
Showing posts from January, 2020


 മന്ത്രങ്ങൾ  http://www.janmabhumidaily. com/news619895   Long back, I had published an article "Magic of music and mantras".  My personal view is, any word or collection of words can become a "mantra" depending on the context and use. There are "mantras" hidden in some "stutis" and prayers, as there's an school of thought that secrecy of mantras should be protected. Just a thought. M G Warrier M 134

Home alone? Remain connected.

Home alone? Remain connected! https://timesofindia. warriersviews/home-alone- remain-connected-9940/   I've shared a report on "Bell of faith" published in The Hindu recently. This is a piece written expanding the message of the "Bell of faith" report. If you have any suggestions, please post as online comments, or let me know. Thanks and best regards M G Warrier

Theyyam Festival  Theyyam festival is held during March-May in North Kerala. Many of these are localised and family-sponsored events. M G Warrier

Mahatma Gandhi hated movies?

Mahatma Gandhi hated movies, but watched 2 in his lifetime: Know more mahatma-gandhi-hated-movies- but-watched-2-in-his-lifetime/ 128033/   First, Mahatma agreed to watch "Ram Rajya" for 30 minutes...He sat through to watch the full movie! M G Warrier

A lesson in communication

Blame the door frame for a lump on the head- Let's remember this https://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2020/ jan/30/blame-the-door-frame- for-a-lump-on-the-head- 2096392.html   Next time I grumble, I'll try to remember the message in this story. The message is, when you unburden or boast or complain, the person listening is not as amused as he is appearing. Just change the role and analyse. Keep the water bottle handy. M G Warrier

Why did Vamana ask for land from Bali?

What for, Vamana wanted land from Bali? society/faith/charming-vamana/ article30677055.ece   Vamana wanted land to perform Yagya. Yaga can be performed only on one's own land. M G Warrier

When bus travel was a luxury

When life moved on the slow lane- Interesting nostalgia https://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2020/ jan/29/when-life-moved-on-the- slow-lane-2095874.html   Every weekend, on Friday evening I used to walk 5 miles from Purameri to Onchiyam. Monday morning walk back. There was a bus route. PMS (Punchiri Motor Service) buses had extended noses accommodating the engine. Seats were wooden. I couldn't afford the exorbitant charges (5 Annas) and I have never travelled by bus on that route. M G Warrier

Message from Thirukkural

Think big! - Real and the unreal society/faith/think-big/ article30659475.ece   I haven't read Thirukkural. The examples and anecdotes in this piece may make me search for more quotes from the book! M G Warrier

A teenage adventure

A teenage adventure https://timesofindia. warriersviews/a-teenage- adventure-9879/   "If you see a snake, just kill it. Don't appoint a committee on snakes!" Henry Ross Perot I was not aware, till very recently, Ross Perot had made the statement, "If you see a snake, kill it!" Whosoever Perot was (Sure, he was not a snake-lover or environmentalist. Born in 1930, he died on July 19, 2019. His net-worth in April 2019, reportedly, was $4.1 billion plus), I'm thankful to him for removing the guilt-feeling from my mind which I have been nurturing for the last sixty plus years.  I loved to read that "shoot at sight"-like death sentence for all snakes pronounced by the American billionaire again and again. I consider it as the final verdict justifying administration of the death sentence for all snakes killed by humans so far. Now, Perot is not available to consider any "Review Petition". Ye...

Happy Republic Day 2020: Chennai Book Fair, 2020

If I were a book… all is fair - Except the last question! opinion/open-page/if-i-were-a- book-all-is-fair/ article30652000.ece   I didn't find a better link to connect with you on Republic Day, 2020. Happy Republic Day. For a bus conductor, you are just a ticket, they say. For a writer (early morning mailers included, let me reserve my space first!) you are a potential reader. We recently discussed methods to dispose old books, to make space for new ones. I'm sure, last week, some libraries would have become richer.  Now, this article reaffirms, the love for books will never die. No one's going to say, enough of fairs, if it's about book fairs. Fair enough. Publishing a book, today, has become so easy. You can do it in a day. The problem for readers is, some writers have started thinking, you can write a book also, in a day. Please do open the link. Find out what happened at Chennai Book Fair. Good news for all book lovers. ...

