Warrier's Collage on Thursday January 25, 2024

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Thursday, January 25, 2024 Thought of the Day Significance of Ram Temple Ayodhya : Omnipresent Sri Ram - The Economic Times https://m.economictimes.com/opinion/speaking-tree/omnipresent-sri-ram/articleshow/107034983.cms Know More about Ramayanam : https://www.speakingtree.in/allslides/top-lessons-from-the-ramayana/259842 More about January 22, 2024 Function : https://jan-sampark.nic.in/campaigns/2024/23-Jan/PMO/index.html A Midweek Issue Next regular issue of Collage is scheduled for February second week. This midweek edition is just to keep the torch burning. Here's a Speeking Tree link : https://m.economictimes.com/opinion/speaking-tree/believe-you-can/articleshow/107092339.cms If the link opens, edit the content in your mind and try to remember the message in the manner you would like to share with your near and dear ones. M G Warrier B Book Review Kiran Warrier reviewed my book at Amazon. Link : Review on Amazon : Memories, Reflections and Learnings from Life! https://www.amazon.in/gp/aw/review/B0CQ7VP6QX/R3IJCHQFLF5V65?ref_=cm_sw_r_apann_dprv_F4DQVDQT59KQH3SQ3ASX&language=en_US C Cover Story : Superstitions Vathsala Jayaraman Even people with rational thinking fall a prey to superstitions. They follow certain customs and practices widely branded as superstitions and proclaim loudly that they are following the same just to respect elders in the family. When we are unable to give any explanation for any event good/bad, automatically, superstition takes the place to explain. When people didn't know that mirrors reflect images and sun shine reflects shadows, it was believed the reflection was the soul and the shadow was the devil. But even today, in many houses where someone is dead, they keep all the mirrors closed thinking that the mirror will not allow the soul to leave and it will disturb the survivors in the form of ghosts. If a student puts forth great efforts and do not have time even to pray or observe other auspicious timings and the other equally hard working student works hard and prays also and observes good timings etc. The results of the exam may vary due to other factors, but will be interpreted with reference to the superstitions. The superstitions in advanced countries are far in excess of those present in India. Friday combined with 13 is believed to be terrific. Don't they know that whenever the month commences on a Sunday, 13th will be Friday? The Four Leaf cluster is believed to bring fame, health, wealth and everlasting lover/friend. Is there any belief behind two-leaf symbol? Recently I met a friend of mine, well educated and intelligent. She was constantly looking at a small paper containing number substitutes for letters with numbers A=1 B=2.... She told me that the numbers relating to the name when added together ends in even number, the man will die first and if it ends in odd number, the wife will die first. She was calculating this, not only for herself but also to her daughters and sons and was feeling highly depressed. She was asking me whether it was advisable to change the names so as to offer a result favourable to her. In spite of her intelligence and education, she could not overcome this belief and consequent depression. Now she is a problem to everyone at home. As long as any superstition is a source of confidence and boosts one's performance, it need not be set aside as bad. But if the same superstition becomes an obsession and is a nuisance to everybody in the family, it has to be mitigated at all cost. Vathsala Jayaraman Bonus : Carnatic Vocal Arangettam : Aditya Anandan, grandson of Vathsala Jayaraman. (Aditya is aged 19 doing 2nd year Engg at Wisconsin USA) https://youtu.be/6DC-Xu3bXvg?feature=shared D Media Response Weapons of mass destruction This refers to the report "'Enemy country' could be weaponising weather : Rajnath" (The Hindu Business Line, January 20). It's comforting to see that the possibility of deployment of WMD(Weapons of Mass Destruction) is getting the attention it deserves from responsible world leaders. Due to the private and selfish business interests of developed nations, whenever this issue (WMD) came up, it got swept under the carpet. Yes, the reference is to Iraq war and the recent pandemic. Though the nations with Veto power will stifle the discussion before any finality, countries like India have a moral responsibility to raise the issue of having a world consensus on reducing traditional weapons to tolerance levels and preventing development and deployment of WMD. M G Warrier Mumbai E Collage Psychology : Pursuit of Happiness Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/happiness Regularly indulging in small pleasures, getting absorbed in challenging activities, setting and meeting goals, maintaining close social ties, and finding purpose beyond oneself all increase life satisfaction. It isn't happiness per se that promotes well-being, it's the actual pursuit that's key. F Collage Poetry Lost in the maze of life* https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/lost-in-the-maze-of-life/ Have you ever felt a feeling, a feeling of being lost, in life, you lost your direction, you lost your purpose, where your going, its like living in a cave, all alone, there is only darkness with you, every moment, the only presence is darkness, only light can save you, but light does not exist, that is the feeling, to be purged, to be framed, to be called something your not, to be left alone, to be lost, in the maze of life. Vince Kill * Once you complete reading the poem, feel happy, it was only a poem about situations some people face sometimes and luckily you are not one of them. G Collage helpline : Stanzas from Atharva Veda* https://youtu.be/NA4d7OQVGSw?feature=shared *Link shared by Dr T V Gopalakrishnan


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