Warrier's Collage on Thursday September 26, 2024 : Midweek Edition

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Thursday, September 26, 2024 (Midweek Collage) Hutt River Principality : The smallest micronation in the world https://youtu.be/gmS-yjAgtaM?si=4ppcbjAeuzqAu-HB Good Morning Midweek edition of Collage may carry some links and write ups already shared with some readers as part of daily messages. M G Warrier M 134 A Media Responses I The Economic Times September 23, 2024 Chat Room Alarming rise in unclaimed deposits This refers to the report "PSBs to Pitch in for Faster Settlement of Unclaimed Deposits, Suggest Steps to RBI" (Economic Times, September 23). Any move on the part of banks to ensure that the sums entrusted with them in good faith by savers are returned safe should be welcomed. Deposits become "unclaimed" only after remaining inoperative for a long duration. But accumulation of huge sums in such categories is not a healthy trend. The rise in such deposits in recent years is at unacceptably high rates. Banks having transferred 78,000 plus crores to Depositor Awareness and Education Fund which is in addition to huge accumulations of such funds lying idle with institutions like LIC, Mutual Funds, Provident Funds and NBFCs. As stakeholder, one precaution, we savers should take is, "keep at least one person in the family informed of our assets and liabilities on an ongoing basis" in addition to ensuring compliance with nomination requirements and having an executable will. M G WARRIER Mumbai II The Editor The Hindu Business Line Letters September 25, 2024 Promote regular jobs* This refers to the report "Salaried staff put in longer hours than casual workers, finds PLFS" (The Hindu Business Line, September 25). Last few decades have seen casual labour or "bulk contract employment" reducing regular employment opportunities world over. Since the second half of last Century, slimming of workforce was on the agenda of employers in public and private sector. One reason attributed was militant trade unionism obstructing smooth functioning of organisations. But the rise of workforce in the unorganised sector has its social costs and no serious study of such costs has happened so far. A middle path to ensure reasonable wages and health care and post job survival benefits are factored in in the wage structure among the unorganised workforce may have to be found. Covering such workers under regular pension, provident fund and health care schemes may go a long way in ameliorating some of the long term uncertainties. M G Warrier Mumbai *A slightly edited version was psuublished on September 26, 2024 B Flux : The Eternal Principle* The other day I was reading the article "Flux : The Eternal Principle" in the Prabuddha Bharatha magazine. Liked the simple elucidations of complicated realities. The universal truth "This too shall pass" is excellently explained. The reference to the five processes over which human beings have no control and which none can change are mentioned : growing old, falling sick, dying, destruction, decay of perishable things and the passing away of that which is liable to pass. C Research Scientist links human consciousness to a higher dimension beyond our perception : https://m.economictimes.com/news/science/scientist-links-human-consciousness-to-a-higher-dimension-beyond-our-perception/articleshow/113546667.cms


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