Urjit Patel listens to call of conscience

Urjit Patel Responds to Call of Conscience

Yes. I would substitute ‘responding to call of conscience’ for ‘personal reasons’ in the brief statement issued by Urjit Patel immediately after stepping down as RBI Governor. And, the substituted words include ‘personal reasons’ some of which are known to us. But, for those personal reasons, Patel would not have left the institution in the lurch. Real reasons are national and not personal. I will not elaborate today. Will just recall another incident, taking you back in India’s history to 1975.
Sankara Pillai had run Shanker’s Weekly for decades, almost single-handed. He closed down the Weekly with a ‘Souvenir’, last issue of the Weekly appearing in July 1975, that is within almost a month from the declaration of Emergency. Shanker could have ‘compromised’ and continued to publish the Weekly. He said, ‘Weekly could have taken the Emergency in its stride’. He closed it down for ‘personal reasons’. And those reasons included avoiding embarrassment and uncertainties to certain individuals and families who were part of the Weekly. Today I will not elaborate. Those who are curious can Google search for articles in The Hindu on the subject.
Wish all the best to Urjit Patel and his mother.
RBI will pass through this crisis sooner than all of us think. Thanks to the support the institution received from GOI from 1920’s (formative years) till today, there is an institution called Reserve Bank of India which will not succumb to injuries, even if all the ‘Birds of Passage’ leave the nest on a single day!

M G Warrier



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