Impact of October : Blog Post 5003

Impact of Red October - Frontline book review https://frontline.thehindu. com/books/article30536059.ece Blog post No 5003 This blog is 10 year old. I'm happy about the progress. Over 5000 posts and 2lakh plus pageviews so far. My short articles are being posted @WarriersViews at Times of India also. M G Warrier 

The night before home coming

The night before homecoming https://www. blink/cover/the-night-before- homecoming/article30634410.ece   BLink's special issue brought out on the occasion of completing 6 years has several short stories and poems by new authors. Keerthik Sasidharan is a New York-based writer. His novel, The Dharma Forest will be published this year. M G Warrier

Dilemma of a book-lover in the "Use and throw era!" Before I forget, let me copy another link my daughter shared with me yesterday: Raghavan Sir has written about a problem all book-lovers face at some stage.  Think about it.  M G Warrier PS: This happens to be 5001st post here. Thanks for all your support.

Indian Constitution in numbers  Some unique features of the Indian Constitution discussed in this article M G Warrier

A good teacher

Want to be a good teacher, dont take students for granted Teacher-student relationship needs improvement com/article/opinion/letter-to- bs-want-to-be-a-good-teacher- don-t-take-students-for- granted-120011601426_1.html  

Scouting for a care home? Hurry slowly!

Scouting for a care home? Hurry slowly! https://timesofindia. warriersviews/scouting-for-a- care-home-hurry-slowly-9814/   This is a little delicate subject. I've tried to record my views in a "detached" way. Your views as online comments and/or responses are welcome. The subject must be of interest to many of us. Response from Chittur Venkatachalaiyer Subbaraman, Mysuru copied below: M G Warrier "Very interesting and practical suggestion. Life style of children has changed over decades. Parents growing old have begun appreciating the outlook and philosophy of children staying within or outside India. Living in Oldage homes is no longer considered a blot on their children and their love and affection towards parents. Live and let live!  It is better to be frank and keep  a dry eye than accommodate corcodile tears. I do not know whether I would move into a care centre in future but so long as I can manage myself outside a ...

Ease of living

Subject: LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Send your letters by email to or by post to ‘Letters to the Editor’, The Hindu Business Line, Kasturi Buildings, 859-860, Anna Salai, Chennai 600002. - The Hindu BusinessLine To: EXRBITESgroup , RBICHENNAIFRIENDS https://www. opinion/letters/letters-to- the-editor/article30608724.ece   If the link opens please read my letter "Ease of living" (5th one) Submitted version is copied below: M G Warrier January 20, 2020 Ease of living This refers to the report “Government makes it easier for pensioners to submit life certificates” (Business Line, January 20). This is a welcome gesture which will help in reducing the hardships of pensioners* who may miss the due date for submission of life certificates for various genuine reasons. Perhaps paying offices may be authorized to collect, on an optional basis, alternate mobile numbers/email IDs of spouses/nominees of pensioners who als...

Professionalize Reserve Bank of India

January 21, 2020 The Editor Business Standard Letters Professionalize RBI* This refers to the thought-provoking letter captioned “History repeats itself” from veteran ExRBite R C Mody (Business Standard, January 21). There can be no two views on the need for revamp of the supervisory and regulatory arms of RBI by organizational restructuring and infusion of fresh talent for restoring the pride position of the central bank by redefining its role in the context of the changes in the financial sector  during the last  couple of decades.  In right earnest, RBI has initiated action in this direction by discussing the issue at its Central Board meetings last year. The main hurdle is RBI's own weak HR department and top management manned by individuals with uncertain short tenures. One wonders  why  an organization which received appreciation at the international level for its appropriate management of monetary policy and meeting various other role...

