like Manu S Pillai are doing. M G Warrier *To access my articles  @ WarriersViews Times of India Blog use the link for " Life in the post-industrial world" co...

Goa Film Festival concludes: Will miss IFFK 2019

50th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) to conclude in Goa entertainment/50th- international-film-festival- india-iffi-conclude-goa   We'll miss IFFK, 2019 to be held in Thiruvananthapuram next month M G Warrier

Life in the post-industrial world: M G Warrier

Life in the post-industrial world https://timesofindia. warriersviews/life-in-the- post-industrial-world-9170/   Recently, a friend suggested, I should attempt writing autobiography. I know, he was not joking as the person has been reading whatever I write, and listening to whatever I spoke, whenever interaction happened. If I had 'editorial assistance' celebrities get for writing sensational memoirs, I'm confident of writing something which can be of help to my grandchildren and the other millennials. For now, my friend's honest suggestion cannot divert me from regular writings like this, which will be "avial" of memories, current affairs and laments. M G Warrier, Mumbai

The making of modern India: Frontline book review

The making of modern India - https://frontline.thehindu. com/books/article30015733.ece   The review of the book on a subject of current significance by an eminent author by an equally eminent reviewer. Every word you can agree or disagree, but can't ignore. M G Warrier

Undiminishing joy: Bhakthiyoga

Undiminishing joy society/faith/undiminishing- joy/article30041616.ece   To know the ultimate "truth", formal education is not a prerequisite. Here one devotee claims that he has acquired the knowledge of "Vedas", just by surrendering to "Abhirami". There's no need to dissect the statement using our parameters/measures. If the person is happy, why disturb him? The approach is explained in Bhakthiyoga in Gita. M G Warrier

A project with a difference

Subject: Encourage these youngsters If comfortable, kindly support the project which is being presented in a competition. What you have to do is, open the YouTube link, watch the presentation and press Like. Amit whose mail is reproduced below, works with IFCAI, Hyderabad M G Warrier Quote: Hello Sir, hope you're doing well.  I am sharing herewith a youtube link of my child's school science project which he along with his three classmates has submitted to a competition organized by the Aavishkar. As this is a wild card entry, its inclusion in the final round would depend on the number of Likes it receives. Only top three entries with the highest no. of 'Likes' received on Youtube would be considered for the final round. Hence I would request you to kindly support this project and select the Likes ikon on the video. v=W9JcF-j_nDo   Thank you. Regards, Amit  

Atithi Devo Bhava

Atithi Devo Bhava blog/atithi-devo-bhava We have a guest from Netherlands. She is one among some fifty students who have landed in Mumbai on Saturday, November 23, 2019 under a Students Exchange Program. She will fly back to Amsterdam on Friday. My grandson (Class 10, Powar Public School)  had stayed in her house when he visited Netherlands few months ago. I found this article interesting, in the context of welcoming a guest at home. M G Warrier

Rare Teerthas in India

Rare Teerthas Of Hinduism https://ramanan50.wordpress. com/2014/01/09/rare-teerthas- of-hindusim/  

Smile with confidence

Twinkling bright even during cloudy nights- Instilling confidence is an art https://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ nov/20/twinkling-bright-even- during-cloudy-nights-2064306. html   I had no occasion to learn cycling, till my classmate Kuttisankaran forced me to buy his old Lambretta scooter in 1974. While learning to ride the scooter, someone suggested, first getting balance on a bicycle would make riding scooter easier. Another friend helped me to learn how to ride a bicycle. I remember my teachers who taught me something or the other at different times. From them I learned, one need not know everything, to teach something. I understood the need to infuse trust and confidence in a person, if you want the person to listen to you. In this article, the writer tells you about the person who helped her to face life head on with a smile. A cloud can't stay for long in one place.  M G Warrier

Prioritize higher education and original research

How China makes it possible for a German to study ancient Indian math in its universities how-china-makes-it-possible- for-a-german-to-study-ancient- indian-math-in-its-university/ 321970/   An interesting article. We may miss the bus, if we refuse to prioritize research and higher education. M G Warrier

