Budget 2013-14
Budget 2013-14
As the 2014 Election is fast approaching and
nothing much has changed for the UPA II in last one year, media and economists
are not expecting many surprises in the budget to be presented on Thursday.
Common man who lives on hopes and expectations still dream about a budget that
will bring some relief to his mounting woes. From this perspective, FM could
factor in some of the following thoughts while he finalizes his budget speech:
Agriculture deserves more
attention from planners and policy makers, not just on the eve of annual
Budget. This is a neglected sector for historic reasons. GOI should look at
agriculture not only from the angles of farm sector production, food security
and the millions of agricultural laborers who cannot migrate to urban areas. In
the changed scenario, there is need to project agriculture as a sector which
should graduate to self-supporting stage viewed from a ‘business’ point of
view. This will need:
- Land reforms including need-based
cultivation of crops required for consumption and export/commercial
- Change in the approach to agricultural
income and taxation thereof
- Nationalization of idle lands which can
be used for cultivation or commercial/infrastructure purposes.
Pay back time for super-rich
The present RBI Governor Dr Subbarao
has been all along articulating his expectations from the FM by way of fiscal
policy support for central bank initiatives to tame inflation. As time is
running out let us think differently and suggest some one-time measures which
the FM could consider some measures like:
Steps to price land and other resources being ‘gifted’ to corporates and
rich individuals under various pretexts at market rates and plan recovery of
costs as and when such ‘gifts’ start giving return
A one-time surcharge on income tax
payable by super-rich and create a rolling fund for financing social sector
According to one assessment, a ten per cent surcharge on the tax payable
by taxpayers who report an annual income of more than Rs 1 million will fetch
about Rs 110 billion in a full financial year. As the last few years have been
more strenuous for those with annual income level below Rs 1 million and that
category deserves some ‘cross-subsidization’ from the super-rich, FM should
consider a one-time surcharge in Budget 2013-14, on the tax payable by those
with income above Rs 1 million. The rate of such surcharge could be 10 to 20
per cent depending on policy perceptions. This surcharge collection should be
ear-marked for creating a corpus for ‘additional’ funding of social sector which
has been neglected in recent years. The ‘below
moderate’ rise in plan expenditure, at 6% over the previous year, shows the
saturation level GOI’s capacity to mobilize resources for social sector, within
the budgetary framework. But this should not dishearten FM. Money is
accumulating outside the government fold, almost with the same speed at which
heaps of garbage are growing in cities and suburbs. It is government’s
responsibility to canalize such hoardings for productive purposes. Even if
money outside government accounts are not accounted in the budget, GOI’s
guidance expressed through Budget Speech should be clear about the social
responsibility of people who ‘grow’ exploiting nation’s resources. Perhaps the
responsibility to develop infrastructure for healthcare, transport, education,
old age care and so on in geographical areas close to large industrial
establishments could be entrusted to the industrialists concerned. Tata has
been doing this voluntarily in certain areas.
New Pension Scheme
Abolish New
Pension System (NPS). This will absolve employers’ commitment to make ‘matching
contribution’. As financial position improves, employers including GOI should
create pension funds to honor future commitments. Simultaneously, the Employees
Provident Organisation should be strengthened and the scheme implemented by
that organisation made more popular, integrating the essential rationale for
introduction of NPS.
External compulsions
FM need not buy all the ‘products’ coming his way from
rating agencies and brokerages whose allegiance is more towards ‘developed
world’ which is struggling to keep its head above neck-deep debt and other
problems including stagnation in growth since a few years. Chidambaram should
look for India-specific solutions for India-specific problems. As the country
is at a different stage of development, FM need not worry about the comparative
figures of growth rates, savings rates, return on investment or inflation in
countries like USA or Australia . Same
holds true about SLR norms for banks and GOI dependence on captive sources like
SLR. FM should not hesitate to subsidize social sector or at least improve
funding of social sector (including nutrition/food security, education,
healthcare and poverty alleviation) even at the cost of other sectors as the
dwindling resources flow is impacting further development.
Interest rate
Stop subsidizing interest rates on loans for
any purpose including agriculture beyond reasonable levels. Kerala has come out
with zero-interest rate short term agricultural loans. If states do this on
their own like this, introduce disincentives.
Rating India
It is high time, rating
agencies, or for that matter whosoever judges the performance of economies,
changed their parameters, to factor in the inherent strengths and weaknesses of
nations. Countries like India
with huge resources including human resources and much less consumption needs
as compared to ‘developed’ countries which are permanently dependent on outside
markets for sustenance and perennially building up capacities for unproductive
purposes like war and journey to Mars are measured on the same scale. This is
unacceptable. Viewed in the above context, time is opportune for India to think in terms of setting up a rating
agency of international standard which will understand India and advise stakeholders about the health
of domestic financial institutions and the financial institutions and
governments abroad with which India
has dealings. Agencies like Standard and Poor and Moody’s are doing their work
within their limitation and even they would be benefited. If FM makes a mention
about his intention to set up an internationally acceptable rating agency in India ,
the Global Rating Agencies will be more than pleased.
(M G Warrier is a freelancer based
in Thiruvananthapuram. His email ID is mgwarrier@rediffmail.com)