Kathopanishadp: Story of Nachiketas  Yama as good teacher. What happens hereafter? Perseverance of Nachiketas to know the "truth". Kathopanishad tells the story of Nachiketas introduced in this piece. Found interesting. Upanishads have no religion or geographical bias. Can be considered similar to modern research papers trying to understand better different aspects of the same subject. M G Warrier

Mind and intellect

Received from  Vathsala Jayaraman, Exrbites Group. Mind and intellect Recently I happened to read a book 'Medha Shakthi Vs Mahat Shakthi . The human mind has two distinct capabilities. One is to acquire worldly skills and another is to do spiritual discrimination. These two faculties are called Medha Sakthi (cleverness) and Buddhi (intellect) respectively.   Buddhi is like a pipeline that connects Atma with the rest of the tools that are gifted by the Lord to the human beings.  After Buddhi, the manas (Mind) plays a prominent role with respect to our memory, worldly knowledge, analytical skills, emotions, etc.    Medha Sakthi is how we convert the reactions of our senses into worldly knowledge whereas Buddhi is how we make decisions in our life using our discrimination power.   There are three components of Buddhi.he Buddhi. They are  Shradda (earnestness), the product of yearning and steadfastness. It is...

Action and consequence: Story of Bali

Action and consequence - Food for thought society/faith/action-and- consequence/article30601851. ece   The debate whether Bali was punished after following due process of law and justice or through a shortcut will continue.☺️ M G Warrier   Chittur Venkatachalaiyer Subbaraman, Mysuru's response: Mahabali was indeed caught between the devil and the deep sea! When one is fated to face a situation, it cannot be prevented. To suffer a punishment by pleasing the Lord is better than suffering a punishment by disobeying a Guru! Did not Maareecha say similarly, when Ravana threatened to kill him if he did not act as Ravana dictated, for helping him to kidnap Sitadevi? Mareecha felt it was better to die at the hands of Rama than at the hands of Ravana. Subbaraman

Books for all ages

Fabulous nature - Books for all ages https://frontline.thehindu. com/books/article30535984.ece   This review is purely introductory in content. Sharing for it discusses a felt need for books with the right messages for children. In languages like Malayalam, there are books and magazines keeping in view the needs of children. Perhaps, writers and publishers need to be more focused, keeping in view the audience they are targeting. M G Warrier

Kerala becoming 365-Days tourism destination

Kerala will be known as 365-Days tourism destination | eGov Magazine 2020/01/kerala-known-365-days- tourism-destination/   If the link opens, please glance through. Also read my article on the subject published in The Hindu in 2016 using the link below: opinion/open-page/Let%E2%80% 99s-attract-the-tourists- better/article14545982.ece M G Warrier

Do's and Don'ts: A beginner's guide for better living

Muruga gives positivity - Expect good results from good deeds society/faith/muruga-gives- positivity/article30588408.ece   Here's a list of "Don'ts" and "Do's". They will be yielding similar results independent of the deities to whom they are tagged. M G Warrier

Budgeting for young India: Time to handle simmering discontent

Budgeting for Young India - BLink looks Budget from employment angle. https://www. blink/know/budgeting-for- young-india/article30584677. ece   The simmering discontent among students and youth is a direct byproduct of distorted political and economic priorities. Time to have a Common Minimum Programme factoring in national priorities. This Budget could be the starting point. M G Warrier

Inspire children

Teaching your children... *HOW TO INSPIRE MANNERS IN YOUR CHILDREN* 1. When entering the house greet your children or even hug them. This should help develop their sense of love and self worth.  2. Be good to your neighbours and never backbite. Never speak ill of other drivers when on the road. Your children would listen, absorb and emulate. 3. When calling your parents, encourage your children to speak to them. When visiting your parents take your children with you. The more they see you take care of your parents the more they will learn to take care of you. 4. When driving them to school, don't always play albums or cds in the car. Rather, tell them some motivational stories yourself. This will have a greater impact - trust me! 5. Read to them a short story and  even a scripture a day – it doesn't take much time, but very impactful in creating strong bonds and wonderful memories.   6. Comb your hair, clean your teeth and wear presentab...