Dr Manmohan Singh on India's economic development

---------- Forwarded message --------- From:  Govinda Warrier   Date: Mon, Nov 25, 2019, 7:51 AM Subject: The fountainhead of India’s economic malaise - Article in The Hindu by Dr Manmohan Singh The fountainhead of India’s economic malaise - Dr Manmohan Singh's delayed diagnosis opinion/lead/the-fountainhead- of-indias-economic-malaise/ article30000546.ece   Read this article after reading Debashis Basu's views (Business Standard, November 25) on Ex-PM's views expressed here. Beyond criticism, there's not much takeaways by way of constructive suggestions in both the articles. M G Warrier

Writing to publish

How to create content people want to read? https://timesofindia. think-a-lot/how-to-create- content-people-want-to-read- 9015/   Have posted online comments M G Warrier

"Value for money" at the top

Your comment is live on THE TIMES OF INDIA Dear Reader, Your comment on the article  '  Value for money '  is now live on readersblog . '  thanks for the comments trend these days is of readers showing more interest in criticism of the establishment/government or in sensitive political/social issues. it\'s gratifying to see encouraging observations on a piece essentially talks about compassion and charity in a small way. ' To reply to this comment , or see the whole conversation,  click here . Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Regards, Team TOI

Seekers and Finders

TRUE FINDERS ARE VERY FEW article/true-finders-are-very- few   Earth and Heaven Man and God Atma and Paramatma ATM and 🏦 Seekers and Finders Interesting thoughts M G Warrier

The 'lamby' that wouldn't stop

The ‘lamby’ that wouldn’t stop - Nostalgia opinion/open-page/the-lamby- that-wouldnt-stop/ article30061281.ece   This article brings nostalgic memories. We now stay in a residential colony in Bhandup, Mumbai which came up in the same location where Automobile Products of India factory (where Lambretta scooters were assembled). I owned a Lambretta scooter during 1974-86 exactly resembling the one pictured in this article. Please read the sory of that scooter here: Quote "The men in khaki did the police proud opinion/open-page/the-men-in- khaki-did-the-police-proud/ article2958157.ece   Unquote" Some of the experiences in life leave lifelong memories. Enjoyed reading Mini Krishnan's article. So sharing. M G Warrier

Use of Calculus in ancient temple constructions in India

How China makes it possible for a German to study ancient Indian math in its university how-china-makes-it-possible- for-a-german-to-study-ancient- indian-math-in-its-university/ 321970/   My good friend Dr T V Gopalakrishnan (Ex-RBI) shared this link with me. Thought you might be interested. M G Warrier

Learn a new word every day

Learning mania in Elsewhere - Behind every successful person, there's a Malayalee! Just watching from behind? https://www. blink/hang/learning-mania/ article30040158.ece   On Thursday, November 21, 2019, Dr Kadam gave an interesting and informative talk on "Memory loss, as age advances" for the benefit of seniors in our residential colony. He covered symptoms and preventive measures relating to dimensia and Alzhemeirs. The whole talk was in Marathi and I could follow only about 35% (my usual target when I used to lectures). One word "Haloo Haloo" was getting repeated throughout the lecture and from the body language and context I took it for 'slowly slowly', which turned out to be correct. Still, today I learned more about the word and Haloo Haloo started using it in conversation. Remembered Bank's "Aaj ka shabd" when I was reading this article. Find out why! M G Warrier

Writing brings people together

A paper doesn’t only provide news & views- Bonus: My book gets first negative criticism 20 months after release! https://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ nov/22/a-paper-doesnt-only- provide-news--views-2065348. html "Very poorly written. There is no flow of topics. Expected much much and much more from author attempting to write anything about one of the greatest institutions of independent India RBI" Anonymous Buyer @ I read the above review of my 2018 posted at on November 17, 2019 today morning. Found interesting. Will share my thoughts on that later*. First, congratulations to E S Ramalingam who has recently celebrated 50th Wedding Anniversary. Wish the couple health and happiness. By writing in public space including social media, one gets to know many things about oneself, in addition to getting many new friends as in the case of Ramalingam. The Hindu Open Page and The New Indian Express...

