Drig-Drishya Viveka

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Tuesday August 13, 2024 Prayers 🙏 Good Morning & Nice Day M G Warrier A Seer and the Seen https://m.economictimes.com/opinion/speaking-tree/the-seer-and-seen/articleshow/112475258.cms Synopsis The eye is seer. The form and colour, the seen. That, eye, is the seen and the mind is its seer. The witness alone is the Seer of thoughts in the mind and never the seen, according to Drig Drishya Viveka, verse 1. B Drig-drishya Viveka : Swami Sarvapriyananda https://youtu.be/8gowrWV2STw?si=2oRPQWeXKcmsEWhZ 🙏 M G Warrier


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