Can You depend on mainstream media to report economic scams? - Moneylife
Can You depend on mainstream media to report economic scams? - Moneylife
As one who has been watching media for about 5 decades and as a participant in the game for a decade or so, I found the issues raised in the article and comments interesting. Media has several ‘religions’, ‘castes’ and ‘communities’ within. Leaders in each ‘group’ have allegiance to interests depending on their philosophy and dependence for survival. Anyone of us can ‘test’ and find out the true colour by just writing a letter to the editor and the shape it gets post-editing, if issues raised in the letter ‘hurt’ the editorial policy. Exceptions like Moneylife are there who allow freedom of expression. But their outreach is limited.
To cite one example, NPS was introduced by GOI in certain circumstances. The only publication which dared to post my views on NPS was Later on some publications in print media have published my articles on the subject. But, the mainstream media still opts to observe silence when it fears that the establishment may have problems if they publish certain views.
M G Warrier
As one who has been watching media for about 5 decades and as a participant in the game for a decade or so, I found the issues raised in the article and comments interesting. Media has several ‘religions’, ‘castes’ and ‘communities’ within. Leaders in each ‘group’ have allegiance to interests depending on their philosophy and dependence for survival. Anyone of us can ‘test’ and find out the true colour by just writing a letter to the editor and the shape it gets post-editing, if issues raised in the letter ‘hurt’ the editorial policy. Exceptions like Moneylife are there who allow freedom of expression. But their outreach is limited.
To cite one example, NPS was introduced by GOI in certain circumstances. The only publication which dared to post my views on NPS was Later on some publications in print media have published my articles on the subject. But, the mainstream media still opts to observe silence when it fears that the establishment may have problems if they publish certain views.
M G Warrier