We have a sound draft health policy | Business Line

We have a sound draft health policy | Business Line


The draft National Health Policy(dNHP), when it becomes a reality and gets operational, may bring affordable healthcare to the door-steps of all citizens. But, at a time when policy makers and government abhor even the thought of a realistic poverty line for fear of the majority of people going below that dreaded line, dNHP leaving the drawing board and getting implemented can remain only a fond hope or a dream.
But like carrying out population census or making efforts to issue AADHAAR cards, a health connectivity for all families could be attempted by issuing health cards to each family. The card should carry the following information:
(i)                Name and age of family member
(ii)              Medical insurance cover, if available
(iii)            Name and telephone number of family doctor or the name of nearest hospital
(iv)            Brief history of treatment availed during the previous one year.
(v)              Name and telephone number of contact person, in case of emergency.
It would be ideal, if the card gets ‘registered with the doctor or hospital mentioned at (iii).
M G Warrier, Thiruvananthapuram


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