Walk the talk
Walk the talk: Modi’s campaign against black money should extend to politics...
"India's electoral finances are remarkably opaque compared to most developed and even several developing countries. A study by the Association of Democratic Reforms shows that over 75 per cent of the recorded funds received by national parties between 2004-05 and 2011-12 are from ‘unknown’ sources. There is no mention in these cases of the name of the donor, address, or PAN — such a violation in the case of an individual tax entity would invite tax scrutiny or worse. Introduction of the ₹2,000 limit may help address this malaise. The accounts of political parties should be subject to public scrutiny, as in the case of the US, Germany, Italy, France, Brazil, Bulgaria, and even Nepal and Bhutan. It remains to be seen whether the Budget session pursues a serious discussion on electoral reforms."