PSU chiefs may get fixed minimum tenure of 3 years - Business Line

PSU chiefs may get fixed minimum tenure of 3 years - Business Line

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In the recent past, we have been observing long delays in filling of top positions in government and statutory/government-owned organisations. Often, at the eleventh hour, procedures are rushed through and the aspirants who are kept on tenterhooks till the last minute, become functionally ineffective at least for the initial few months. Viewed from this perspective, a longer tenure for top posts is always welcome.

Centre should think in terms of putting a system in place which will take care of filling up of top positions and smooth transition of job from one incumbent to the other. Considering a sprinkling of younger people at the top, making the tenures longer and allowing inter-mobility from the position of EDs (or equivalent positions) and upwards following transparent norms are some areas which could be considered to improve the functioning of government and public sector organisations.

The retirement age of sixty has lost relevance in the present scenario where those who are healthy and efficient are continuing to perform well in work areas of their choice well beyond early 70’s in their life. Our President, Prime Minister, Dr Rangarajan and Sreedharan are some of those who are leading by example. In private sector in India and across sectors in developed countries, longer tenure and flexibility in retirement age at the top have come to stay. There is no reason why these good features should not be adopted in government and public sector. ‘Level playing field’ should not just remain a slogan.
Formulating and implementing succession plans for top government/public sector jobs with professionalism and efficiency in a graceful manner which will ensure reasonably long tenures of 5 to 10 years at top positions is imperative for allowing the institutions to function with reasonable functional autonomy within the legislative mandates.


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