Warrier's Collage on Sunday September 22, 2024 : Part II

Warrier's Collage on Sunday September 22, 2024 : Part II B Collage in Classroom Thoughts Management : Protecting our mind, house of thoughts, from external intrusions This is a short write-up on "Mind Management" which I've attempted based on my experience and memory. I have not depended on any text books or earlier researches on the subject. The word mind is used here in the limited sense of 'reservoir of thoughts' where all thoughts get pooled in and all thoughts get disseminated in different directions. For a moment, forget your concepts about the mind and its functions and working. I'll try to be brief while sharing my maverick thoughts about mind and my views on mind management. Just as we apply Vaastu Purusha concept while constructing a house or temple, let us imagine mind occupying the sanctum sanctorium within our individual human body. Then, giving respect to our mind and protecting the mind from adverse external influences/attacks becomes our responsibility. Consider the mind as the puja room in the house or the sanctum sanctorium in the temple. Just having a Puja Room and installing the Deity there by itself cannot protect the serenity of the environment around the Deity. Let's continue with the example of the house. At least from around the compound, the premises will have to be kept clean. No unwanted persons, animals or reptiles or birds should enter the premises. Water supply, energy and drainage systems should be functional and efficient. Same with the mind. All essential supplies of positive and informative thoughts should get in, after being scanned and filtered before the main gate. Similarly unwanted thoughts should get flushed out timely and efficiently. C Celebrating Onam : Speaking Tree https://m.economictimes.com/opinion/speaking-tree/celebrating-onam/articleshow/113373352.cms Onam celebrates the annual return of King Mahabali, a noble asur who once ruled the three worlds. Despite his demon lineage, his virtues earned him respect. The festival commemorates his surrender to Vamana, an avatar of Vishnu, highlighting themes of sacrifice and humility. D Collage Books : Reader's Recommendations Joining a chat on purpose of life and physical achievements in a lifetime, P Aravindakshan says : In this connection, one of the most beautiful books to read is "Die Empty" by Todd Henry. For those who are wondering what is the book "Die Empty" about : "“A must-read for anyone interested in moving from inspiration to action.” —Cal Newport, author of So Good They Can’t Ignore You Most of us fill our days with frantic activity, bouncing from task to task, scrambling to make deadlines and chase the next promotion. But by the end of each day we’re often left wondering if any of it really mattered. We feel the ticking of the clock, but we’re unsure of the path forward. Die Empty is a tool for people who aren’t willing to put off their most important work for another day. Todd Henry explains the forces that lead to stagnation and introduces practices that will keep you on a true and steady course. The key is embracing the idea that time is finite, so you should focus on the unique contribution to the world that only you can make. Henry shows how to sustain your enthusiasm, push through mental barriers, and unleash your best work each day." E Enlightenment : Story of Buddha https://study.com/learn/lesson/buddha-enlightened-one-origin-history.html#:~:text=Buddha's%20Path%20to%20Enlightenment,-The%20story%20of&text=Siddhartha%20lived%20austerely%2C%20in%20the,life%20and%20became%20the%20Buddha. The story of Siddhartha leaving his world and venturing into the unknown, is based on his spending years studying, exploring, learning, and teaching spiritual practices. Siddhartha lived austerely, in the grace of others, as he sought understanding of the world. He spent much time in meditation, and it is said that during one fateful meditation session, under a Bodhi tree, he gained clarity in all his questions about life and became the Buddha. F Home Video : Dance by my daughter Reshmy Warrier https://youtu.be/7fEU43Monho?si=aebWxmVambQM7JwT


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