Karma Yoga relieves stress

Karma Yoga relieves stress Please open the link at the end of this page. Before that, I suggest, read the following comments by Shri CV Subbaraman, Mysuru Warrier "It is every one of ours experience that when we are examining a matter seriously in office, we are so much concentrated (at least sometimes!) that we do not think of any thing else around us. Our mind is focussed on the issue, its several dimensions, and we prepare a case paper or make a reply to a letter, or initiate a case to Central Office, etc. At that moment we do not consider what the result would be. Every one of us thus has some experience of Karma Yoga but we fail to extend it to situations in personal life and suffer the consequences. Subbaraman" society/faith/karma-yoga- relieves-stress/ article29999778.ece   M G Warrier

Nine Rules for Being Human

9 Rules For Being Human [Handed Down From An Ancient Sanskrit] rules-for-being-human-ancient- sanskrit/   Found this interesting. One need not agree or disagree with each proposition. One could start thinking  M G Warrier

102nd Birth Anniversary of Indira Gandhi: November 19, 2019

Indira Gandhi Birth Anniversary: PM Modi Pays Tribute To Indira Gandhi On Twitter On Her Birth Anniversary news/indira-gandhi-birth- anniversary-pm-modi-pays- tribute-to-indira-gandhi-on- twitter-on-her-birth-annive- 2134783   November 19, 2019 102nd Birth Anniversary of Indira Gandhi M G Warrier

International Men's Day

 International Mens Day: Theme, History, Significance, Messages, Quotes, Wishes, Quotes, Images, Messages, Wallpapers, Photos, Greetings, WhatsApp Facebook Status. news/international-mens-day- theme-history-significance- messages-quotes-wishes-quotes- images-messages-wall-2134794   November 19 Happy International Men's Day To  All men And All others who keep men happy M G Warrier

Mango season

https://timesofindia. warriersviews/mango-season- 9044/   I'm selecting some old articles from my files and republishing*. M G Warrier * Some of these were included in my book "Scrambled Monologues" published by Amazon KDP in September 2018.

World around is live and beautiful

A lot can happen over coffee near Periyar- River, trees, birds, 🐟... A lot can happen over coffee near Periyar-  https://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ nov/14/a-lot-can-happen-over- coffee-near-periyar-2061491. html   Something interesting is happening around when you are concentrating on the 5*3 screen under your nose. This writer looked up to sip coffee. Enjoy what he saw! M G Warrier

Restore Trust: WarriersViews @ Times of India

Restoring trust in institutional system https://timesofindia. warriersviews/restoring-trust- in-institutional-system-8588/   A lot need to be done to restore public trust in the institutional system supporting governance in India. Depletion of trust started since early 1970's. Let's do whatever is necessary to restore trust. M G Warrier

Overdoing Hospitality

When I discommoded a Bengali professor- Hospitality discomforts https://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ nov/16/when-i-discommoded-a- bengali-professor-2062372.html   Extreme precautions to make a guest comfortable end up in situations like this. I'm sure chennaifriends will enjoy the first half and the last laugh. M G Warrier

Nabaneetadi : A friend's tribute

A song for poet-teacher Nabaneetadi - https://www. blink/talk/a-song-for-poet- teacher-nabaneetadi/ article29981069.ece   People live many lives in one life. We, most of us, remember each one for the brief things we happen to know about them. M G Warrier

Look up, and look around, the universe is moving!

The universe, it is streaming live 24x7...- Yes, the message is for you... https://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ nov/15/the-universe-it-is- streaming-live-24x7-2061904. html   The other day my grandson (Vihaan, now in Class X) listed my daily routine from 5 a m to 10 30 p m and asked a simple question, for which I didn't have a one-word answer. The question was: " Appoopa (Malayalam word for grandfather), this routine, seven days a week, 365 days a year, don't you get boared?" My routine he listed included: "Getting up at 5 a m Morning walk Bringing milk and newspapers Chat with friends in the park Breakfast and reading papers Writing Bath and lunch Sleeping Evening tea  Marketing Evening chat with friends in the park Dinner and sleep" I said, I'll reorganize my routine early next year in consultation with him. Are we really caring about the environment and people around applying our own mind, or a...

WarriersViews : Cooperative Challenge

Cooperative challenge https://timesofindia. warriersviews/cooperative- challenge-8951/   This is the fourth blog post @ WarriersViews/Times of India M G Warrier

Pay for performance

Pay for performance https://www. opinion/letters/letters-to- the-editor/article29965050.ece   Asking for professionalism, continuity and better remuneration at the top level M G Warrier

Nalinee Dalagata Jalamati Taralam...

