Warrier's Collage on Republic Day 2025

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Republic Day January 26, 2025 President's Message to the Nation on January 26, 1951 : https://youtu.be/gx3MhU88G4w?si=Hcjp7RZDMcNfg6Dg A Tatas move ahead https://www.india.com/business/noel-tata-scripts-history-ratan-tatas-group-becomes-first-indian-brand-to-surpass-us-dollar-30-billion-now-indias-most-valuable-brand-7556757/ B India's First Republic Day https://youtu.be/09mMQwmKmSE?si=Z06_t4Hq93Sf9aTL C The beginning https://www.abrahamlincolnonline.org/lincoln/speeches/gettysburg.htm D A Poem By Aditya* (20, Engineering Student, US) Many a time in life, one may feel Betrayed, being left out of the lot. It takes some time and a nerve of steel To pick oneself for another start. Agreed, life isn't a rosy bed. It need not be just terrible but. What you earned for many years now May all go elsewhere. You don't know how. Let me tell you something that I learnt. You may fall anytime; yes you would! As long as you keep coming back and Push yourself more, you are too good! Never will you yield to something that Challenges you without a good fight. Never will you forget this and Get up again; Win with all your might! *Aditya is grandson of Vathsala Jayaraman, Ex-RBI, Chennai E Media Response The Hindu Business Line Letters January 23, 2025 Universal citizenship This refers to the report "US citizenship grant rate for Indians declining" (HBL, January 23). Citizens from developing nations migrate to developed countries, mostly in search of better job opportunities. The people of host nations, at least some of them, treat the guests as unwelcome parasites eating into the domestic opportunities and resources. The mutual benefit angle is forgotten. This has become more glaring by certain utterances from the highest level in the US. Time is opportune for some internal body similar to the United Nations to come into being to organise and manage migration issues faced by professionals moving from country to country across the world in pursuit of better job opportunities. M G Warrier Mumbai *A slightly edited version was published in The Hindu Business Line on January 24, 2025. F Bonus Recent research shows that Trump can still change. Here's an article shared by Vathsala Jayaraman, Chennai : 'The director of the George Washington University School of Medicine argues that the brain of an older person is much more practical than is commonly believed. At this age, the interaction of the right and left hemispheres of the brain becomes harmonious, which expands our creative possibilities. That is why among people over 60 years of age you can find many personalities who have just started their creative activities. Of course, the brain is no longer as fast as it was in youth. However, it gains in flexibility. Therefore, with age, we are more likely to make the right decisions and are less exposed to negative emotions. The peak of human intellectual activity occurs around the age of 70, when the brain begins to function at full strength. Over time, the amount of myelin in the brain increases, a substance that facilitates the rapid passage of signals between neurons. Due to this, intellectual abilities increase by 300% compared to the average. Also interesting is the fact that after 60 years, a person can use 2 hemispheres at the same time. This allows you to solve much more complex problems. Professor Monchi Uri, from the University of Montreal, believes that the old man's brain chooses the path that consumes less energy, eliminates the unnecessary and leaves only the right options to solve the problem. A study was conducted involving different age groups. Young people were very confused when passing the tests, while those over 60 years of age made the right decisions. Now, let's look at the characteristics of the brain between the ages of 60 and 80. They are really pink. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BRAIN OF AN ELDERLY PERSON. 1. Neurons in the brain do not die, as everyone around you says. The connections between them simply disappear if one does not engage in mental work. 2. Distraction and forgetfulness arise due to an overabundance of information. Therefore, it is not necessary for you to concentrate your whole life on unnecessary trifles. 3. From the age of 60, a person, when making decisions, does not use one hemisphere at the same time, like young people, but both. 4. Conclusion: if a person leads a healthy lifestyle, moves, has viable physical activity and is fully mentally active, intellectual abilities do NOT decrease with age, they simply GROW, reaching a peak at the age of 80-90 years . So do not be afraid of old age. Strive to develop intellectually. Learn new crafts, make music, learn to play musical instruments, paint pictures! Dance! Take an interest in life, meet and communicate with friends, plan for the future, travel as best you can. Do not forget to go to shops, cafes, shows. Don't shut up alone, it's destructive to anyone. Live with the thought: all good things are still ahead of me! SOURCE : New England Journal. Shared by VATHSALA JAYARAMAN, Chennai My response : A very encouraging news. I'll with immediate effect stop criticizing politicians who hang on despite age-related issues. I'll listen with respect what my elders say. As the new study says there's still scope for improvement, I'll continue to read, think, write and share my thoughts. I'll keep myself busy for the rest of this decade. M G Warrier


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