Is Health Insurance Affordable for All? - Moneylife

Is Health Insurance Affordable for All? - Moneylife

Do read my letter also(Copied below)

Rational in the Real Sense?

This is with regard to the book review of Unthink by Anand Desai. It looks interesting. I am looking forward to glancing through it, when I stumble on the book. But I have a comment:

“Throughout the book, Paley comes across as a young teenager who believes he always knows better than the old grandfather. The grandfather smiles and continues to smoke his pipe,” says it all. No, I am not that grandfather, still...

Empirical evidence and ‘statistics’ can mislead you; so the thinking being branded as ‘rational’ need not be necessarily rational in the real sense. A little bit of confusion helps us to forget some of the really painful realities.

MG Warrier


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