Nalinee Dalagata Jalamati Taralam...(Bhaja Govindam Verse Four) blog/bhaja-govindam-verse-four   We remember stanzas like this when we start wondering about life's purpose. M G Warrier

India needs a reputable domestic rating agency

A comment has been posted on "Moody's cuts India's growth forecast to 5.6%" by Govinda Warrier To view comment on website please click on article/moodys-cuts-indias- growth-forecast-to-56- percentage/58663/99920.html

A writer's night out

An encounter with the hounds of Hampi-  https://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ nov/11/an-encounter-with-the- hounds-of-hampi-2059974.html   A writer's night out M G Warrier

E Sreedharan remembering his old classmate Seshan

Remembering my classmate T N Seshan- From Second Form https://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ nov/12/remembering-my- classmate-t-n-seshan-2060516. html   E Sreedharan's tribute to Seshan  M G Warrier

A complex of stone towers in Cambodia

Bayon, a complex of stone towers in Cambodia  https://www. blink/takeaway/bayon-a- complex-of-stone-towers-in- cambodia/article29911029.ece   Cambodia has a population of about 1.5 crore (mostly Buddhist). I found this article interesting. So, sharing. M G Warrier

Medicinal values of Python's fat and an old Nambudiri Story

Pythons Unlock Human Heart Health Secrets | Linking to an old Kerala Brahmin Veg story! science-health/pythons-unlock- human-heart-health-secrets   Sometimes my thoughts wander around totally irrelevant and sometimes not so comfortable territories. On a day, my friends are seriously worrying about yesterday's(9/11,  "Ayodhya") verdict, I'm aware, it's near stupidity to open a subject like this. Strangely, when our member S K Gupta's comment on my blog @TOI (WarriersViews) was already there before I came to know about the post having gone live, my thoughts went to why I've opened a new window to xpres my views. Gupta too blogs @Times of India. My father (himself a Nambudiri. His ancestors used to walk down all the 600 odd kilometers from Payyanur to Thiruvananthapuram to participate in "Murajapam" at Padmanabhaswami Temple premises, even before Britishers laid railway tracks in India) had told me the following ...

The sound of silence

Silence in the time of chaos - The sound of silence https://www. blink/cover/silence-in-the- time-of-chaos/article29920266. ece   The Dreams Complex where I stay is a stone's throw away from Bhandup Railway Station. This article is not only about silence and the noise. It's also about silencing my mind. Discusses several aspects of silence. Up to and including Vipassana. Enjoy reading. Who knows, !t may reverse your !dea about no!se and s!lence! M G Warrier

Relevance of Fundamental Research in India: Narayana Murthy

Our youth must be equipped to solve problems that confront us every day: Narayana Murthy - A theme worth pursuing https://www. science/our-youth-must-be- equipped-to-solve-problems- that-confront-us-every-day- narayana-murthy/ article29911627.ece   N R Narayana Murthy has been emphasizing the need to prioritize fundamental research in India, for decades now. He is the Infosys Science Foundation which promotes domestic research to find solutions for country-specific problems. If you open the link, you will find a mention of Aryabhatta to Abhijit Banerjee and a galaxy of celebrities of Indian origin who do not get the attention the ordinary politicians, movie/serial stars, notorious criminals etc get. M G Warrier

Life's a journey

The first and the last impression- A reminder of sorts http://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ nov/05/the-first-and-the-last- impression-2057162.html   The two portraits of the same person with a long gap in time convey a profound message. You and I know one or more persons who have gone through the two phases in life this teacher has been through. If you want a celebrity name, Dr S Radhakrishnan. If you want to come closer, Shri A P Mukundan who was working in RBI during 1960's to June 1986. All of us will have someone known, who's going through the second phase. I'm reminded now of the first episode narrated in the book "Happy At Heart" by Dr Tiny Nair. M G Warrier

Restoring Trust A Must

Copied below is the submitted version of my article published in The Global Analyst, November 2019. M G Warrier              PMC Bank aftermath Restoring Trust A Must M G Warrier They say, “Well begun is half done!” What has happened to planning in India? In the initial days of post-independence governance, planning was a word woven into the fabric of every economic development activity in this country. At various stages we heard about Five Year Plans at national level and state level, Planning Commission, Community Development Blocks, All India Rural Credit Survey, Rural Credit Review, Agricultural Credit Review Committee, different committees on financial sector reforms, Lead Bank Scheme and so on. I had concluded my article on Dr Raghuram Rajan in this magazine (TGA, September 2013 issue) with the following observations: “As observed in the earlier part of this article, Rajan is a fast learner. One hopes, during his OSD ...

