Govt's labour reforms remove shield for workers: ILO | Business Standard News

Govt's labour reforms remove shield for workers: ILO | Business Standard News


The print media in India has been giving reasonable coverage to the back-door activities going on to dismantle whatever was left of the security and safety architecture available to unorganised workforce in India, in the name of labour reforms. It is easy to brand laws obsolete or obstructive and make them ineffective in the name of reforms. But when they relate to the survival needs of a class of workers, who, individually are incapable of comprehending the consequences of reforms or defending their own interest, government should take the responsibility of protecting their interests.
The present revelations by ILO are indicative of the failure of the political leadership, trade unions and the workers to take adequate notice of the damage being done to the interests of the labour. At this late hour, all trade unions irrespective of their political allegiance should cooperate with the ILO initiative, participate and contribute at the proposed Labour Conference and ensure that at least retrograde moves depriving the labour of the presently available job and social security systems are stalled.
M G Warrier, Mumbai


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