NAVAGRAHA STOTRAM* According to astrology, the positions of the nine planets in the twelve constellations of the zodiac and their movements are considered to be quite significant. The nine planets ‘Navagraha’ affect every aspect of human life. They play an important role in the activities, physical and mental health and life of any individual. The unfavorable positioning of any of these planets can be the cause of problems, bad health, and stagnation for many people. However, there is a solution to avoid the ill effects of the position and movement of the ‘Navagraha’ in our lives. Navagraha mantras (or stotram) are simple mantras which work as powerful healing tools to reduce the negative effects of any of the nine planets. These mantras are Hindu holy hymn addressing the nine planets. Benefits Of Navagraha Stotram And The Way to Practice The Navagraha Stotram is written b y Rishi Vyasa and is considered to be the peace mantra for the nine planets. They are powerful m...
and not so essential luxuries like gold, besides total absence of
control on extravagant lifestyle have compounded forex-related
problems. While full convertibility of currency has been rightly
delayed or postponed, spending on import of toys to aircrafts, floor
tiles to machinery for theme parks, expenditure on travel abroad are
not budgeted and accounted factoring in the matching of export-import
costs and benefits.
Though there has been sincere effort from the side of RBI to bring
down gold import, there has not been perceptible policy support or
even a realistic effort to create awareness among people about the
need to put into productive use the domestic stock of gold or reducing
the appetite for accumulation of gold and gold ornaments.
Self-reliance is not a bad idea. Neither is borrowing for productive
purposes. But, leaving everything to market forces may create
imbalances that could turn unmanageable.