Difference between brain and the mind

Difference between Brain and Mind blog/difference-between-brain- and-mind   This is part of my effort to understand how people think and behave. Sometimes, some negative experiences help us understand more about this wonderful planet with so much opportunities to learn new things. They say, removal of ignorance is the process of getting educated. M G Warrier

Learning more about brain

Deeper into the matrix - Brainstorming https://mumbaimirror. columnists/deeper-into-the- matrix/articleshow/71927748. cms   Last week we learned about a telescope training focus deep into the environment of a planet, light years away, in search of water. Today let's find out the use of a microscope in analyzing brain cells and their role in directing our thoughts. M G Warrier

Overcoming fear : Article with a message

When I was afraid of an operation theatre-  http://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ nov/06/when-i-was-afraid-of- an-operation-theatre-2057714. html   Article with a message M G Warrier

My experiments with communication

My experiments with communication Last week I opened a reader's blog at times of india. "WarriersViews". My first post there was rejected by the toi blog editors. I'm aware of the constraints of media houses. So,After I didn't give up. After all, TOI is still owned by a company with a foreign name. While in school, I translated stories from the Hindi text and sent to a section dedicated for children in the Mathrubhumi Weekly. They published a couple of them. I received lot of opportunity to write once I started working. From Union/Association notices/representations to certain portions of committee reports (RBI). Post-retirement, in addition to interaction in social media (yahoo groups, FB, Blogs, LinkedIn, Twitter etc), I could establish my presence in the print/electronic media via responses, publication of hundreds of articles and some half a dozen books. Many in our groups have a flare for writing which remain underutilized. This note is an inv...

Why the other person is angry?

Your zodiac sign is a clue to how you express your anger: You can keep cool and respond, leisurely. allslides/your-zodiac-sign-is- a-clue-to-how-you-express- your-anger   Long back this appeared in Speaking Tree. Being shared for the benefit of those who are wondering why the other person is angry. May be s/he was born under a different zodiac sign. Simple. M G Warrier

Presence of water, light years away!

Water found in atmosphere of planet beyond our solar system | Exploring heavens, for water article/us-science-astronomy- water-idINKCN1VW2TJ   When lesser mortals are worrying about the impending deluge of 2050, scientists elsewhere are training their telescopes to confirm availability of water and inhabitability of planets light years away from the solar system. Gods must be smiling. M G Warrier

A cow adopting a calf

How we helped our cow adopt a calf- Real life is stranger than fiction! http://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2019/ nov/04/how-we-helped-our-cow- adopt-a-calf-2056647.html Those of us who had cows at home during our childhood (I'm one) will get their eyes wet faster, reading this piece. In the absence of any veterenary support in the village those days, I've seen my mother's helpless face many a time, when the cow or calf became sick or delivery problems made the cow suffer. M G Warrier

WarriersViews : New Blog

https://timesofindia. warriersviews/bye-see-you-in- heaven-7937/   I mentioned in a recent mail to a friend that I considered taking a break from the routine including writing and reading what I have written so far. With age, decision-taking also becomes slow. Still, as part of the move, I was glancing through short pieces I had written and submitted to editors or included in eBooks published by me, which I thought, may be worth re-sharing.  I have opened a new window. This is my first post at "WarriersViews" M G Warrier Bye, See you in Heaven! M G Warrier In a recent article I read online, the writer exhorted readers to record their last words before it was too late, lest it may become impossible to express them. I took it literally and posted my last words at Warrier’s Blog. They were: “Lokah Samasthaah Sukhino Bhavanthu” (Let the entire universe be happy and comfortable) I had a 50:50 intuitive feeling even befor...