In search of a home away from home - The Hindu

In search of a home away from home - The Hindu

Online comments posted on May 6, 2014:

This is a well researched piece
deserving immediate attention of governments across geographical borders. From
the plumbing assistant working under a sub-contractor for whom herds of workers
are made available by yet other contractors, in the premises of a multistory
building work site in Mumbai, and earns daily starvation wages, to the
cricketer who has been ‘hired’ for a value in crores of rupees or dollars, belong
to a category called ‘world citizens’. Both are dependent for their livelihood
or ‘lifestyle’ on the rich and the powerful, who own and manage public resources
wherever and whosoever they are. Both are ‘exploited’, not employed or
accepted as partners in business.

The human rights and
security issues arising from this situation has no sectoral or
boundaries and have much deeper economic and political implications. It
is agonizing that such serious national issues are being traded for
temporary political
gains like votes.
M G Warrier, Thiruvananthapuram


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