
Showing posts from September, 2024

Home Video : Dance By Reshmy Warrier

Home Video Dance by Reshmy Warrier

Warrier's Collage on Thursday September 26, 2024 : Midweek Edition

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Thursday, September 26, 2024 (Midweek Collage) Hutt River Principality : The smallest micronation in the world Good Morning Midweek edition of Collage may carry some links and write ups already shared with some readers as part of daily messages. M G Warrier M 134 A Media Responses I The Economic Times September 23, 2024 Chat Room Alarming rise in unclaimed deposits This refers to the report "PSBs to Pitch in for Faster Settlement of Unclaimed Deposits, Suggest Steps to RBI" (Economic Times, September 23). Any move on the part of banks to ensure that the sums entrusted with them in good faith by savers are returned safe should be welcomed. Deposits become "unclaimed" only after remaining inoperative for a long duration. But accumulation of huge sums in such categories is not a healthy trend. The rise in such deposits in recent years is at unacceptably high...


Hobbies I received my copy of the current issue of Reader's Digest on September 24, 2024. The Cover Story is "How Hobbies Help Us". Spread from page 78 to 89, the well illustrated article by Charlotte Hilton Anderson* who asserts "Far from a waste of time, pastimes are good for body, brain and spirit" is a sumptuous feast for anyone who is hungry enough to know why people pursue hobbies. Post-retirement, I opted for writing as a hobby. Prior to that, for 40 plus years I was a writer (the British people degraded the job by designating as "Clerk"!) by profession. If lucky, access the article and read. Who knows, that will be the beginning of a new hobby for you! A turning point in life is hidden somewhere and will surface when you least expect it to happen. Nice Day *Charlotte is an award-winning journalist who covers etiquette, relationships, psychology, health and lifestyle. She has written more than 50 etiquette stories for Reader's Digest, sp...

Warrier's Collage on Sunday September 22, 2024 : Part II

Warrier's Collage on Sunday September 22, 2024 : Part II B Collage in Classroom Thoughts Management : Protecting our mind, house of thoughts, from external intrusions This is a short write-up on "Mind Management" which I've attempted based on my experience and memory. I have not depended on any text books or earlier researches on the subject. The word mind is used here in the limited sense of 'reservoir of thoughts' where all thoughts get pooled in and all thoughts get disseminated in different directions. For a moment, forget your concepts about the mind and its functions and working. I'll try to be brief while sharing my maverick thoughts about mind and my views on mind management. Just as we apply Vaastu Purusha concept while constructing a house or temple, let us imagine mind occupying the sanctum sanctorium within our individual human body. Then, giving respect to our mind and protecting the mind from adverse external influences/attacks become...

Warrier's Collage on Sunday September 22, 2024 : Part I

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday, September 22, 2024 Good Morning It's comforting to get reminded when there's a longer gap between two issues of Collage. Travel to Kerala and other preoccupations can be attributed as reasons for a gap of more than ten days between the previous and the current issues of Collage. Recently, I happened to see a message about an elderly person who is staying alone in his house subscribing for a daily newspaper. He tells the "Newspaper Boy" one morning : "Thank you for knocking at my door. I don't read newspapers. But I want you to give me the paper everyday like this, knocking at the door and waiting for me to open the door. The day I don't open, here are three numbers, you should get in touch" In a way, for me, Collage serves a similar purpose. Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday this week. Nice Day M G Warrier A Current Affairs

Do's & Don'ts

Good Morning 🌞 Being a member of several elders' groups, my mail box is flooded everyday with "Do's & Don'ts" for oldies like me. Most of them are literary adventures by the unemployed or recent retirees who find a vacuum in their daily routine. Fed up with deleting such messages, now I'm trying to write a short piece on "Thought Management". Someone may allege that the thought about that in black and white will be an addition to the kind of literature I just mentioned. Let it be. Writing is part of my daily routine exercise. Till retirement that was part of my job. Post-retirement, for the last 21 years, it became a hobby and occasionally when published it resulted in small receipts. Such receipts with some additions from my savings, I spent on charities including publishing my books. To know more Google search for M G Warrier 🙏

Warrier's Collage on Wednesday September 11, 2024

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Wednesday, September 11, 2024 Good Morning Next regular issue of Collage will be on September 22, 2024. Nice Day 🙏 M G Warrier A Media Response Letters September 10, 2024 UPS and EPF This refers to the article "Do we need to go beyond EPF" (The Hindu Business Line, September 10). The answer is an emphatic yes. We note with comfort the efforts by government and institutions like LIC and PFRDA to make retirement planning customer friendly by introducing savings products tailored to suit different segments of end-users. Introduction of NPS for minors is a step in the right direction. Moving forward, government can think of encashing the trust of the public in the government and quasi-government savings instruments to mainstream idle assets like gold stock and idle cash into regular savings accessible for investors on a need based basis. This could be achieved by : 1) Encouraging investment in regular pension plans for ...

