Warrier's Collage on Vishu 2024

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday, April 14, 2024 Vishu being celebrated today : https://youtu.be/F_y_G9dAPDM?feature=shared Happy Vishu 2024 Good Morning Happy Birthday to all having Birthday during the current week. Ayurarogyasaukhyam and Best Wishes for all. M G Warrier A A THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: It's my duty to see that they get the truth; but that's not enough, I've got to put it before them briefly so that they will read it, clearly so that they will understand it, forcibly so that they will appreciate it, picturesquely so that they will remember it, and, above all, accurately so that they may be wisely guided by its light. -Joseph Pulitzer, newspaper publisher (10 Apr 1847-1911) https://images.app.goo.gl/HakfhYycXZn2px2T7 Mrutasanjeevani World Health Day was observed recently. Let's remember the medicinal value of plants in the forests. II I Love Kerala https://youtu.be/1_lGi4oLOV8?feature=shared B Happiness is a State of Mind : Sri Sri Ravishankar https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/toi-edit-page/when-do-you-plan-to-be-happy/ C Current Affairs : Election 2024 https://www.mainstreamweekly.net/article14540.html D Speaking Tree : I'm A Hat https://m.economictimes.com/opinion/speaking-tree/not-a-man-im-a-hat/articleshow/109255113.cms The article approaches the question "Who Am I?" from a different angle and tries to find an answer. Idea of a hat is used to explain a difficult question. E Media Responses Focus on governance This refers to the report "Food Inflation on Mind, RBI Holds Interest Rates Steady" (ET, April 7). A semblance of monetary policy stability across major central banks together with a short break in domestic pressures because of election fever allowed RBI to play it cool at April 2024 MPC meeting. The result is visible in the views on growth and inflation expressed in the monetary policy announcement on April 5. Still, analysts have read between the lines and speculation about a rate-cut season beginning October 2024 is going round on day one. It is comforting to find that RBI's focus continues to be on governance and regulation aspects of the banking sector. May be the coming weeks will see RBI acting with vigour to make recalcitrant financial institutions in the cooperative and NBFC category which continue "hide and seek" fall in line. M G WARRIER Mumbai The Economic Times Chat Room April 12, 2024 Reserve Norms and Banks This refers to the report "Banks Seek Flexible Reserve Norms as RBI Weighs Risks" (ET, April 12). For a long time now, reserve requirements for banks and financial institutions have served as a reliable pool for marketing government securities. This has in effect delayed development of a market-linked pricing system and a robust retail market for G-Secs. Time is opportune for revisiting the reserve requirements of banks and financial institutions and reviewing the components and their ratios in the basket of eligible assets. Perhaps, at least for big banks, there is a case for increasing gold and foreign securities as part of SLR. M G WARRIER Mumbai F Collage Leisure An unusual REUNION* In response to an invitation for a rather unusual REUNION of all time greats: Newton said he'd drop in. Socrates said he'd think about it. Ohm resisted the idea. Boyle said he was under too much pressure. Darwin said he'd wait to see what evolved. Pierre and Marie Curie radiated enthusiasm. Volta was electrified at the prospect. Pavlov positively drooled at the thought. Ampere was worried he wasn't current enough though alternately none were. Edison thought it would be illuminating. Einstein said it would be relatively easy to attend. Archimedes was buoyant at the thought. Morse said, "I'll be there on the dot. Can't stop now, must dash." Hertz said he planned to attend with greater frequency in the future. Wilbur Wright accepted, provided he and Orville could get a flight. Aryabhatta said there were zero chances of him showing up. Marconi said he would listen to the report on wireless. Pythagoras refused because he thought the organisers were not looking at the reunion through the right angle. AS read. *Shared by Vathsala Jayaraman G Collage Cover Story Dr B C Roy, the legendary physician who, in addition, was the first Chief Minister of West Bengal from 1948 to his demise in 1962. Here is a small story about Dr B C Roy, told to me by an elderly Bengali friend whom I don't find any reason to disbelieve. Because of an unscheduled visit to Delhi as CM, Dr Roy could not attend the wedding function of the only son of a close friend. He visited his friend's house after a few days. They were happy and felt honoured. The bride was duly introduced to him. He found her sweet and good mannered. Yet he could sense some tension in the atmosphere. In the absence of others, he asked his friend for the reason. After a few moments of silence, as if struggling how to open the topic, he said : "Bidhanji, what shall I say? The girl wants to go back to her father. If you ask why, I have no answer; nor has she. Everyone in the house likes her. She too likes all of us. Yet she wants to go home. "He heaved a sigh and continued : "It is an arranged marriage and we did enough prodding to find out whether she had any affair pulling her back. She had none. We are in a predicament." "Don't worry. I will talk to her." said the CM. The girl was summoned. He put her at ease and said very softly : "Beti, forget that you are sitting before the Chief Minister. Consider me as your father. I am trying to help you. Tell me all about you and answer all my questions frankly." The gist of the information he got was this : She was a highly educated girl with a mind of her own. Her father, a widower, was a civil engineer holding a high position in the state government. Both the father and the daughter were the only persons in the world until the latter's wedding. Every evening, they sat in the lawn in front of the house, took tea together and talked on all topics under the sun. To a question whether her father had any habits like smoking or drinking, she said : "None, except taking a little bit of opium along with the evening tea and it was my privilege to mix it with his tea." To his 'mischievous' question whether she too joined, she said vehemently : "No, Sir. He wouldn't have permitted me even if I wanted." This confirmed Dr. Roy's doubt that arose when his friend said that she showed restlessness only in the evenings. With a smile he said : "Perhaps, you don't know. I am a doctor by profession and trained in the UK. Besides, I am the personal physician of Jawaharlal Nehru. I think I can solve your little problem. I shall send you a powder a small pinch of which you mix with your evening tea for a week at the end of which you will perfectly merge with your new family." He did as he said. The powder he sent was an antidote for the bad habit-forming effect of opium the traces of which unwittingly went into her tea too. Vathsala Jayaraman


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