Business Line : Industry & Economy / Banking : RBI considering four alternatives to gold#.ULKlKW7RTrQ.blogger#.ULKlKW7RTrQ.blogger
Business Line : Industry & Economy / Banking : RBI considering four alternatives to gold#.ULKlKW7RTrQ.blogger#.ULKlKW7RTrQ.blogger
Comforting to see that some suggestions made during the last few years are being 'considered'
Read my article 'Gold management needs a makeover'(Published in Hindu Business Line on April 13, 2012) posted on this blog or from the internet direct by google search for the article.
M G Warrier
Comforting to see that some suggestions made during the last few years are being 'considered'
Read my article 'Gold management needs a makeover'(Published in Hindu Business Line on April 13, 2012) posted on this blog or from the internet direct by google search for the article.
M G Warrier