A slippery mouth works ruin...

There's a proverb which says : A slippery mouth works ruin*.... The mother of a girl much given to slandering was desperate Because no punishment from her effective enough to stop her daughter .... Finally, she decided to teach her a lesson . Taking a pillow, she told the girl To cut it open. This done, she said , “Empty the pillow out the window, Wait a few minutes, then go out and pick all the feathers” “ But, Mother , I cannot “ the daughter replied. “The wind will blow them all over the street!” “Exactly ,” came the answer . “That is just the way it is with the tales you spread.  Once they are told, there is no way of taking them back.” The bits of gossip and Rumour passed on so freely , with little or no thought About the harm they may do , can blow into the lives of hundreds of people, And become irretrievable . The more we try to develop the good in others, the less we will be concerned  With their faults. Putting this method into prac...

Plan a visit to Munnar  New Year has to wait now. But a visit to Munnar need not wait for another year M G Warrier

Budget expectations, 2020-21

Budget Expectations, 2020-21 https://timesofindia. warriersviews/budget- expectations-2020-21-9750/   Good Morning  If you happen to open* and read this short blog post, please add your expectations as online comments. Of course, in addition to your views on my suggestions. Thanks and best regards M G Warrier *If the link doesn't work, copied below is the text of the post: Budget expectations The GOI portal dedicated to elicit suggestions from citizens for Budget 2020-21 must be receiving thousands of suggestions uploaded by citizens who are aware of the impact their views can have in policy formulation in the long run.  Some areas which need immediate attention and ‘out of the box’ approaches,  whether through budget announcement or by policy initiatives are discussed below: I Resources Management Though our country has only one-third the geographical area as compared to US with more than 3 times pop...

Murajapam Festival in Thiruvananthapuram

Behind the scenes of the Murajapam Festival at Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple - It happens once in six years and-style/behind-the-scenes- of-the-56-day-murajapam- festival-at-sree- padmanabhaswamy-temple/ article30534238.ece   The Murajapam Festival started during the 18th Century is a grand affair happening every 6 years in Thiruvananthapuram. M G Warrier

Pongal: Festival of hope

Pongal: Celebrate The Season Of Hope And Abundance article/celebrate-the-season- of-hope-and-abundance   Every festival, world over, has its own background and heritage stories. In India, every geographical region has season-related festivals. Pongal in the south is not different. Know more... M G Warrier M 134

Arvind Kejriwal: Leading by example opinion/lead/the-long-wait- for-empowered-mayors/ article30569637.ece   Aravind Kejriwal surprised us, first by leading a movement called "India Against Corruption"(IAC) which became a nucleus for bringing together people who thought a change in governance in Delhi was overdue.  Perhaps, the makeover of IAC to Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) was hasty or Kejriwal's own plunge into the arena of electoral politics was untimely. Others capitalized more from these two decisions for which Kejriwal was personally responsible. But, by now, by focusing on his role as Delhi Chief Minister, Kejriwal has more than made up for his earlier flaws. By example, he has demonstrated how much of resources can be saved by minimizing corruption. And he has ensured that such savings are diverted for social benefit. Like improving literacy, empowerment of women, healthcare and providing a better public transport system. M G Warrier

Balancing act: Chandoratha

Balancing act - The Chandoratha: A chariot with Manthras society/faith/balancing-act/ article30569330.ece   Interesting thoughts M G Warrier