Collage on Sunday September 8, 2024

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday, September 8, 2024(Second Edition) Good Morning Collage is changing fast. Luckily, readers are comfortable with the changes. Lately, we have reduced the size and increased the frequency. This has been welcomed by many. Similarly, format is being adjusted to accommodate more information on the theme selected. Yesterday, I was trying to pull out a book from my shelf to write about today. I really could get a good book. But today I am not writing about that book. Read on to find out why!🙏 Nice Day M G Warrier A Antilibrary When asked why so many, the Italian thinker Umberto Eco had this to say: "It is foolish to think that you have to read all the books you buy, as it is foolish to criticize those who buy more books than they will ever be able to read. It would be like saying that you should use all the cutlery or glasses or screwdrivers or drill bits you bought before buying new ones." ...

Warrier's Collage on Vinayaka Chaturthi 2024

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Saturday, September 7, 2024 Good Morning Today is Vinayaka Chaturthi 🙏 M G Warrier A Ganapathy Atharvashirshopanishad B Vinayaka Chaturthi Ganesh Chaturthi commemorates the birth of Lord Ganesha, who is thought to be the child of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Hindu mythology holds that Lord Shiva gave Ganesha existence after Parvati fashioned him from the dirt on her body. People from different communities and backgrounds come together for the widely observed and inclusive celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi in India. As individuals from various castes, religions, and social classes take part in the festivities, it promotes a sense of solidarity. Since it has been observed for so long, the festival is significant both historically and culturally. It is an essential component of Indian heritage and culture.

Warrier's Collage on Teachers' Day, 2024

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Teachers' Day (Thursday, September 5), 2024 A Today is Teachers' Day B Guru Vandanam C Respect the teacher Teacher commands the same respect as one's father. D Teaching as a career In our childhood, children loved to become a teacher while in small classes because we thought it was a powerful job. Then preferences shifted to bus conductor, police man and so on. Children from rich families were trained to aspire to become doctors and engineers. Career counseling was unheard of. "Me too" started my career as a teacher. Within a month, left that and joined a quasi government organisation as a clerk. Shifted a couple of jobs and retired from RBI after 40 years. I had more envy for teachers than respect from the very beginning and I continue to look at teachers with awe and respect now also. ...

Experience & Life's Lessons

Experience & Life's Lessons I'm part of some 6 Retiree Groups and half that many Family Groups in addition to a couple of neighborhood WhatsApp Groups. In each Group, I have upto 6 core members with whom I interact at least once a week. Some of them remind me when they don't find the messages they expect from me. After the pandemic when I used to share daily messages in groups and with select friends/relatives, my messages are not very regular in frequency or about the consistency of the nature of the content. As writing is a part of my daily routine and exercise, some time back, in some context, I revealed that every day I write a minimum of 200 words. Some of my readers took it literally and believe me, last week one of them sent a text : "Missed your 200 words yesterday. Resend" We learn from every experience. Being part of elder's groups have advantages and disadvantages. Even the retiree groups are not homogeneous. 60 to 95 age group can and need fu...

Warrier's Collage on Sunday September 1, 2024

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday September 1, 2024 Happiness Special A Sources of Happiness B The Science of Happiness C Hobbies 4 Happiness D Collage Musings Loved reading the Speaking Tree article on "Truthfulness, Inside Out". Not because I'm "truthful inside out" or I'm going to change overnight that way. Just because the narrative has a contemporary relevance to the news feeds I'm forced to read, listen and respond. Yes, the reference is to the movie heroes from Kerala who have become targets, or to borrow a newly given dimension, "feed", of the media. Believe me, nothing has changed. Talk of the Town has removed a pardah(curtain) that the actors thought was a ...