UTI board meeting today, may discuss appointment of chief | Business Standard
UTI board meeting today, may discuss appointment of chief | Business Standard
It is intriguing that even after 30 months the post of Chairman and Managing Director in UTI fell vacant and after splitting the post reportedly at the instance of an external minority shareholder, the institution remains topless. The absence of succession plans in place affects the smooth functioning of any organisation. May be, in the case of PSUs, casual appointments at the top would make management of organisations easier for political leadership. The managements of PSUs can be made to dance according to the whims of political leadership and when something goes wrong, the blame can easily be thrown at the ‘inefficiency’ of the public sector, creating further ground for privatisation.
The political leadership which is able to ensure continuity with some semblance of ‘democratic process’ at most of the key positions right from President of India down to Gram Panchayat Member, does not take the same care to ensure that ‘someone’ is in position when top-level incumbents leave PSUs on retirement or otherwise.
Perhaps there should be an Appointments Authority to oversee the screening process and appointments to top-level positions in public sector undertakings. Delay in receipt of Vigilance nod was recently quoted as reason for many top positions in PSUs remaining unfilled. This is not an acceptable ground for leaving posts vacant indefinitely. In such situations a pragmatic succession plan should envisage permitting the retiring incumbent to continue till substitute arrangements are made.
M G Warrier
July 25, 2013