Need to reduce fiscal-monetary policy mismatch

Please read my letter published in Business Standard on January 15, 2020 Happy Pongal M G Warrier Wrong strategy com/article/opinion/letter-to- bs-govt-measures-must-balance- fiscal-monetary-policy- mismatch-120011401545_1.html   *Submitted version: January 14, 2020 Chasing Inflation Target This refers to the report “Retail inflation surges to 7.35% in Dec, a 5.5-yr high” (Business Standard, January 14). Coming three weeks will see analyses of the reasons for overshooting the upper limit of the inflation target accepted by RBI and the possible implications thereof on the February deliberations of the Monetary Policy Committee. It may be recalled that it was under the able leadership of Dr Raghuram Rajan that the statutorization of Monetary Policy Committee happened and a conservative and flexible moving inflation target of 4 plus or minus 2 percent with different milestones achievable at different points of time was...

Frontline book review: Shades of Life

Shades of life - Reviews a collection of translated Odiya short stories https://frontline.thehindu. com/books/article30440993.ece   Interesting review. Next best option to reading the book. M G Warrier

Desirable qualities of a good human being

Desirable qualities - Love all, about being good human beings: Not so easy! society/faith/desirable- qualities/article30560669.ece Kindly glance through.  Who knows, when the change comes? As the bus conductor said: Change comes, only if you ask for it!😊 M G Warrier Chittur Venkatachalaiyer Subbaraman's response: In ordinary worldly life, we tend to show love towards those who reciprocate, not towards those who do not. This is basic human nature. But for being enlightened, one has to extend love to all those including those who do not reciprocate. Such tendency is rare, and it is therefore said that great souls are those that exhibit this quality of whowing Nishkaamya love. Subbaraman

Pursuit of happiness

Pursuit of Happiness: You're on your way to happiness Top Inspiration Blogs Weekly | Life Positive For more options: You can develop your own strategies to remain happy. You have an option not to make others unhappy by sharing negative thoughts. M G Warrier

Yesudas turns 80

PM wishes singer K.J. Yesudas on his 80th birthday -  There were special offerings and music concerts at Mookambika Temple where Yesudas was felicitated by thousands of the celebrity's fans on his 80th Birthday. Mathrubhumi Weekly brought out a special issue "Atheetham"  on the occasion. M G Warrier national/pm-wishes-singer-k-j- yesudas-on-his-80th-birthday/ article30531586.ece  

Changing hairstyles

The hairstyles, they are now changing- Does costs decide the style? https://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2020/ jan/13/the-hairstyles-they- are-now-changing-2088794.html   For me, since childhood, even today, haircut has been a regular monthly event. During 1950's "Navian Raman" (nothing to do with Navy, that was the colloquial adjective to describe a barber) had a 6'×6' thatched facility adjacent to his thatched house, where we had our haircut. Raman kept a pot of water, his instruments box and a 4"×8" mirror in his work-place. If he has no house-calls (Raman will visit houses and do haircut for all male members in the family there for which sometimes the payment would be in kind, coconuts, some rice etc) he would be available for work from 8 a m to late in the evening, till it was dark (no electricity). He charged 2 Annas (present 12 paise, approximately the cost of one coconut then) against 4 Annas charged in the Barbershop in...

Benefits of satsanga

Benefits of satsanga - Select your friends society/faith/benefits-of- satsanga/article30535922.ece   This piece doesn't narrate full stories to which it draws our attention.. Friendship with the wise and good people helps. Among my contacts, I have some friends by talking to whom I get energized.  And there are some who will tell me the world is coming to an end soon. M G Warrier

Relevance of a check list approach opinion/open-page/when-a- never-event-hits-a-patient/ article30544001.ece   Please read this article once. Read it again ignoring the medical terminology and the procedures and processes explained. The article has a message for all of us. Or a couple of lessons, which needs to be shared further. One, of course is about the relevance of "check list". Actually the interesting book "Check List" came to my mind. Two, the patience and understanding with which the writer has picked up and passed on the lessons from tragic incidents. Not just in medical field. Inadequate care, lack of professionalism and more often sheer greed or laziness or a pedestrian approach (if the victim is not me) are all covered without referring to individuals or identifiable specific events which would have diverted attention from the call to repair and correct the system. I wish, professionals in every field, medicine and healthcare, education, industry, politic...


