India's Poverty Industry: B G Verghese
POVERTY IS SANDWICHED BETWEEN LINES Online comment: M G : I am sadly aware that veteran journalist B G Verghese has not raised the question “Why we carp at rather than celebrate falling numbers of poor in the country?” because he is ignorant of the umpteen possible answers to the question, many of which he has himself stumbled upon while writing about several human right issues he has covered in his columns during the last several decades. He, like Amartya Sen or A P J Abdul Kalam who are still concerned about hunger and deprivation, wants to wake up those who can do something about abject poverty, but are pretending ignorance about existence of poverty itself. M G WARRIER The Article India 's poverty industry B G VERGHESE | Jul 31, 2013, 12.00 AM IST, TIMES OF INDIA India remains a poor country. No doubt about that. Its human deve-lopment indices are a shame. We know that. How do we measure poverty? Opinions vary, but ...