Manmohan’s legacy - The Hindu

Manmohan’s legacy - The Hindu

One could sense Dr. Singh’s discomfiture with the present dispensation. His analytical ability, when the subject was economics, was never in doubt and was evident in the press meet. If only he had an idea about politics the same way as his pet subject! His claim that the scams related to the period of UPA-I left one baffled. Why didn’t he act firmly then? Listening to him, you got the impression that parts of the script were prepared before the Delhi elections.
M.G. Warrier,
Now, please read the unedited version of my letter:
This refers to the report “Manmohan holds out baton to Rahul”(January 4). The voluntary disclosures made by Dr Manmohan Singh on Friday, though fell short of an announcement of his opting for ‘voluntary retirement’, revealed his discomfort with the present dispensation. His analytical ability, when the subject was economics, was never in doubt and was evident in this press meet also. At the same time when he had to handle politics in the open, he was not sure where he stood and perhaps, that ‘awareness’ prevented him from venturing a rating of his own performance on a scale of 1 to ten.
 The media reports give an impression that aam aadmi would not have missed much, even if this (third and perhaps final) press conference was not held! Even without his public statement to the media, his views on the following issues PM covered in the press conference were well known:
·       i)  His appreciation and reverence to Rahul Gandhi and his mother.

·       ii)  His opposition to Modi and BJP and his apprehensions about the possible disaster, if Modi comes to power.
·        iii) That he was not comfortable presiding over the coalition government, which he expressed in so many words: “The Congress has never run a coalition government. There have been some compromises but these have been peripheral”
·        iv) His discomfort about the dual power centre.
The portion of the reports which reads, “…responded to questions on corruption scandals saying,  ‘the people of India do not seem to have paid heed to all these charges which are levied against me or my government’” gives an impression that substantial portion of the  script for the January 3 press conference was prepared much before the Delhi election, or even the elections in some other states earlier.
M G Warrier, Thiruvananthapuram


WeelDr.Singh is true to his conscience and at the same time to those who allowed him in the Gadi.His comments on Mody are uncalled for.Patriotism is evry body's right.The people appreciated when he took a daring step to sign the treaty with theUS and criticised when price of brinjals sky rocketed.How ever he steered the country during the most critical times. Hats off....

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