Where are our economists? | Business Line

Where are our economists? | Business Line

Online comments posted on October 16, 2013:

Straight answer is many economists have infiltrated into bureaucracy for survival and a lucky few have migrated into the affluent and powerful BPL(Businessmen-Politicians-Lawyers) combine which is the ruling class of present day India.
Still, thoughts like these expressed in ‘cornered’ columns keep the torch of hope burning. The issues raised here are relevant not only for economists. Mutatis mutandis, they apply to education at all levels and across sectors, training and research and human resources management in general. Mismanagement of human resources has fatal biproducts like frustration, braindrain and other serious consequences.
One wishes, the suggestions made by Dr Singh draw the attention they deserve from those responsible for follow up action. Perhaps, the time is opportune for setting up a National Commission for Higher Education, Research and Manpower Planning with state level bodies with similar objective.
  M G Warrier


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