Shubhashis Gangopadhyay: Trust in reform | Business Standard Opinion

Shubhashis Gangopadhyay: Trust in reform | Business Standard Opinion

Online comments posted on July 29, 2014:
The article
cogently puts forth the case for building trust in those who really participate
in the India Growth Story, but still remain a neglected lot when it comes to
sharing the benefits of their efforts.
Those at the helm should remember that there is a perceivable difference
between the thinking of managers and workers of pre-reform days and those who
have joined these categories during the current century. For a moment, let us
forget the  public-private sector divide.
The need to keep
managers and workers equally satisfied and secure for improving productivity is
an aspect well brought out in the article. The conflict between those who want
to treat employees (including managers and workers) as partners and those who
want to exploit labour as much as possible will continue so long as the
ownership of resources and laws governing their management continue in the
hands of those who represent the later. Sane and loud thinking as expressed
here will expedite positive changes.
Though the
judicial system, howsoever efficient it be, will remain helpless if the
political will to reform is missing, open debates on issues like employers’
frustration with lack of infrastructure, lack of skill among Indian youth and
labour laws  initiated in this article
will go a long way in putting the thought process of policy makers on the right
track. The author has rightly pointed out that ‘borrowed ideas’ cannot help
India to protect business entrepreneurship as those countries which are
‘lending’ ideas have different social security environment.

M G Warrier,


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