 Is contentment a bliss?*            Lust is the creator of all evils . Yet we cannot deny the fact that all the scientific developments and comforts of life would never have been possible if people were satisfied with walking or travelling by bullock carts, and women were happy spending long hrs with grinding stones and firewood ovens.I may not be posting this message thro internet, if all were content with written communications being sent thro post. Whenever a person stops dreaming and aiming for his goal, that person never grows and eventually he gets stuck in one point. For that person is contented of living a very low despicable life and doesn’t want a welcome change. That is an unprincipled contentment, a paralyzed contentment and not a healthy contentment.  All human beings do have, not only material needs, but have Physiological, Safety, Social, Ego, Self-actualization and Spiritual needs. Any blockage in sati...

Of History, Conquest and Anarchy

An Interview With William Dalrymple: Of History, Conquest And Anarchy in/features/story-an- interview-with-william- dalrymple-of-history-conquest- and-anarchy-125196   If the link opens, please read this interaction with a great author. Very few authors do their homework patiently and get the resources and time before putting together their books. In the category of this author, we have Manu S Pillai who is, as of now, a promising Indian author, with a couple of well-researched books to his credit, like Ivory Throne. We have a lot to learn from "Anarchy" of the previous centuries, as history may repeat during the current century (may be faster, current decade!). M G Warrier

Speaking Tree: Meaning of Prayer

Subject: The Meaning Of Prayer https://economictimes. speaking-tree/the-meaning-of- prayer/   Posted online comments M G Warrier

Book of pakodas: Sangeeta Khanna

Sangeeta Khanna’s book of pakodas - Kitchen treasures for afternoon https://www. blink/takeaway/sangeeta- khannas-book-of-pakodas/ article30524971.ece   I was in two minds. Whether I should offer these pakodas with breakfast or late in the day. Decided to reach you early, so that you can collect the ingredients and make them for evening tea.  M G Warrier

My experiments with the culinary truth

My experiments with the culinary truth https://www.newindianexpress. com/opinions/mindspace/2020/ jan/10/my-experiments-with-- the-culinary-truth-2087500. html Participate in this repetitive game many of the wives and mothers, and now some of the fathers and grandfathers are destined to play everyday, lifelong. It's easy to ask, what's for breakfast tomorrow or to criticise appearance of cabbage subji or sambar appearing again and again. But, the planning and "research" that go into cooking is yet not a well recognized area of interest for those who enjoy the benefits. To some extent, I as a consumer, compensate my occasional non-participation by not making negative comments on "what is not on the table" (Thanq, RRR) M G Warrier

Akbar Padamsee

Akbar Padamsee: The Sanskrit scholar among the Progressives - Those who served society by telling silently, what's right and what's wrong! entertainment/art/akbar- padamsee-the-sanskrit-scholar- among-the-progressives/ article30524405.ece   If you read this many thoughts will come to your mind. Try analyzing them M G Warrier

M G Warrier's article on RBI: The Global Analyst, 1/2020

The Global Analyst, January 2020 Reserve Bank of India Handful of Tasks or Hand Full of Tasks?* M G Warrier “Repeated government allusions to a $5 trillion economy by 2024, which would necessitate steady real growth of at least 8-9 percent per year starting from now, seem increasingly unrealistic.” -Dr Raghuram Rajan, former RBI Governor in India Today, December 16, 2019 The quote above is not for dampening the enthusiasm in celebrating the first New Year after the installation of Modi 2.0 government in Delhi. The purpose is to take on record the timing and selective nature of release of information by economists to pad up the stories they want to build up. Dr Rajan, perhaps for the first time, has also spoken at different forums about the legacy inherited by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government in 2014 from UPA II. He had this to say, in his article published in India Today: “ A large number of infrastructure projects had stalled because of difficulties in la...