New Year Resolution, 2020: "Love All"

My New Year Resolution, 2020: "Love All"

Sharing my thoughts on receiving the New Year, 2020 arriving in a few hours from now (I'm writing this at 1040 hrs on December 31, 2019). The word "Revolution" which has intruded into the caption seems to be an autocorrect as I had no revolution in my mind while thinking about new year resolution!
Happy New Year 2020
M G Warrier

From here and there:

Dear friends,
WIsh you all a happy,prosperous New year.
Very often in the beginning of the of the year we take resolutions to serve the society etc etc but at the end of the year, we feel that we have not volunteered to do anything in particular and have wasted a precious year of our lives.
Here is a forward intended for those who have such a guilty feeling.

What is volunteering?
When your serving is all willing,
Then you are volunteering.

When you are chanting while you are working,
then you are volunteering.

When you are working without complaining,
then you are volunteering.

When you are complying without choosing,
then you are volunteering.

When you are listening more than talking,
then you are volunteering.

when you think of giving on many occasions rather than gaining,
then you are volunteering.

when you think of doing rather than needing,
then you are volunteering.

When you accept the happening and not expect something to happen,
then you are volunteering.

Attending without straying,
Not doubting the goal you are achieving,
Not thinking about the help you have rendered,
All come under volunteering.
Last but not least, if you smile when you leave the earth,
then you are volunteering.
All of us are volunteering in some way or other.
Let us welcome New Year as volunteers.
Let us not lament our inability to visit any organization to offer services.

Vathsala Jayaraman
Exrbites Group


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